She gasped for air when he pulled back. Doris feared that she would choke to death on his prick. She had no choice but to keep sucking his mighty cock into her mouth, hoping that soon he would grow weary of raping her mouth and let her go. She was terribly frightened.

She was afraid to disobey his crude commands. There was simply no telling what he would do to her if she angered him. He was face-fucking her like a wild animal, hammering his hard cock into her mouth with relentless and powerful thrusts.

The rapist didn't let up for a second. Soon, her jaws ached from his hammering prick. Every time he pumped his cock into her mouth, his prick-tip banged hard and painfully into her cheeks. She shuddered with revulsion as she sucked his prick. Her wrists were starting to hurt, too. He had taped her so tightly that the blood flow to her hands was cut off. Before long, her hands became pale and she lost all feeling in her fingers. If the man didn't unbind her soon, she feared that her hands would be seriously damaged.

'Suck, bitch! Give me a dynamite blow-job!' he hissed, thrusting forward. His eyes rolled into the back of his head until his pupils disappeared from view.

The lewd grunting and groaning noises that the man made as he raped her mouth were disgusting, and the helpless girl wasn't at all certain if she could bear much more. In order to endure this brutal abuse, she would have to concentrate on something else. The thought struck her, she would look the man over very carefully and remember everything that she could about him. Then, if she were ever called upon to identify the brutal assailant, she would have no difficulty pointing him out. She looked up at the man and made mental notes on his appearance. He had dark, coarse, wiry hair, parted on the left side of his head. There was a birthmark at his hairline, brown circular spot about the size of a dime. His eyebrows were thick and bushy and his eyes were dark green. One of his front teeth was chipped slightly.

'Ohhhhhhh, yeah! Take all of my cock into your mouth! I'm gonna cum soon! Right in your pretty little mouth! Ummmmmmm!'

The crude manner in which the man spoke turned Doris' stomach – but she kept sucking his prick. She was helpless, and she knew it.

'Here it comes, cunt!' he hissed. Then, his body tensed and he plunged forward. 'Aaaaaggghhhhh!' He shouted as he came. He shuddered and a thick wad of sticky, scalding jism spurted out of his cock-slit and washed through her mouth, coating her throat with sticky cum. She tried to spit his jism out.

'Don't you dare spit it out, cunt!' he shouted lewdly. 'Swallow it! Drink it down your throat!'

She hastened to obey, sucking and gulping his white-hot jism. Thick gobs of jism still splashed into her mouth. Soon, her mouth was filled to overflowing. Jism drooled obscenely out of the corners of her pursed lips and streaked down her cheeks.

'Milk it, bitch!' he snorted. 'Milk my cock! Suck all of my cum down!'

This was the most revolting and disgusting thing that had ever happened to Doris. He was a wicked and depraved man, a merciless bastard. She would never forget what he did to her, how he abused her and raped her mouth with his mammoth prick, and how he forced her to suck his cum down her throat. Never in her short life had Doris experienced hatred, but she was experiencing it now!

Finally, the ordeal was over. The man sat back on his haunches and leered at the helpless girl. A cruel and vicious sneer contorted his face as he glowered down at Doris.

'Look at you,' he said, shaking his head in disgust. 'You look like shit, girl.'

She held back tears and turned her face away. Jism oozed out of her mouth and dripped onto the ground. She retched and coughed up a thick glob of cum. Her face was soaked with perspiration and covered with sticky jism. Her lovely blonde hair was askew, gnarled and tangled. The man was right – she did look like shit. And, she felt like shit, too.

The man walked deeper into the bushes to take a piss. 'You stay put! I'm not finished with you!' he hissed as he turned, his back.

Doris saw her chance! She jumped to her feet and raced across the park, totally naked, her wrists still taped together.

The man saw her and started after her, but she was far ahead of him, soon, he stopped running and stalked away.

The girl saw two policemen in a parked patrol car at the edge of the park. 'Hey! Help!' she wailed as she ran towards them.

They hustled her nervously into the squad car and covered the trembling girl with a blanket. 'What happened to you?' the older policeman asked.

'A man attacked me,' she blurted.

'How long ago?'

'Just a minute ago. Iran away before he could really hurt me. Look, he taped my wrists together!'

The younger cop untaped her wrists, while the other policeman quickly placed a call to the police dispatcher. Doris described her assailant perfectly, and the cop repeated her description.

'Don't you worry about a thing,' the young cop assured Doris. 'You gave a perfect description. We'll get the bastard. He won't get very far. By how, there are a dozen police cars converging on the area. We'll take you home, now. And tomorrow, if we catch the guy, you can come down the station and identify him. Okay?'

'You bet!' she replied enthusiastically. 'That monster belongs behind bars.'

They drove off to her Uncle Melvin's apartment.


Uncle Melvin wasn't home when Doris arrived, escorted by the two policemen. On the kitchen table was a note saying that her Uncle Melvin was at a card party and wouldn't be home until late in the evening. The cops were reluctant to leave Doris alone, but she reassured them that she was all right.

Doris closed the door behind the policemen and went straight to the bathroom. She turned on the water in the bathtub and got in. She soaped her entire body and ringed out her mouth with soapy water. She was busy washing her pretty blonde hair when she heard the front door slam shut.

'Uncle Melvin!' she shouted through the bathroom door. 'I'm so glad you're home. Jesus, you won't believe what happened to me tonight! This man attacked me. The cops brought me home. They said they'd catch him for sure, and I'm supposed to identify him tomorrow at the police station.' She waited for her Uncle Melvin's response, but no one answered her. 'Uncle Melvin… is that you?' She said in a trembling voice.

As she spun her head around, her eyes fell on the hard face of a gruff-locking man. He was tall and angular, with handsome features and a determined look that scared her half to death.

'Who are you?' she inquired weakly, chills running up and down her spine.

The tall, angular man held Uncle Melvin's note in his big, hairy hand. He spoke calmly. 'Your… ah… your Uncle Melvin asked metro bring you to the card party. So I came by to pick you up. Hurry up and get dressed.'

'I don't believe you,' she exclaimed. 'Who are you?'

The man held her bathrobe out to her. With his other hand, he reached inside of his sports jacket and pulled out a small, snub-nosed revolver. He aimed the gun at Doris and gestured for her to get out of the bathtub. 'Don't give me any shit. Just get out of the tub and put this robe on. You're coming with me!'

Doris shuddered. She grabbed a towel and dried herself quickly. She took the preferred bathrobe and slipped it on. Her heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of her chest.

'But, I don't understand,' she whimpered. 'What's going on, anyway? My Uncle Melvin didn't send you here.'

'You're right, he didn't. Congressman Barth sent me here. My name is Jerry. Now come along peacefully. The Congressman wants to have a word with you.'

'But who is Congressman Barth, and what does he want with me?' she replied meekly.

'You ask too many questions for a little girl. Now, move your ass!' the man said brusquely. 'Get into your room and put some clothes on.' He pushed her forward with the barrel of his revolver.

As Doris pulled some clothes out of her closet, she tried to reason with the man named Jerry. She figured that it would be a good idea to get on his good side, so she addressed him by his first name. 'I just don't

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