
Walking over to pick up some canvas for the sail he was working on, his mind raced over the events of the previous evening. One of his work mates asked for a tool and he passed it to him without looking up. He recalled how the exotic dark-haired Mona had seized his cock in her tiny little hand when she had pulled him into the swimming pool. And later in the Allan's bed in their apartment she had again held his cock tight and then drawn it to her lips, and sucked, and sucked until he thought he'd orgasm like a fire-hose into her pretty heart-shaped face. But he didn't… Christ, his old problem with Jane of getting so goddamn hot and bothered that he'd cum before he'd even begun to get his partner aroused seemed to have vanished… cured, either by the magically sucking sexy Mona, or by something mysterious within himself

Finally, she slid her sexy little body up on top of him; and had placed her dark haired pussy mound over his hotly swelling cock, rubbing the outer cuntal flanges against the underside of his pulsating prick. Then she'd lifted only slightly, and he'd felt his cock-head slipping in, furrowing through her wetly clasping pussy walls that drew around him with delectable warmth.

It had gone on and on, the miraculously purgative fucking drifting far into the night… until Jeff came upstairs from the party and joined them. The two men had taken turns with Mona until they were both spent and they'd all dozed off only to be woken up by an insistent knocking on the door which turned out to be a very disheveled Jane.

He had kept quiet and stayed in the Allan's room but then when Mona hadn't returned for some time he had crept down to the spare room where he heard muffled voices through the partially open door. His eyes had nearly popped out of their sockets at what he had seen.

Mona Allan was tongue-fucking his wife and Janie was loving it, writhing around like a woman possessed and then they had reversed positions. Jeff tried to imagine how another woman's tongue would feel snaking intimately through his wife's cunt. Of course, Mona was so experienced she could sexually excite a turnip. He and Jane had never indulged in any oral sex of any kind. She had been repelled by it, she said. He'd have to talk to her about that. She certainly didn't look too repelled by sucking insanely on his friend Jeff s big thick prick, either.

Last night, was some sort of a milestone for both of them, he thought. The only problem is how is it all going to come together. I don't know just how to approach this situation, he thought. I don't want her to feel embarrassed and yet I don't want to pretend last night never happened so that we go back to our same routine.

With Mona, all my anxieties were released and I was able to function…1 want Janie to know this and not be threatened in any way by Mona.

Maybe it would be a good idea to call and invite his wife out for dinner. a real date… sure… that's what he'd do.

He walked over from his work bench and dialed his home number. 'Hello.'

'Hi, Janie, it's Matt… listen I thought we might go to Lorenzo's in Sausalito for dinner… how does that sound to you?'

'Oh, Matt… it sounds just super, are you going to work late tonight?'

'No… I'll be through about 6:00 p.m. so I'll call and make reservations for 7:30 p.m… that okay with you?'

'Fine… I'll be ready… see you soon!'



The dinner at the Italian restaurant had gone very well. They had sipped their drinks and looked out over the bay at the moonlight shining on the still black water. No reference to the previous night had been made but it hung in the air with a pregnant urgency but both Jane and Matt continued to make polite small talk carefully avoiding any personal reference whatsoever.

They had a couple of cognacs after dinner and then Matt paid the bill and it was time to leave. All the way home in the car both were silent and then they were in the garage and on the way up in the elevator.

'Want some coffee, Matt?' Jane asked.

'No I'm just about coffeed out, today, thanks,' he said standing very close to her. The close proximity of the deliciously wafting feminine odors of his young sun-dress clad wife were beginning to get to him.

'Come on,' he said meaningfully, 'let's go to bed.'

Wordlessly Jane followed as Matt led her across the room to their bed. She felt shy and awkward, and a little unsure. After the events of last evening she didn't know what to say to him. She lay back on the bed, conscious of her young husband's gaze as he bent over her prone body. She found it difficult to look him in the eye because of the unspoken questions she could read there.

He continued to study her fragile features, the pert pose that always amused him, her full soft lips… the golden complexion. His eyes swept down from her face to her shoulders, where the thin straps of Jane's powder blue nightgown slipped down on either side, revealing a wide expanse of flesh down to the deep shadowy indentation between her full breasts. Beneath the thin cotton fabric of her gown, he could make out the complete outline of her body, from the full brown tips of her breasts, about the size of half dollars, to the splendid curve of her hips and thighs. Once more he thought how perfect her body was. Never had he seen a woman more beautiful than she! Mona was fabulous but nothing compared to the golden beauty of his own wife. He reproached himself mentally for not performing well in bed… for his selfishness… while he continued to stare at the lovely body of his wife. He realized that she was blushing and becoming self-conscious during his long silence but he decided he would explore every crevice of her body. Kneeling beside her, he slipped his hands beneath her nightgown, letting his fingers slide upward along the silken surface of her gently rounded belly, until he reached the round orbs of her firm white breasts. He clutched onto them, marveling at the feel of her large silken breasts in his hands while a mental image of Mona Allan sucking on these same breasts flared up in front of his mind's eye. he continued to massage them, feeling their softness in his hands and twiddling the thick rubber-like nipples until they became hard and stiff

'Oh!' Beneath him, Jane squirmed and wriggled under him. His lips came down to meet hers, and once more, she savored the wonderful taste of his mouth. His lips were hard and then, and yet, he seemed to make them do incredible things when he kissed her. His tongue snaked forward, parting her full red lips, meeting her own tongue inside and moving wetly within the confines of her mouth.

Still his hands continued their steady kneading at her quiveringly taut breasts, and the combination of sensations made Jane arch her back upward. Matt pressed down on her with his hard torso, finally removing his hands, to replace them with the hardness of his chest. He slipped his hands behind her back and pressed her down into the mattress.

'Oh, Matt,' she said into his mouth… 'Why can't it always be like this?'

'Look, Janie… I think a lot of things have changed for us… maybe neither of us can verbalize them at the present moment… but it's going to happen soon.

His lips were running over her face, trailing wet lines of saliva across her cheeks, sliding back to her ear, down her neck and across her throat, while she whimpered helpless, becoming caught up in a devastating wave of desire. He seemed to be all over her at once, and she found it difficult to breath. Her dress was crumpled softly around her waist, as she felt his weight lift up from her. and even though her eyes were closed, she could tell that he was pulling off his pants. A violent thrill ran through her, as his hands returned to her. She lay there before him, partially exposed, her long shapely legs slightly parted. His hands went around her back and pulled on the long zipper that held the back of her gown together and then pulled the powder blue garment over her head. She was left with only a tiny pair of black bikini briefs which he quickly whisked off her legs.

'You're beautiful, Janie… 'he said softly.

She could feel a tightness in her loins the tenseness of anticipation. Oh please… please make it all right this time… make him satisfy me… oh God. I couldn't stand it after last night if it was the same old thing.

It seemed that her thighs were trembling slightly, as a certain dampness expanded from the hair fringe of the

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