'Well, sure… But anything worthwhile comes at a cost, now doesn’t it? And if that cost is an employee or two, well…' and he laughed under his breath, 'those are acceptable losses. Look, if we gain this kind of revenue and are able to clean our yard of some troublesome debris, well…' another laugh. 'Hell, that’s a win-win by my count.'

'Yes, Sir.'

'We’ll weather this, Masterson. We’ll live… and we’ll thrive. And soon enough, we’ll find that rat bastard and get my money back.'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Besides… I have a few new ideas I’m working on that’ll make this shit look like a Three Card Monte game. Some new shit, Son! A few new games to play…'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Speaking of…'


'I want you to hit the nearest airport… what is that,' the sound of papers rustling could be heard over the speaker, 'Chicago Rockford International?'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Ok, we’ll set up travel. Just get there as quick as you can.'

'My car, Sir…'

'We'll send someone for it… or fuck it! We’ll buy you another one. I just need you on a plane to Tampa ASAP. The choppers are all committed to something else.'

'May I ask, Sir…'

Weber sounded as if he’d already moved on to the next item on his 'To Do List.'

'There’s a new fighter I want you to retrieve. Ball of fucking fury, from what I hear. Then again, I also hear he’s as smart as a fuckin’ stump, so… he’s perfect!'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Ok… we’re done. Call me when you have this guy. Geddit?'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Got it?'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Good!' and the phone went silent in his hand.

Masterson shut the phone off and slid it back into his pocket.

Damn… here we go again.

He turned back toward the Lexus and ran his hand over its painted surface. Once again, the vehicle brought up memories he’d have rather left alone. And even though Mr. Weber didn’t seem overly concerned, Masterson knew he’d not feel totally relaxed until he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Cleese had been contained.

He just hated loose ends like that.

A cold chill abruptly slithered down his spine and gooseflesh migrated across his forearms. Despite himself, he took one more cautious glance around, first to the left and then to the right. All the while, his eyes kept scanning the area just in case. It would be just his luck that Cleese wasn’t gone for good and had instead decided that some Amateur Hour assassin-esque shenanigans were in order. He slowly scanned the grounds and surrounding foliage of the cemetery, its headstones jutting up from the ground like severed thumbs.

It seemed all clear. But in the end, who could tell?

Masterson laughed under his breath.


It suddenly dawned on him just how vulnerable he was standing out here, not to mention in his everyday life. He knew how easily any person—shit, even a President or his brother—could be gotten to. Cleese had proven that once already.

Having watched Cleese in the pit for some time now, he had a pretty good idea of what was in the man’s repertoire; bold and unexpected surprises notwithstanding. As he thought about it, he was pretty certain that, if Cleese really wanted him dead, he would die regardless of any precautions he might take. Masterson had seen that fact clearly in the other man’s eyes that day when he tossed Monroe into the pit. Cleese was like a shark in that respect. Once he’d locked in on his target, nothing and no one could get in the way of his objective. It was the very reason that he’d been chosen for the League to begin with: the ability to kill, without remorse and without hesitation, and to not stop until the target was terminated.

So, what the fuck? Why worry, right?


Masterson reached down and dug his keys out of his pocket.

He silently wondered whether or not he’d see it coming when the time came.

Monroe hadn’t.

As he slid his key into the car door’s handle, he tried to imagine how it would go down.

A rigged door lock?

He cautiously turned the key in the lock.

Trigger switch on a door hinge?

With a pull, he opened the car door.

Pressure trigger-switch that would go off when weight was applied to the seat?

He slid into the car’s seat and put both hands on the wheel.

Poisoned food?

He glanced over at a crumpled fast-food bag containing a half-eaten burger and a rapidly chilling order of fries sitting on the floorboard.

A cut brake line?

He pushed once, then twice, on the brake pedal.

A bomb wired to the starter?

He slid his key into the car’s ignition.

So many ways to die.

Masterson hesitated a moment and looked around. Still all clear. Not a soul to be seen. The place was silent except for the far off singing of birds and the gentle swishing of the trees in the breeze. He was alone in this City of The Dead. He smiled slightly as he felt icy fingers of dread run up and down the back of his neck, dancing there like cold regret.

He shivered, despite himself, and abruptly chuckled under his breath.

He looked back in the direction of Monroe’s grave and slowly turned the key.

Far off across the cemetery’s fields, under an old bent walnut tree, a silhouette sat as if meditating atop a black Suzuki GSX1300R motorcycle. The man and his machine were hidden from view within the shadows and the both of them watched the man in the tailored suit as he talked on his cell phone before climbing hesitantly into his automobile.

The figure in the shadows absentmindedly scratched at the curve of his jaw line and then leaned upright. With a flick of a switch, the bike’s ignition caught and the engine roared to life. The rider zipped up his jacket and pulled a small, silver MP3 player from his pocket. He slid the headphone buds into his ears and pulled a full face helmet over his head. Looking down, he scrolled through the tracks on the player until he saw what he was looking for; a little something for the road. He hit 'Play' and tucked the small square of metal back into his pocket.

In the small earpieces, a dulcimer played soft and rhythmically within the confines of his head. A woman’s plaintive voice cried out and a synthesizer wailed mournfully. Electronic drums thrummed a low rhythm which seemed to perfectly match the vibration of The Busa beneath him.

~ * ~

I walk with phantoms and leaves are burning at my feet.

I walk with phantoms.

Sometimes they rage

Sometimes they fade.

Some must watch while some are

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