2. Игра ума (франц.).


3. Возможно, этот рисунок сделан не рукой автора. В оригинальном издании книги К. Воннегута норка изображена менее симпатичным образом:

(Прим. автора fb2)


4. В русском переводе, очевидно из соображений цензуры, этот рисунок был пропущен. (Прим. автора fb2)


5. Старый обычай, если скрестить пальцы, когда врешь, то ложь прощается. (Прим. перев.)


6. Перечислены те птицы, которые сейчас находятся под охраной. (Прим перев.)


7. В русском переводе отсутствует дальнейшая часть текста, где политики сравниваются с самодовольными обезьянами. Очевидно, усмотрев аналогию в характеристике американских и советских политиков, цензура сократила следующий текст:

He wrote a story one time about an optimistic chimpanzee who became President of the United States. He called it “Hail to the Chief.” The chimpanzee wore a little blue blazer with brass buttons, and with the seal of the President of the United States sewed to the breast pocket. It looked like this:

Everywhere he went, bands would play “Hail to the Chief.” The chimpanzee loved it. He would bounce up and down.

(Прим. автора fb2)


8. Произведение Чарльза Диккенса.


9. Пэрл Бак (1892–1973) — американская писательница, лауреат Нобелевской премии.


10. В русском переводе была сокращена та часть текста, где идут рассуждения о размерах пениса:

Dwayne Hoover, incidentally, had an unusually large penis, and didn’t even know it. The few women he had had anything to do with weren’t sufficiently experienced to know whether he was average or not. The world average was five and seven-eighths inches long, and one and one-half inches in diameter when engorged with blood. Dwayne’s was seven inches long and two and one-eighth inches in diameter when engorged with blood.

Dwayne’s son Bunny had a penis that was exactly average.

Kilgore Trout had a penis seven inches long, but only one and one-quarter inches in diameter.

This was an inch:

Harry LeSabre, Dwayne’s sales manager, had a penis five inches long and two and one-eighth inches in diameter.

Cyprian Ukwende, the black physician from Nigeria, had a penis six and seven-eighths inches long and one and three-quarters inches in diameter.

Don Breedlove, the gas-conversion unit installer who raped Patty Keene, had a penis five and seven-eighths inches long and one and seven-eighths inches in diameter.

Patty Keene had thirty-four-inch hips, a twenty-six-inch waist, and a thirty-four-inch bosom.

Dwayne’s late wife had thirty-six-inch hips, a twenty-eight-inch waist, and a thirty-eight-inch bosom when he married her. She had thirtynine-inch hips, a thirty-one-inch waist, and a thirty-eight-inch bosom when she ate Drano.

His mistress and secretary, Francine Pefko, had thirty-seven-inch hips, a thirty-inch waist, and a thirty- nine-inch bosom.

His stepmother at the time of her death had thirty-four-inch hips, a twenty-four-inch waist, and a thirty-

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