gaze snapped over to the dark window in the other building and she replied, 'If you're so tough, show me what you look like, or are you afraid of me!!!' 'Hardly,' he replied with a chuckle,

'I just want you to promise me that you'll stay until I'm finished, or what's the point!!!' 'I–I'll think about it,' she stammered as an office directly across from her burst into brightness!!!

'Do you see my office, Marie,' he asked softly?!? 'Yes,' she replied, 'but I still can't see you!!!' 'In a moment,' he answered,

'but I just want to tell you that I'm already erect and fisting my pecker!!!' A slight groan escaped her lips, and in a shaky voice she demanded, 'Well show yourself if you have the guts, I'm waiting!!!'

Several seconds later, a tall man appeared in front of the window with his back turned, and almost in slow motion began turning around to face her!!! 'Oh my,' she gasped as his erection came into view!!! 'You like that do you,' he asked while taking it into his hand and slowly fisting it, 'now it's my turn to give you a show!!!' Now while she wasn't the most experienced woman in the world, she had seen her share of peckers, if this wasn't the biggest one she'd ever seen it was pretty darn close, and whether she liked it or not, her pussy was slowly tightening and twisting towards and orgasm!!! 'So tell me,' he panted, it's exciting to watch, isn't it, Marie!?!'

Marie was staring at the mid thirties executive working his hand smoothly up and down the length of his thick member when he ordered her, 'Marie, turn on the light and step over to the window!!!' 'I can't,' she gasped as her finger brushed over her swollen little clit,

'I-it's too embarrassing!!!' 'You can do it,' he implored, 'you want to do it, look at my penis, it got hard just for you, now come to the window and show yourself to me, let me see and feel your incredible fire!!!' 'Oh, god,' she moaned while turning on the light and half stumbling to the window with her hand inside of her panties, 'h-how's this!!!' 'Mmmmm,' he hummed, 'you look delicious, are you aroused!?!'

'Can't you tell,' she sighed while ogling his monster organ!?! 'Do you like my penis,' he asked while overtly thrusting his hips towards her!?!' 'Sweet Jesus,' she moaned, 'look at how long and thick it is…' 'Do you like watching me masturbate, Marie,' he whispered into the phone, 'it's almost like I'm just exposing my cock to you on the street, just look at it sticking out of my trousers!?!' By now Marie had lost all of her inhibitions, and without even thinking, she slid her panties down and hiked up her skirt, exposing her dark muffy to her voyeuristic admirer!!!

Ohhhhhhhhh,' he moaned, 'you have a very hairy pussy, it looks fucking incredible!!!' 'Do you really like it,' she asked softly?!? 'Oh, god, just look at my pecker, it's as hard as a fucking rock,' he panted before asking, 'do you know what I did last night!?!' 'No,' she gasped as her vagina convulsed unevenly, 'w-what did you do last night!?!' 'I was lying in bed thinking about watching you masturbating,' he went on, 'and I couldn't help myself, because I pulled out my cock and jerked it of right then and there and I came all over the place!!!'

'Oh my,' she groaned, 'did you cum really hard!?!' 'My cum shot up to my chest,' he replied as his hand became a blur on his erect shaft,

'just like it's ready to do now, blow a big load all over the place!!!'

Never in her whole life had she ever done anything this reckless, but at that moment all she cared about was satisfying the incredible craving burning deep in her cunt, and she really didn't care how many strangers were watching her, just as long as she got her gun!!! 'Are you close,' he panted while staring at her dark haired cunt!?! 'S-so close now,' she gasped, 'I–I'm almost there, just a little more and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, I'm cumming so fucking hard!!!' He watched in utter disbelief as the pretty young woman leaned against her desk in the throes of a brutal, cunt busting orgasm, which naturally induced his eight inch pecker to spasm hard, and ejaculate a torrent of hot cum onto the window pane in front of him!!! Oh, fuck,' he groaned as his spunk spewed out of his big dick, 'that was fucking unreal!!!'

Marie held on to the edge of her desk and struggled the six feet to her waiting chair, where she plopped down hard with her cunt still twitching like crazy, when she finally was able to speak, she said softly, 'You know my name, but I don't know yours, why don't you introduce yourself!?!' 'He stood there with his now spent pecker swinging gently back and forth and replied, 'I'm Rick, and I work late almost every evening!!!' 'Well,' Marie sighed softly, 'I don't work late every night, but I'm sure gonna start!!!


