orgasm. She felt a sudden surging release and felt the translucent fluids wetting her hand and fingers.

As her climax began to ebb, Rita's firm, wearily quivering buttocks and wetly burning pussy subsided. She lay still, her chest heaving with the charge of her release and her eyes tightly shut. Sanity slowly returned to her mind, erasing the wonderful image she had managed to hold of Owen making love to her. And in its place came frustration and anger.

Once again she felt tears well in her eyes. To think that she had to settle for something like her fingers when the man who could give her what she really wanted was out somewhere playing with a bunch of kids. She was not ashamed at what she had done. She was seething with anger now… anger that grew and grew with each passing moment. Something was going to have to be done… and soon. She hadn't married a man like Owen to rely on herself to bring her the sexual happiness she wanted. If she had wanted to use her own fingers, she would have stayed single.

She didn't know what to think. She didn't mind sharing Owen with the kids. She didn't mind that every now and then, after he would half-fuck her, he would go out to the gym and work out. What angered her was the unconcern Owen seemed to feel for her. How could he be so simple minded as to fail to see that she was unsatisfied? Damn him anyway!

She continued to lay on the bed for a long while, hating and loving her husband at the same time. He had been so wonderful once, and she knew that he could be wonderful again. All he had to do was…

And then Rita could see the problem! Of course. It was so simple. Each and every time Owen fucked her, she would tell him that she was very happy and had enjoyed it. How was he supposed to know that he was failing to bring her over the top if she continued to lie to him? If he didn't know that there was a problem, he couldn't do anything about it. As long as he thought everything was fine, he would continue to do what he was doing.

If there was any fault to be placed, it had to be placed with her for letting the situation last as long as it had. She should have nipped the problem in the bud. If she had, everything might have been solved by now.

That settled it! Rita pulled herself from her bed and began dressing. Things had gotten out of hand. When he had to resort to her fingers to bring her the happiness she deserved, things were way too tar out of hand. She loved Owen, and she was certain that he loved her. Love means trust and understanding. It was not only her right, it was her duty to tell Owen that something was wrong, even if it hurt him in the beginning. Rita knew one thing… if things continued along the same lines for very long, she would blow up with her frustration. That could very well destroy her marriage, and she didn't want that.


'I wish your sister would run her own fucking errands,' Bob Reed told his wife, Tina, as she dressed to go out. 'I mean, Christ, love, she wanted the kid. She should take care of him.'

'You just want me here so you can fuck me again, don't you?' Tina smiled as she slipped into her overcoat. It was white, pure white mink, and her ebony shoulder-length hair contrasted with it as sharply as night contrasts with day.

'Well of course,' Bob smiled back at her. He wasn't really angry, though the thought of having his wife away from him on an afternoon like this for even an hour or so made him feel a little alone. Shit, what else was there to do on a cold Saturday in Amherst but fuck his wife?

'I'm sorry,' she said, using a tone of voice that let him know she really wasn't sorry. 'Abby had a million things to do today, and I promised that I would pick Larry up and deliver him to her house.'

Abby was Tina's older sister, and while the two women had not been all that close, there were still family ties. Besides, Larry wasn't the only reason she wanted to go to the school ice-rink.

'Uh huh… and I'll bet you really jumped at the chance to get a closer look at that coach,' Bob said, tongue in cheek.

'Owen Temple? You mean that strong, handsome red-head who's been keeping himself pretty much secluded with his lovely wife? Why… I hardly even notice him.'

Bob went into a coughing fit, so hard was his laughter.

'That's right, love,' he said after he was able to catch his breath. 'And I haven't seen Rita, that lovely little blue-eyed blonde with the firm hard breasts.'

Tina kissed Bob lightly and smiled. 'I don't understand them,' she said as she began buttoning her coat. 'He's never home, and she's never with him.'

'That's something to think about,' Bob mused. 'Maybe I should pay a little visit to them.'

'They would certainly make a good addition to the club,' Tina agreed. 'Some of the members have been asking me why we haven't brought them to the meetings, since we live just two houses down from them.'

'And what did you say?'

'I told them the truth. I told them we just haven't talked to them all that much.'

'You know something?' Bob said thoughtfully. 'Maybe it's high time that we changed that. Maybe we should really get down to it and bring them out.'

'Uuuuummmm…' Tina said as she ran her pink little tongue across her full, lush lips. 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'

'Suppose you tell me what you have in mind.'

'Getting them separated is not much of a problem,' Tina told him. 'He goes out, she stays home. You work on her, I'll work on him.'

'Sure… that's simple for me, but who knows where he goes half the time? How would you like to go chasing all over the town following him?'

'No one said that the good things in life are easy to come by,' Tina said, wincing at the thought of chasing after Owen. 'Still, it could be worth it. Just watching him walk around makes my cunt tingle.'

'And thinking about Rita's tight little cunt really set my cock off,' Bob said. 'Hey, don't get me wrong. We can work something out that will make it a little easier for you.'

'That's what I love about you,' she said as she pulled away from him and looked through her purse for her car keys. 'You're so considerate. But I think I would like the thrill of the chase. It would make me feel like a little school girl again.'

'Wench,' Bob smiled.

'Lover,' Tina said. 'Suppose I give things a little feel this afternoon while I'm at the rink. Maybe we can come up with something after I've had a chance to talk to him.'

'Whatever you say, love,' Bob shrugged. 'And to give you as much time as you want, I'll stay home while you're away. No… no,' he told her, exaggerating his motions. 'I'm willing to wait a couple of days more before I get into Rita's pussy. You have a word or two with Owen and we'll put our heads together when you get back. We have a week before the meeting, and a lot can happen in a week, now that we've decided that we're going to take some action.'

Tina gave a little chuckle and opened the door, letting in a cold blast of air.

'That's what I like about you,' she said, standing in the open doorway. 'You're willing to make a sacrifice to see to it that I'm happy.'

'Close the fucking door, will ya? Heat doesn't grow on trees.'

Tina blew him a kiss and pulled the door after her. Getting into her car, she found that already she was formulating a plan of sorts. She had been pretty busy with the other members of the swap club, and she hadn't had much of a chance to really think deeply about Owen Temple. Even so, he had been in the back of her mind ever since she had watched him move into the neighborhood during the summer. She was impressed when she learned that he was a football hero. She really didn't follow sports that much, but that little bit of knowledge made her want him all the more. And Bob, she knew, was hot and ready for Rita's pussy. It was strange that things had taken so long to develop, but they had, and now was the time to see to it that something happened. Now that she and her husband had agreed that something had to be done, there would be no turning back. Should this opportunity slip away, Tina knew they would never get around to getting the couple in the club.

She moved her car along the ice-slicked roads with ease, heading for the school where her nephew was practicing with Owen. Having to use an excuse like a kid to get to meet Owen made Tina feel like she was in high

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