has set herself. I am forever grateful to you for having set her in my sights, for she is as toothsome a female as one could wish to meet and is already learning many of the delights of Priapus which Arnold never appears to have taught her. She has a superb bottom for fucking and has already learned to take my cock well up her there, was fretful at first about it but now enjoys it thoroughly. I shall introduce her into your entourage, my sweet, at the right moment, though she has little idea of that as yet. As to Maude, I have told Adelaide that you intend to put roses into her cheeks, but cautiously omitted to say that they are likely to be her nether ones!

Madam Lorraine's methods are better known to you and I than to the more innocent Adelaide, who well believes that Arnold sent their dear daughter there to improve her French. More likely that she will have learned French kissing! I rely on you entirely to handle the wayward girl as you will and to obviate such prudery as you will undoubtedly find in her. That “gentle firmness” for which you are renowned will surely win the day!

Your admiring and grateful Edmond

My Dear Edmond, It is not you who should thank me but the other way around! Maude is all that you described and more. What perfectly delightful titties she has-such pumpkins! She was all a-dither, of course, at our arrival, but in the absence of her brothers and sisters was by no means displeased to find herself in our company. A few glasses of some fine port soon persuaded her that with her Mama “gone to her Aunt's,” she would find herself in better company at our house, and so it has turned out. I will not bore you with all the preliminaries. It appears that there are VERY naughty goings-on indeed at the college and that a girl who has not learned how to tongue another pupil's pussy in her first week is considered a failure! Yes, my dear, it is as advanced as that-though I suspect you well knew it. The dear girl was loath to tell me all that she did, but I soon persuaded it out of her while Frank tactfully absented himself.

When she spoke distastefully of French kissing, which she said she refused to try, I pretended amazement. Seated with her on a sofa and with my arm comfortingly about her shoulders, I told her that all the very best people did it nowadays and that it was considered quite the thing. At this, of course, Maude expressed amazement, though at the same time could not bring herself to distrust me, which I much relied upon. Surely I did not do it, she asked. “My little dear, my pet, how else?” I replied artlessly and raised my chin as though to show her. At this she giggled and would have hidden her face.

Thereupon I brought a slight note of reprimand into my voice and said that she would make herself look a proper duff if she complained about something that so many people did nowadays, adding that perhaps it was not done properly at Madam's and that I would show her. Most hesitantly Maude's mouth came to mine. Most impudently I inserted my tongue between her lips (which are as delicious as any you might taste). Her own tongue coiled back. Thereupon I placed one hand on the back of her neck to keep her face in position and murmured to her to touch my tongue with her own. Her hesitancy in doing so was quite sweet. Finally she succumbed and a quite electric thrill shot through me, which I felt certain communicated itself to her. You were quite right, Edmond, in bringing her to me. An older woman can so much more easily seduce a young girl than can most men. By impressing my mouth firmly upon hers I brought her head to sink back, and the kissing and tonguing so became prolonged that I was able to engage my free hand in feeling her titties. At that she rebelled a little but I murmured into her mouth to continue. She wilted and clutched at my shoulders, not knowing what to do. In but seconds I distinctly felt her titties swell to the passing across and beneath them of my hand. Her face grew flushed. I could feel the greater warmth of it beneath my own. As if by accident then I pretended to slip sideways and so bore her with me until her head lay on the seat. In a trice we were newly positioned, I kneeling and Maude with her legs half on the floor. “Oh, what are we doing?” she moaned fitfully. “Something nice. Is it not?” I replied, “but you must give me more of your tongue or you will never learn.” A faint protest was heard, which I ignored. Little by little I persuaded her until both our tongues lapped one another's fully. In the process I began to stealthily unfasten the buttons of her bodice. “What are you doing?” she whined again. I replied that I wished to see her titties and that they felt most beautiful-as indeed they did! More protests! My dear, I could continue this recital all night! My patience, however, was unbounded. How luscious it is to hear the whimpered protests of a young girl whose mouth is so moist against one's own! All her wrigglings were in vain. I exposed the two perfect globes, snow-white and firm as they are, and even while her hands fluttered helplessly brought my lips to suck upon her coral nipples until each stood proud as a thorn of love and moved its rubbery tip with increased yearning to my tongue. Maude then lay still, though breathing fast, her face turned shyly sideways and away from me. I moved my mouth to her face, kissed her nose, her cheeks, her eyelids, whispering such words of tenderness into her ear as she might never have heard before. My thumb flicked her rigid nipples while I spoke and then, descending lower, began with some due caution to commence drawing up the hem of her gown. Ah me, she made to start up at that! “Do not!” she moaned. “Why, what a silly you are, I just want to see how warm you are,” I said, though begging the forgiveness of Venus, Goddess of Love, for having to indulge in such nonsensical remarks! In a moment I had found her thighs above her stocking tops-the skin smooth as the finest silk and warm as toast. I essayed a little higher, finding the crotch of her drawers and soothing the cotton against the hidden lips of her pussy. A hissing noise escaped her. Her hips bucked to my touch. I was about to steal my fingers to the bows of her drawers when a slight sound behind me attracted my attention. My impatient husband had entered! Alas, Maude heard him, too, and struggled up, shrieking aloud as both her titties and her thighs were exposed to him. “Oh, my goodness, what a fuss!” laughed I, sprang up and let her go while Frank took a good view of all he saw. A protuberance in his trousers showed immediately!

