to guide his dick into her hot, dripping cunt hole.

Cindy felt the fumbled attempts, felt his dickhead rubbing hotly against her cunt.

Don was too excited, too worked up to guide his dick skillfully into the girl's snatch. Instead he kept rubbing the head against her clit, pinching her nipples until Cindy squealed with pain and pleasure.

'Don't! Oh don't!' she panted, throwing her head back.

She looked up at the ceiling, her eyes glazed over with tears as both men fondled her body. She was a victim, an innocent torture victim, snatched from the protection of home and society so quickly and thrown into these perverted cums.

Her belly and cunt were a riot of conflicting sensations. Revulsion and lust, terror and desire washed through her, wave after wave, confusing her more and more. Her sexual heat rose, the inferno in her pussy intensified.

Joe was squatting down behind her, pressing his knees against the backs of her legs and spreading open her asscheeks. He was molding the firm, heavy flesh of her ass. His cock was oozing precum.

Cindy felt the slickness rubbing over her asshole, her asscrack. No, no, he couldn't fuck her there! Her feet danced on the floor, her asscheeks jiggled while Joe eased up to her.

For one mad moment Cindy thought about having both of their cocks worming their way through her body pounding in and out. It would be like having two Jacks fucking her at once. The blonde teen knew what one had done to her, had made her pussy feel like! Imagine having two clicks hammering her body, having two sets of balls pumping their heavy loads of jizz into her.


How could she be thinking thoughts like that? They were horrible, awful ideas, put in there by some dark evil force.

Don pressed his dick against her belly, grabbing her head with both hands and kissing her hard. He was rubbing and scraping his teeth against hers while still trying to stick his dick into her cunt. Suddenly he cried out, his belly slapping hard against hers. Something very hot was streaking across her belly.

'Waawwwwhhhh fuck!' Don screamed.

He was cumming, spattering his cum on her belly and tits. She whipped her hips against his against her will, feeling the leather sawing back and forth, working into her cunt. The leather cut into her pussy, sawing closer to her clit with each jerk of her hips.

She knew what she was doing. There was nothing in the world that could tell her otherwise. She felt that her clit swelling. She moaned, hardly able to breathe as Don clung to her thighs.

Joe was working his dick into her butt, rubbing the head of his cock against the tightly puckered flesh of her asshole. Even in her high state of arousal, Cindy couldn't let him touch her there, couldn't let him stick his dick into her ass.

'Come on, baby, loosen up, loosen up for me,' Joe whispered, flicking his tongue in one ear.

Her tits rose and fell. The nipples strained against Don's grabbing fingers. His cock against her belly kept pumping out more and more jizz, sucking down her already wet flesh. The perverseness of his act began to kindle her own bizarre cravings. She wanted everyone in the room inside her, even Jack.

Cindy closed her legs and flexed her thighs, rubbing her clit against the leather. She whipped her hips, and the juice-slickened leather gouged and scraped her clit.

Joe was muttering something behind her. And then he popped, shooting his cum all over her asshole without having managed to worm his dickhead inside.

'Fuckin' bitch!' he muttered, digging his fingertips brutally into her assflesh, spraying out his load, jerking against her body.

Cindy felt dizzy, having been thrown from one man to the other. She felt like some kind of ping-pong ball that had been beaten from one side to the other. She was being drowned in hot creamy jizz. They were trying to fuck her silly. And they were bungling it! Only Jack seemed to know what he was doing.

After the final throbs of their orgasm passed, Don and Joe backed away, letting the leather left to the floor. Cindy managed to stay standing, her hands fluttering over her body, wondering how she could clean herself up.

'Go on, wipe up,' Don said, kicking the pile of her torn clothes at her.

Cindy bent down carefully, picking up her blouse and wrapping the material around her right hand. She dabbed her body dry. When she dropped the other hand, cupping it over her cuntal mound, she realized her fingers were wet with juice. She was still hot, not having cum during the last terrible episode.

'My God, what am I becoming,' the girl whispered to herself, throwing the dirty torn blouse away.

Cindy felt she was growing up fast, understanding the mysteries of her body and that of a man's in a very short period of time.

'Having fun?'

Jack's voice boomed through the room, sending a shiver tip Cindy's spine.

'Hey, man, we… were just foolin' around,' Joe said, shuffling his feet nervously.

Cindy saw the sudden change in Joe's and Don's attitudes. There wasn't that bravado, that cockiness of before. There was no doubt in her mind who was the boss around here. And that knowledge terrified her.

'Come on, let's get er out into the front room,' Jack muttered, kicking the discarded leather straps to one side.

Don jerked his head to the doorway. Never before had Cindy felt so vulnerable, so naked. She covered her tits and cunt as best she could and shuffled from her tiny cell.

As she walked down the dingy corridor, Cindy thought she could hear sobbing behind several other doors. They were locked, she was sure. How many other girls were here, tied down, kept here for, God only knows, what?

'Okay, in here,' Jack said, entering the living room.

When Cindy walked in, her eyes widened. The room was like a photographer's studio… two light reflectors stood opposite one another near a torn sofa. Don went on ahead, adjusting one of three light stands, the casings all pointing toward the middle of the room. On a small stand to the right was an old tape-recorder. A fresh reel had obviously just been put on. The motor hummed, ready to go.

'Wh-what's going on here?' Cindy asked, her heart skipping beats.

'What do you think? You're gonna be a star,' Jack said, fingering her long blonde hair.

Cindy felt her flesh crawl. Instinctively she knew what they were going to do to her. She was going to be a star, all right – a star for some porno pictures, forced to commit indecent acts for their pleasure and profit! It made her sick.

'Get on the couch… on your hands and knees,' Jack ordered, the lump in his pants growing long and thick once more.

Reluctantly Cindy did as she was told, still trying to hide her tits from their prying eyes. Her hands and knees pressed into the filthy torn cushions of the sofa, puffs of dust rising from the material and burning into her eyes. Cindy sneezed, turning her head away. There was a foul stale smell coming from the couch, smelling as if someone had used it as a urinal at one time.

'Ready? Got the camera ready? The tapes?'

Don and Joe moved around the couch. Don adjusted the lens and checked the angle while Joe stood behind the tape recorder, his eyes glowing with excitement.

'Lots of dudes are into S amp;M nowadays, know that?' Jack said, sitting next to Cindy.

Cindy felt awful kneeling in this obscene position. Behind her, she could hear the camera clicking. They were taking pictures of her ass, of the few tufts of blonde cunthairs that curled up just behind her perineum and pointed at her asshole. The weight of her tits pulled sexily at her upper chest, the nipples brushing against the worn material of the filthy cushions below.

'They jerk off over pictures like these… some blonde chick being beat up or something,' Jack muttered.

He was reaching down to a large leather pouch that hung on his belt. Snapping it open, he pulled out a switchblade. Jack examined it, whistling.

Cindy knelt there, her eyes focused on the knife, her breath coming in short pants. She had heard of movies where people had been really killed for effect… where young girls had been murdered for people who enjoyed watching that sort of thing.

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