Amy agreed. ‘We should just keep quiet about the whole thing.’

‘Yeah.’ Sally watched the dark trees pass by her window.

They reached London in the early hours of the following morning and found a hotel. Too tired to shower or even put their nightwear on, they stripped down to their underwear and climbed into bed. As the sun rose over the city and lightened the curtains in their room, Sally said sleepily, ‘We’re in England for the rest of the month. Let’s avoid villages in the middle of woods, OK?’

Amy nodded and closed her eyes to get some well-deserved sleep.

It wasn’t until the next evening that she realized her encounter with Tick had left a lasting surprise in her body. She looked at her belly in the bathroom mirror, certain it was getting bigger. Then she felt a little kick, like a light flutter in her womb. She knew nothing about the gestation period of monsters but it seemed to be shorter than the human nine months cycle.

Sally knocked on the bathroom door. ‘Amy, let me in. We need to talk.’

Amy opened the door and Sally came in, her belly distended in the same way Amy’s was.

‘I can feel it inside me,’ she said.

‘We need to go back to Slaybury Castle and give these babies to their own kind,’ Amy replied.

‘What? Go back? I’m not going back there, Amy.’

‘So what are you going to do? Go to a hospital and have it? And what do you think is going to come out of you? We need Grayson.’

Sally sighed then admitted defeat by throwing up her hands. ‘Fine.’

Amy felt a tingling sensation in her breasts that was pleasurable but unexpected. She removed her bra to find milk in the cups. Her breasts were leaking. ‘Oh great,’ she said.

‘Mine too,’ Sally said, removing her bra to show that her smaller tits were also leaking milk.

‘We need to go back to Slaybury Castle tonight,’ Amy said. ‘If we start out in a couple of hours, we’ll be there by morning.’

‘Do you think Grayson will know what to do?’

‘Yeah, I’m pretty sure he will.’

They packed their bags and checked out of the hotel, taking the roads out of London that would lead them back to the place they had become impregnated.

It was time for them to return.

Return to Slaybury Castle.

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