my cock wanted me to, or letting the pleasure I was feeling from having my cock buried in a pussy the first time overwhelm me. Even then, I couldn't prevent myself from slowly increasing the pace of my thrusts as Charlene moaned beneath me; fortunately for both of us, the pleasure she was feeling meant that her desires and arousal kept up with my own. I could feel myself reaching the point where wanting to cum changed to have to cum when Charlene began releasing a series of groans, and pressing herself up against me each time I refilled her womanhood.

Try as I might, I simply couldn't keep the added stimulation from affecting me; it couldn't have taken but a couple of minutes before I knew I was going to empty my seed into her.

I could only manage a few more strokes before I had to press myself into her as far as I could… just ahead of the first spray of my semen. Even as I was preparing to erupt in her again, I heard her cut off a small scream as she pulled herself so close to me that she lifted herself completely off the bed -

leaving me to support both of as her vagina began a rhythmic clenching that ran from the base of my cock to the tip. It was the first time I'd ever felt anything like that, and it resulted in the rest of my climax being far stronger than anything I'd experienced before then.

Even while the last few drops of my semen were being deposited in Charlene, I could feel her arms and legs begin to loosen; rather than just let her fall back onto my bed, it seemed like a good idea to lower both of us down so I could continue to keep my cock in her for as long as I could. I did just that, and in the process, happily discovered that both of us were covered with a fine sheen of perspiration that made the places where we were touching erotically slippery. I was enjoying the experience of using Charlenes nipples to draw designs on my chest when she opened her eyes and looked up without seeming to recognize who I was. After a couple of seconds of that, I lowered my head long enough to give her a kiss before asking 'Are you okay?'

It took another second or two before her eyes focused on me; a couple more passed before she hoarsely answered 'Yeah, I'm okay — I think. What you were doing… it kept feeling better and better… not just from the way you were rubbing my clit, but even inside me. There at the end, I knew that you were going to cum, and it was okay because of how good you've made me feel; but then when I felt you begin to squirt in me… all of a sudden it just… hit me that we'd actually been fucking, and that I'd made you feel that good, and I had an orgasm like I've never had before. It didn't feel like it was as strong as some you've given me, but it was somehow… deeper. I hoped that my first time with a guy would be nice, but I never expected anything like that!'

I couldn't help grinning at her enthusiasm as I told her 'I'm glad it was good for you. I sure enjoyed it!'

She smiled back at me before answering 'Oh, it was way better than just 'good'! And now you're being such a dear staying with me like this; I can feel you still inside me, and it feels really nice.'

I kissed her again, and the two of us were content to stay like that for a couple of minutes until she quietly told me 'Billy? I'm starting to feel kinda hot.'

When I raised an eyebrow in question, she blushed slightly before explaining 'I mean physically -

like I'm sweaty, and everything.'

I had an idea, and asked 'Do you need me to quit touching you, or just need to cool off?'

Somewhat perplexed, she answered 'I just need to cool off a little, is all. Why?'

'Because if you want to, we can stay close like this, but so you don't feel so hot.'

'How? Nevermind, let's just do it!', she replied, before blushing at her accidental double entendre.

Grinning again, I moved my legs outside of hers, then bundled her in my arms before carefully rolling the two of us over so that she was laying on top of me. She got a delighted expression on her face, then quickly got her legs repositioned outside of mine — leaving her straddling my hips with my semi-erect penis still firmly secured in her womanhood. Visibly pleased with the results, she smiled at me as she sat up and wriggled her pelvis a little closer to mine. I couldn't help but notice that the shaft supporting her clitoris was standing tall and angled slightly up. Charlene looked down at it, too, then at me. I simply told her 'That just tells me what I already knew: that what we did made you feel good, too. I'm fine with it' before reaching up and cupping her breasts in my hands. She gave me a brief nod before putting her hands over mine and giving them a soft squeeze to let me know she wanted me to do more than just hold them. Ever the gentleman, I did as she wanted by gently squeezing and caressing them, and teasing her nipples for the next few minutes as the two of us got our breath and energy back.

While that was happening, Charlene was careful to hold her hips still as my penis slowly shrank until it was just barely able to keep our combined juices corked inside her. As she explained to me (without being too embarrassed) 'I'm not ashamed to have your stuff leaking out of me, I just don't want to make a big mess on your bed after you made me so happy. Besides, I like sitting on you like this!'

After a bit, she leaned forward and supported herself with her arms as the two of us began talking. That made it a lot easier for me to continue toying with her breasts and nipples (and earning the occasional soft moan). We also exchanged more than a few soft, affectionate kisses along the way, as well.

Between getting to play with her tits, the nature and duration of some of the kisses we shared, and the inevitable small movements of our bodies, not only didn't my cock fail to shrink down as much as it usually did after I climaxed, but it even began to respond a little bit after a while. It was over half an hour since I'd filled her with my cum before I was sure that it was starting to firm up again. Not being sure what (if anything) more Charlene wanted to do, I kept quiet about it and waited to see how she responded. I got my answer several minutes later when I realized that I could feel an increase in the number — and duration — of the faint clenches of her vagina around it. Even then, I wasn't sure if it was something she was doing deliberately, or happening for some other reason; only when I'd worked up the courage to do so did I ask 'Charlene? I can feel you inside, kind of, um, squeezing me, and it, uh, feels pretty good. Are you doing that on purpose?'

With a slightly embarrassed smile, she answered 'Yeah, I am. It… it felt like you were maybe getting a little bigger in me again. I've read how some women have learned to control their muscles inside, so I've been trying to see if I can do it, too. You can really feel it?'

'Yeah, I really can. And like I said, it feels good.'

Her smile got even bigger before she told me 'Good. As nice as you made me feel the first time, I want to find out how much better it can be when you can go longer. I mean, if you want to…', the last a trifle uncertainly.

I pretended to think about it for a couple of moments before judiciously answering 'Well, if you're sure you really want to, I guess we can.'

It took her a moment to realize I was teasing her; when she did, though, she gave me an impish grin before saying 'I guess I'll just have to show you how serious I am, won't I?'

With that, Charlene apparently got serious about learning control of her vaginal muscles.

After several minutes had gone by, I'd have cheerfully given her a grade of 'A' for the enthusiasm, dedication, and progress she showed. Without moving her body or using her hands, she ultimately succeeded in 'milking' my manhood into full erection: the more progress she was able to make, the more effect she was able to have — to her visible delight.

As pleasant (!!) as it was to feel her giving my erect cock a hands-free massage, there came the point that I was ready to be more than a passive partner in our activities. When she felt me start to press myself up into her, she gradually ceased her efforts and admitted 'Yeah… that feels good. That wasn't as hard to learn as I though it would be, but actually harder to DO than I expected.'

'I expect you got the results you wanted', I told her, 'so if you want to do something different, it's okay with me.'

That drew a smile from her before she began slowly arching her hips to slightly lift herself off my erection. Despite the sudden outflow of our combined juices that began to soak into our pubic hair, she quickly expanded her efforts by raising herself higher and faster. In short order, she was steadily raising herself far enough that only the head of my cock remained inside before she let herself settle onto it again. While she was doing that, I expanded the range of my touches on her body to include first her waist and hips, then on to her thighs, and even back. Each time my hands cupped the smooth globes of her ass, I marvelled again at how firm it was as I felt it clench with her efforts. With my hands roaming her body, that meant that it was possible for me to lift my head

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