'….we'll be cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet with and air speed of 480 knots, the weather is clear and we should reach Houston right on time, and thank you for flying World Air!!!' After Emma Burton had stared out the window at the fading lights of Seattle's skyline, she ordered a Bloody Mary from the hostess and buried her nose in the new novel she had purchased at the airport news stand, and while she was just about getting into the plot when she was interrupted by her young seat mate, a college age boy sitting just to her right!!! 'First flight,' he asked!?! 'Uh, no,' she replied, 'my grandchildren live with my son and his wife in Houston so I fly down a couple of times a year, I usually take the night flight because it's a little cheaper, what about you!?!' 'Oh, I go to school in Seattle,' he offered cheerfully, 'but I'm a native Texan returning home to be in my buddy's wedding!!!' She was about to go back to her reading, when the young man stuck out his hand and introduced himself, 'Well since we're going to be traveling together, my name's Parker, Parker Price!!!'

Emma took his hand, and with a firm grip replied, 'It's nice to make your acquaintance, Parker, I'm Emma Burton!!!'

Their drinks soon arrived, and while making small talk, Parker discovered that Emma Burton was a sixty year old widow whose husband had dies three years ago!!! 'So, enough about me,' Emma said after taking a sip on her drink, 'Tell me, do you have a girl friend!?!' 'I did have one,' he replied, 'but we broke up two months ago, so I guess you could say I'm kinda in between!!!' After taking another sip, she patted his leg replied, 'Well I wouldn't worry about it too much, you're a very handsome young man who shouldn't have any trouble finding another girl!!!' He chuckled a little before replying, 'Thanks for the compliment, but I think for the time being I'm just gonna play the field!!!' They spent the better part of the next hour chatting about everything under the sun, until Parker finally offered, 'I'm sorry, but I'm really tired, so if you don't mind I think I'll take a little nap!!!'

In less than a minute Parker fell into a deep restful sleep while Emma turned on her overhead light and returned to reading her book as her hand fell casually into Parker's lap!!! Almost immediately his penis stiffened until his full erection pushed insistently against the front of his jeans as Emma continued both reading and caressing at the same time!!! It had been so long since she had felt the hardness of an excited male in her hand, that her panty clad vagina became flushed and damp in anticipation of some direct stimulation!!! Reaching under her seat, Emma pulled out a blanket and covered both her lap and Parker's before sliding her hand back to his straining crotch!!! It was incredible really, here she was feeling up a total stranger while he slept with him being none the wiser, but what she really wanted was to unzip his fly and extract his big pecker and suck him off!!! It was now or never, so with a gentle shaking of his arm to rouse him awake she whispered, 'Take out your out your penis, I want to suck you off!!!' 'W-what did you say,' he replied groggily, 'I didn't hear you!?!' Again she shook him by the arm and in a low but urgent voice repeated, 'Take out your penis, I want to suck you!!!' By now his eyes were wide open and he could feel her hand kneading his hardness through his clothing, and in almost a shocked voice in whispered, 'Are you crazy, you're old enough to be my grandmother, and besides, we're on an airplane full of people, someone might see us!!!' 'Don't worry,' she whispered hoarsely, 'all the lights are out and most everyone is asleep, and besides, I'll slip under the blanket so no one can see me!!!'

When he didn't reply, Emma pressed on, 'You're hard as a rock, you need to ejaculate and I need for you to do it in my mouth, please, let's help each other out, I promise that you won't be disappointed!!!' 'I–I don't know,' he stammered, 'I didn't realize people your age…' '…that people my age like sex,' as she finished his sentence for him, 'well let me tell you, we like it just as much as you young kids and maybe more, so hurry up and get that cock out, mama's hungry!!!' After a moment's hesitation, Parker extracted his hard on from its denim prison, allowing the old cock hound access to his most private parts!!! 'My god,' she sighed while gently jerking him under the blanket, 'it's so warm and alive in my hand, and so thick too, I'm really gonna enjoy this!!!' Emma glanced around the dark cabin to see if any other passengers were paying any attention to them, and when she was sure they were not, she lifted the blanket and devoured the straining organ in her hot mouth!!! 'Oh my god,' he moaned softly, 'that's incredible, it even feels better than when Debbie does it!!!' Emma chuckled to herself at the young man's admission, but anxious to receive her sperm shooter, she concentrated on licking and sucking his big pecker to climax!!!

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