Her face aflame, Maude raised her bottom to push her skirt down with one hand while endeavouring to conceal her upper beauties with the other. “What merriness! Were you tickling one another?” Frank asked, accustomed as he is to such frivolities, which so often pave the way for more serious things. “Yes, we were, were we not?” I asked Maude gaily. “Has she not pretty legs, Frank?” “Oh!” squealed the little madam at that and knew not how to put herself.

Suave as my dear husband is, he turned away, went to the sideboard and commenced to pour some claret for we three, which interval allowed Maude to repair her modesty and declare in a would be tearful way that she wished to go to bed. “Nonsense!” I told her and made her take her glass from Frank, whose eyes looked so benignly down upon her that she had little cause for alarm. He is as cautious as I in the training of young ladies. In which respect, my dear, how are you progressing with the older one?! Do hasten to write and tell me at least that my poor narrative has caught your interest. I have certain ideas as how best to progress Maude and will tell you all! YOUR EVER-ADMIRING NINA MY DEAR NINA, I have little enough time to reply to your exquisite letter. Dear Adelaide is so enamoured of me that I scarce have a moment to myself. At present she is in the bath and hence I hasten to congratulate you upon the care you are lavishing on young Maude. That you have already sucked upon her nipples and felt her quim through her drawers not only makes me envious but gives my prick a decided tingle, I can tell you! Being more advanced with Adelaide, I accorded her a first lusty fuck this morning (by which, I hasten to say, I mean the first of the day!) and then lay with her in that sweet languor known only to satisfied lovers. My cock dripped sperm on to her thigh even as we kissed in the throbbing aftermath. I caressed her marbled bottom, which is resplendent indeed and would bring Franks cock up quite as hard as the sight of Maude's thighs and titties did! Lying belly to belly as we then were, Adelaide murmured all the affections that she likes to lavish upon me and even cradled my balls in her palm as I bid her to.

How strange it is that a woman may be married for a full eighteen years and know not all the ways of lasciviousness! I tickled her bottomhole, at which she stirred her hips and said that such was an exceedingly naughty thing to do. “I, my love, can think of something even naughtier,” I replied and then teased her for long minutes before I would tell her, despite her beseechings. I rolled her upon her back and made her lie with her thighs wide apart and her sperm-sprinkled bush showing boldly. Even now she is timourous about displaying herself in this way, but I make her do so more and more. “Tell me!” she urged on and on, and I appearing then to hesitate as I laved her mouth with kisses, easing the tip of my forefinger around her clitty as I did so until I felt her belly ripple with renewed pleasure. “How I would adore to watch you being fucked, my love,”

I murmured. At that she clutched my shoulders, stared at me. “My love, my love, how can you say such a thing!” she wailed, “I would never betray you-never, never!” I pretended some confusion then. How artfully we must put on disguises of this sort! I did not mean it, surely I did not, she begged. I sighed, I sucked upon her nipples, made my finger work the faster. “It is for love of you, my pet-to see your wondrous curves, your voluptuous form, your adorable legs, your magnificent bottom all writhing in the ecstasies of desire,” I said. I will not, however, bore you with her protestations. She was in any event, as I could tell by her breathing, “coming on” again. Her legs stiffened, her toes spread down. “I could not, I could not!” moaned she even amid our kisses. My

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