could have done for Ted. That was the last time they’d spoken. A week later, she’d watched the live feeds from Florida showing the crowd gathering there to celebrate his execution. She wanted to be with his parents on the other side of Tacoma. She’d met Ted’s mother a couple of times at the grocery store. She’d pretended not to know who Louise Bundy was. Peggy was a shopper looking for a ripe watermelon. Louise was a small woman with thick lenses and quiet, shy demeanor. She barely looked up when she told Peggy to sniff the stem end of the melon.

“That’ll give you a good idea,” she said. “Don’t bother pressing it to see if it is soft. The skin is pretty thick and it really isn’t a good indicator.”

“You’re very kind,” Peggy said as Louise moved on down the aisle. She wanted to add that “your son is a great man, like a great misunderstood artist.” But she held it inside. She wasn’t sure if Ted’s mother would really understand, if she really knew the son that she’d once pretended was a little brother was a man of importance. Peggy thought of running after her and thanking her again, just to get a glimpse into her eyes. Ted’s eyes. But she didn’t. She held back. Way back.

A few days after Ted’s execution, Peggy met a man at a bar on Sixth Avenue in Tacoma. She never knew his name. Never asked. Three months later, Peggy was showing. She ran into Susie’s mother, Anna Sherman, outside the Fred Meyer store on Nineteenth.

Mrs. Sherman’s eyes landed on Peggy’s swelling abdomen.

“Honey, I didn’t know you were expecting.”

Peggy beamed. “I’m due in the fall.”

“I didn’t know… you got married.”

“Oh, I didn’t. I don’t need a husband to be a mother.”

“I guess that’s very modern of you,” Anna said. “I was always glad I had a husband.”

Peggy patted her stomach and pushed her cart toward her car. The miracle inside her was always to be hers, and hers alone. Her son was going to follow in his father’s footsteps.

He was going to be the greatest of them all.

Donna Howell showed up at Tacoma General Hospital the morning after her grandson was born. She came without balloons or flowers. Instead, the former grocery checker brought with her a kind of palpable bitterness that permeated every puff of her smoky breath. Indeed, Donna Howell was one of those women who’d thought she’d done everything right with the raising of her children, but she’d been repeatedly disappointed by each and every one of them. Peggy was at the top of that list, or at the bottom. The middle, too. Donna Howell considered Peggy a heartbreakingly sorry excuse for a daughter. That is, if she’d deigned to waste a piece of her heart on her.

Which, not surprisingly to any of those who observed her, Donna Howell seldom did.

Some women are not cut out to be mothers. They don’t have the lovey-dovey component in their personality that makes 2 AM feedings and projectile vomiting forgotten with the baby’s innocent smile, first laugh, steps.

Donna was one of those women.

“You’re never going to lose that weight, Peg,” she said, bursting into the hospital room where her daughter had labored for seventeen hours, alone. She looked over at the new mother in the next bed and zipped the curtain shut without even so much as an acknowledgment of her presence.

“Hi, Mother,” Peggy said, barely looking up from her bed adjacent to the window. She never called her Mom, or Mama, or anything so cozy or familiar. It was always Mother, more a biological term than anything familial.

“Did the baby’s father show up?” Donna asked, her voice as cold and sharp as an ice pick.

Peggy looked out the window, searching the gray Tacoma horizon for something with eyes that brimmed with tears. Anything.

“Figured,” Donna said, her reflection spreading over the window like an oil slick. “You are so stupid. Now, fat and stupid and with a bastard boy to boot. Your life just couldn’t get any better, could it?”

Peggy turned to face her mother, holding her emotion as tightly as she could. “Nice to see you, too, Mother.”

Donna unzipped her black-and-white nylon tracksuit jacket. “Well, where is he?”

“He’s in the infant care unit, if you must know. There were complications.”

“Life is full of complications, Peg. You’re an expert at creating them.”

Saying the shortened version of her name brought back years of bad, awful, humiliating memories. Donna used to introduce her daughter as Piggy or Pig to strangers, and then pretend that she’d said it correctly.

“Oh, you misheard me. I said Peggy, not Piggy!” And then she’d laugh. Except it was never funny. Not to the sad-eyed little girl who ate too much and knew she was a little overweight. Nor was it funny to the audience of her mother’s pretend non-joke.

Peggy did what she’d always done to survive. She changed the subject.

“Aren’t going to ask what’s wrong with your grandson?” she asked.

Donna slithered across the room and perched on her daughter’s bedside. “I asked. He’s going to be fine.”

Peggy brightened a little. Mother asked. She must care some. At least a little bit.

Donna looked around and smiled. No flowers. Good. No cards. Even better.

“What are you going to name him?” she asked.

Peggy’s eyes met her mother’s. “I was thinking of naming him after his father, Theodore.”

A look of exaggerated puzzlement came over the older woman. “Theodore? That’s a hifalutin name for a bastard.” Donna stopped herself for a second, the wheels turning. “That must mean you know who the father is, which I suppose is a minor miracle for a slut.”

Peggy’s face reddened. Her mother always knew where to stick the knife.

“Get out of here,” Peggy said.

Donna shrugged it off. She tugged at her tracksuit jacket as if it needed straightening.

“Aren’t you the brash little bitch, telling me to get out when I came all the way here to see you and your baby, my bastard grandson?”

“Leave or I’ll ask the nurse to call security, Mother. I don’t need this. When you said you were coming, I don’t know, I thought just maybe you’d finally be what I wanted you to be. For once.”

“That’s funny coming from you. I thought you’d be what I wanted you to be-a decent daughter.”

“Decent? Now you’re almost making me laugh. You’ve had more live-in boyfriends than anyone in a trailer park, Mother-that’s right, more live-ins than anyone in a trailer park. That’s saying a lot about you, Mother.”

“You disgust me,” Donna said. “You always have. Your father was no good and you carry his poisoned blood.”

“He left you, remember that? He left you!”

“I was glad he left. He’s dead to me. Just like you.”

A nurse entered the room, but backed off a little before finally speaking. The atmosphere was tense, brittle.

“Is everything all right here?” she asked.

“We’re fine,” Peggy said, her eyes riveted to her mother’s. “My mother was just leaving.”

“Oh… did she want to hold her grandson?” she asked.

Donna looked at the nurse, a young woman with strawberry blond hair and freckles like a seabird’s egg. “I don’t want to hold him or see him. My daughter, you see, is an unmarried woman and the baby is a product of one of her many one-night stands.”

“Good-bye, Mother,” Peggy said in her calmest tone, refusing to take the bait.

“All right then,” the nurse said, opening the door and motioning for Donna to exit.

Donna, her face tight with anger, did something remarkable just then: She said nothing more. No parting shot. No cruel remark to make Peggy feel lower than the bugs that crawl in the darkest depths of the forest floor. Not another word.

“Are you all right?” the nurse said as the door closed.

Peggy nodded. “I am. I’m fine. My mother and I have a complicated relationship.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” the nurse said, surveying the physician’s charts.

“I guess so,” Peggy said. The door was open a crack for a little sympathy, but she didn’t seek any more of it. Her mother was her worst enemy. Her mother was her tormenter. Her mother never once gave her a drop of human kindness. Yet she didn’t hold that completely against her. Her mother was all she had.

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