'You hated Thora's beauty, didn't you?' he said softly, his fingers exploring the discolored flesh.

Shivering within, she nodded without speaking.

'Thora was perfect on the outside,' Chris said. 'But inside…she was ugly. Selfish and cruel.'

'That doesn't make this easier.'

He looked down into her face. 'You must know those scars don't matter.'

She smiled wistfully. 'But they do. I know, because there was a time when I didn't have them. And people treated me differently.'

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the worst scar, a purplish ridge of tissue beneath her temple. 'Like this?'

So deeply was Alex moved that she felt driven to turn away, but Chris held her in place. 'I asked you a question,' he said.

'Maybe,' she whispered, covering her mouth with a shaking hand. 'Something like that.'

A high-pitched scream echoed over the water. They both looked downstream. Ben and Jamie were racing up the creek, splashing water high above their heads as they drew near. Jamie's right arm was held high, and Ben was pointing at it as they ran.

'I think they've found something,' Chris said.

'Looks like it.'

Chris let his hand fall, then took her hand in his and led her across the warm sand. 'Let's go see what it is.'

Alex wiped her eyes with her free hand and followed him into the cool, clear water.

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