violent orgasm in her pussy. Her body seemed to tingle with the sheer joy of lustful fucking. The feeling of fullness that ram rodding cock gave her cunt was simply beyond compare!

Except for the feeling in her pussy when it was her husband's cock that was doing the fucking!

The thought came unbidden from the depths of her passion-fevered mind. It was like a bucket of cold water dashed over her. The fires of climax raging in her pussy went out instantly.

Frank didn't notice. Diana's pussy had already sucked every last drop of come stored in his balls out the pinprick hole in the tip of his big cock. Diana went limp beneath him, but he fucked her cunt a few more times, the big cock pulsing with the after shocks of his orgasm.

Then he lay atop her unmoving for a moment. She became aware of his dead weight, the sharp odor of his sweat, the acrid scent of the come that had overflowed her pussy. She could feel his huge cock inside her cunt, with his jism congealing all around it, and she was disgusted. At the ape-like handyman. And at herself…

'Diana?' she heard her husband's voice, as though from a distance. 'Di, honey – are you all right?'

Suddenly Diana's heart overflowed with love for her husband. He had just watched her getting the daylights fucked out of her – and watched her visibly and vocally enjoy it! She had actually come off while having her pussy plowed by the cock of a man who not five minutes before had been whipping her agonized ass with a length of rope – and still Mike's first thought was one of concern for her!

Perhaps he had let himself be seduced by Yvonne. Diana could understand how that could happen. Yvonne could give a hard-on to a bronze statue simply by walking by! But whatever Mike had done, he was still her husband. She felt proud.

Above her, Frank gave a long, sated sigh. His cock had become a limp, slimy worm inside Diana's pussy. He put his hands on the diving board and raised himself. His cock slid from, her cunt with a sucking noise.

'You're one helluva piece of ass, lady, I'll say that for you.' For a moment he hunched over her on his hands and knees, watching a mixture of come and cunt juice stream out of her slack-lipped pussy. His dangling cock dripped jism onto her thighs as it swung slowly from side to side.

He looked back at his employers. 'What do y'all want me to do with her?' he asked.

Yvonne glanced at her brother, whose lengthy cock was sticking out from his crotch like the bowsprit of a sailing ship. 'Bring her on over and give her to Eric,' she said thoughtfully, 'then bring her husband along to their room.'

'What have you got in mind, doll?' Eric asked, his eyes devouring his sister's naked jugs.

'The shower game.'

Breath hissed in over Eric's teeth. 'The shower game?' he asked and smiled. 'That's my favorite. You're very considerate, sister, dear.'

Yvonne's smile was openly sensuous. 'You know it, my loving brother!'

The exchange meant nothing to Diana. With her wrists bound she was helpless to resist as Frank stood up and gathered her in his powerful arms. If she struggled she'd probably fall in the pool and drown.

'Can't we?' she asked. 'Michael, darling, you disappoint me. Surely you don't think this is the first time we've done this?'

The handcuffed young photographer looked from Eric to Yvonne. They returned his stare coolly. He shook his head dazedly.

The implications of what the raven-haired wanton with the huge tits had said were shocking. How many young couples had strayed into the Desert Winds Motel – and never left? It was early in the season, too early for there to be many tourists. Mike and Diana had chosen the Desert Winds partly because there were very few cars in the parking lot. They'd wanted a lot of privacy for their honeymoon.

If only they'd known what they were getting into!

He wondered how, many young wives had screamed as Eric whipped them, writhed in the embrace of bear-like arms as Frank fucked their captive cunts. And perhaps Yvonne had taken her pleasure with lovely female prisoners as well. The way she was looking over his bound, naked wife made it clear her appreciation of Diana's beauty was more than academic!

But that wasn't what truly appalled him. The question that nagged at him was, what did Eric and Yvonne do with their playmates after they tired of them? They couldn't very well let them go, to take their stories of forced- fucking and sadistic tortures to the authorities.

There could only be one answer.

The desert was vast. Vast enough to hold any number of murdered bodies in shallow, unmarked graves.

Frank was behind him, hauling him up by the armpits. Eric put a slender hand on Diana's arm. 'This way, my dear.'

Diana looked rebellious. Eric's belt rustled suggestively over the concrete. She paled, and did as she was told.

With the burly handyman behind him to keep him in line, Mike had no choice but to follow his wife as Eric and his sister went into Diana and Mike's room. Mike winced at the sight of Diana's ass. The naked, symmetrical demiglobes of her ass were puffy and red, and rumply with the imprint of the diving board. There was no permanent damage done to the exquisitely fine skin over her perfect buttcheeks, but Mike's heart twinged at the thought of the pain his bride must be undergoing.

The motel room was cool, almost icy after the merciless desert sun. Eric, smiling, ushered Diana toward the bathroom as Frank pushed Mike down in a chair by the door.

In the bathroom doorway, Diana hung back and looked at her husband. Her concern was plain on her beautiful, tear-stained face. 'Don't do anything foolish, sweetheart,' she said urgently. 'Don't do anything to make them hurt you – no matter what they do to me!'

Mike opened his mouth to speak. Yvonne stepped boldly to his side. 'Don't worry about that, honey,' she said. She hooked her thumbs into the waist of her blue bikini bottom. Slowly she rolled the panties down over her lush hips.

Mike turned his head. His eyes widened. Beneath the bikini Yvonne's skin was white as freshly fallen snow. The perfect pale skin was a stark contrast to the geometrically neat, midnight-black triangle of fur that covered her soft pussy mound.

Leering down at the captive, Yvonne rolled her hips and pulled her panties down around her thighs. The odor of her hot pussy hit Mike full in the face. A droplet of clear cunt juice glittered in the tufts of raven hair between her shapely thighs.

She bent to pull the panties off over her feet. Her tits swung back and forth in front, of. Mike's face. She straightened, naked, abandoned, and unashamed. Then she pivoted and thrust her cunt right into the handcuffed man's face!

'Don't worry a bit,' she said over her shoulder. She rolled her hips again. Her pink pussy opened up like a flower and slathered hot cunt sauces all over Mike's face. 'I won't hurt him!'

Tears started from Diana's eyes. With a laugh Eric pulled her into the bathroom. The captive heard wet sucking sounds as Yvonne rubbed her soaking cunt into Mike's face.

Holding Diana's upper arm, Eric pulled the sliding door of the shower open. 'In you go, my dear,' he said, urging her into the tiled stall. 'You're a mess. All sweaty, and with Frank's come running down your lovely thighs. You really must get cleaned up.'

Diana looked at him uncertainly. She stood with her back to the shower head, her arms held protectively over her tits. What did Eric have in mind now? She heard the creak of metal as he adjusted the water behind her. Then he turned the water on full.

The stream of water struck her beaten buttcheeks with staggering force. And the water was boiling hot!

'Aiiiiieeeeee!' Diana jumped forward. Her tits smashed into the wall of the stall. Eric held the shower head, laughing like a fiend, keeping the scalding jet of water trained on his captive's agonized ass.

'Stop!' she howled, her voice ringing in the enclosed space. 'Ahhhhhh! Let me goooooooo!'

As if on command the burning stream ceased.

Thankfully, she slumped to the floor of the shower stall. Her ass throbbed with a new and poignant pain.

Eric was in the stall with her, hands under her arms, raising her. 'Up you came,' he said. 'Now you know

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