Those wards reassured Pat completely. She felt she could endure ANYTHING for one night, as long as it meant guaranteeing her future and Trish's. She went to wait for Brock in the car, and soon they were on their way. Brock drove to the same hotel where Ted had stayed and took her up to the same lavish suite.

'I rented the suite for the evening,' he told her, 'to impress my friends. It's costing me a bundle, but it'll be worth it if they decide to invest in the club. And I'm sure they will, baby, if you show them all a good time.'

'Yes, Brock,' Pat said dully, 'whatever you want.'

They entered the suite, and Pat saw six men sitting around sipping drinks. They were middle-aged and prosperous-looking, some of them attractive and some not. When Pat entered they all stared hungrily at her. Brock whisked off her coat and left her in just her enticing skin-tight costume.

There were whistles and exclamations of delight. One of the men said, 'Jesus, Brock, she's gorgeous. Where'd you find her?'

'This is Pat Adams,' Brock said, 'and she's a waitress at my club. AD my girls are beautiful, and that's why the club's going to be a big success – IF I get enough backers.'

The other man laughed and said, 'I got the point, Brock. But let's see how this lady performs. When does the party start?'

'Right now,' Brock said with a grin. 'Pat, honey, I want you to go into that bedroom and take off your clothes. My friends will be along shortly.'

Pat blushed right down to her toes. She didn't like the situation at all, but she was determined to go through with it. Obediently she marched to the room Brock had indicated and closed the door behind her.

When she was gone, Brock grinned wickedly and said to his friends, 'Okay, that's the mother. You guys have some fun with her, and I'll go get the daughter.'

'Hey, Brock,' one of the men said, 'you wouldn't be pulling our legs, would you? I mean are they really mother and daughter?'

'Oh, yeah,' Brock said, 'that's for real. But just remember our agreement – they're not supposed to know about each other being here. Not till I give the word.'

The others nodded and laughed, and Brock left the suite.

Meanwhile Pat had taken off her costume and was lying naked on the king-size bed, her heart pounding. It was clear what Brock wanted her to do – fuck every man in that room. Only the thought of marrying Brock and sharing his money kept her from running away. And only for Trish's sake would she prostitute her body in this cold-blooded and disgusting way.

Pat stared when the bedroom door suddenly opened.

'Hello there, beautiful,' the man said.

He was about fifty, lean, with iron-grey hair and a leering wolf-like expression. Pat quivered with distaste as he approached the bed. He stood close by, ogling her lovely naked body as he began to remove his clothes. Pat felt not a spark of desire for him. In fact she wished she could drop right though the floor.

'My name's Frank,' he said, 'and I'm the lucky guy who won the toss. I get to have you first.'

Pat managed a weak smile. She knew it wasn't enough just to lie there coldly and allow the men to ball her. She had to impress them and leave them with good feelings toward Brock. She smiled stiffly as Frank dropped his pants.

For a middle-aged man he wasn't in bad shape. He was trim and tan, and he'd certainly had no trouble getting a hard-on. His long slim cock was perhaps seven inches, and it snuggled against his belly in a fierce erection. But the sight didn't turn Pat on in the least. She just wanted to do her job, get it over with, and get out.

Frank slid onto the bed beside her and swept her into his arms, hungrily pawing her big swollen tits. It was all Pat could do not to scream and push him away. She held her stiff phony smile of invitation while Frank squeezed and molded her heavy satin skinned boobs and ran his thumbs back and forth over her rosy little nipples, making the soft buds stiffen.

'You got the most gorgeous body I ever saw,' he said hoarsely. 'That Brock is a lucky motherfucker.'

Pat reddened. So Brock had been telling tales. It was humiliating to know that all six men in the suite were aware that she'd been balling her boss. No, she definitely didn't care for Brock any more. But she did care for his money, and that was all that kept her from wriggling out of Frank's unwelcome embrace, all that kept her from running out of the room.

'Touch my cock,' he panted, 'play with it.'

Pat would loaner have touched a poisonous snake, but she did as he asked, knowing it was part of her job that night. She reached down and touched the silky throbbing pole of his prick and curled her fingers around it. Slowly, teasingly, she ran her hot little fist up and down the stiff length of his dick. Frank sighed and shivered with horny excitement.

'You really like to ball, huh, baby?' he leered. Pat managed to stammer, 'Oh, yes, of course.'

'Then let's get to it,' Frank said.

His achingly stiff cock was already weeping big hot gobs of juice into her hand. He was more than ready. Pat of course wasn't prepared to fuck him or anyone else, but she told herself it was better to do it fast, to take care of all of them as fast as possible. She smiled and opened her legs.

'Oh, baby,' Frank moaned, 'I can hardly wait.'

He slipped onto her, his lean body weighing her down, and then Pat felt the hot hard tip of his cock nudging the dry little mouth of her cunt. She relaxed as much as she could – otherwise her unprepared twat would have been too tight to penetrate. Panting, Frank worked his rock-hard meat into her. Fortunately his own bubbling cock-juice provided all the lubrication he needed.

'Awwwww, Christ,' he moaned.

As Pat felt his slim but rigid prick sliding all the way to her womb, she experienced no pain – and no arousal. She felt nothing at all. But to give the appearance of enjoyment she threw her long legs up around his waist and locked them there, opening her pussy to him. That made Frank very excited. He snorted with lust and began to ball her in quick hard jabs.

'Yeah, yeah,' he panted. 'Jesus, baby, you are tight.'

Numbly Pat clung to him, her arms and legs wrapped around his humping body. She knew she'd be better off if she could just forget what she was doing, if she could imagine being with a man she liked. She worked on that fantasy, and soon her stuffed little box began to heat and moisten. Soon Frank's frantically jerking prick began to feel rather nice.

But she was nowhere near hot arousal when Frank suddenly yelped and began to shoot his load into her. Pat submissively took the blast of jism which filled and overflowed her tight little box. Then Frank rolled off her with a look of smug satisfaction.

'Pretty good fucking, huh, baby?' he said.

'Oh, yes, Frank, it was fantastic,' Pat sighed.

Fortunately he didn't detect the sarcasm in her voice. He left the room, giving Pat a moment to collect herself. She figured she wouldn't have much time, so she just combed her long black hair and waited for the next man. In less than a minute he arrived.

This time the guy was short, plump and balding. He was probably in his late forties, and his clothes must have cost more money than Pat made in a week. He leered at her just as Frank had done as he walked over beside the bed and started to undress. Again Pat faked an inviting smile.

'Hey, honey, if you thought Frank was hot stuff, wait'll you get it on with me,' the plump man said. 'By the way, you can call me Dave.'

Pat would have liked to call him a lot of other things, but she just smiled. Dave stripped, revealing a pink pudgy hairless body. He wasn't blessed in the cock department, either. His prick was stiff, but it was only about three inches long and kind of skinny. His rosy balls wagged as he crawled onto the bed.

He saw where Pat's glance was directed, and he chuckled and said, 'It's not the biggest dong in the world, baby, but I know how to use it.'

'I'm sure you do, Dave,' Pat sighed.

He didn't bother with preliminaries. He rolled Pat over onto her belly and arranged her pert little ass to stick high in the air. Pat was just as glad that she wouldn't have to look at him while they fucked. She obediently held her lewd posture while Dave, wheezing and panting, knelt behind her.

Вы читаете Pawns of passion
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