Maryam intently. Forgetting her anger with Robard, her face clouded as she watched Maryam inspect me.

“No, Maryam. I’m just sore from being battered about by the waves. I’m fine. Really.”

“Praise Allah!” Maryam said.

It took a few minutes of explanations and questions back and forth until everyone was satisfied. Celia introduced everyone in her troop, but Philippe sulked off near the horses by himself. Once Celia had explained everything, they were willing to let bygones be bygones, all of them smiling and having another good laugh over the dog so ferociously attacking Philippe.

Mon dieu, that was funny,” Celia said. “Poor Philippe. Such a vicious little creature!” The dog jumped down from my arms and twirled at Celia’s feet, barking happily. Celia scooped her up and rubbed her ears and muzzle. Traitorous cur!

“How adorable,” she said. The dog licked her face. “What a sweet little angel. What is her name?”

“Her name? I. . uh. . Her name. . It’s. . her name. .”

“You don’t know the name of your own dog?” she asked.

“I haven’t had her very long. .,” I stammered.

“How long?” Celia demanded.

“Not. . since we left Tyre a few days ago. . really. . She just tagged along. . and. .”

“And you haven’t given her a name?” She was incredulous. “Poor little thing.” She smiled and cooed, “Sweet little angel.”

“Of course she has a name! It’s. . um. . Angel. Her name is Angel!” I said.

Celia arched an eyebrow in disbelief. I held her gaze.

“It certainly fits,” she said, giggling as “Angel” resumed attempting to lick her to death.

“What happened to Captain Denby and the crew?” I asked Robard, wanting to change the subject from my poor stewardship of the newly christened Angel.

“Lost, I would expect.” He shrugged. “His sorry excuse for a ship came apart like parchment. There were no signs of other survivors on the shore except your tracks. We’re lucky the wind blew us all in the same direction. We completely lost sight of you when you went into the water.”

Robard’s words caused me to shudder at the memory. Once we located another ship and made it safely to England, ideally my sailing days would be over. If only there were a way for me to walk all the way home. What I wouldn’t have given for a bridge to England.

“I’m glad you are unhurt and we are all together again,” I said. And it was true. Finding Maryam and Robard here had done wonders for my spirits. My aches and pains even felt better.

The fire was restarted, and the bird was again cooking over the flames. One of the other Frenchmen, whom Celia had introduced as Jean-Luc, returned from the nearby woods with several bunches of wild grapes. He offered some to us and we devoured them in seconds. Having had nothing to eat since the storm started a day and half before, I was starving.

After we had finished the deliciously cooked bird, Philippe saddled his horse and rode off into the darkness. We sat around the fire with very little conversation among us. My suspicions were that everyone in Celia’s group spoke and understood English, though for some unexplained reason they were loath to let on. My curiosity could wait no longer, and I asked to speak to Celia in private. The flickering firelight lit up the clearing quite well, but her face was still bathed in shadows. The night was clear, but the moon had yet to rise, and through the canopy of trees, I could see the stars lighting their way across the sky.

“Thank you for your hospitality and for your kindness to my friends, despite what happened earlier,” I said.

She nodded, her face a mask, though I sensed a change in her. The tension from the evening’s earlier excitement had left her.

“That said, I have a question,” I said.

She waited silently.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You travel with a group of young men, all well mounted and armed. You are obviously educated, and if I had to guess, I would say you are a noblewoman of some sort. Your men are well trained and experienced in warfare. When Robard shot at us, not a single one of your men panicked, and Philippe, not even knowing what the danger might be, went charging directly at a King’s Archer in your defense. Each of them follows your orders to the letter, except for Philippe, of course. Is he some sort of personal bodyguard or military commander? Martine, I would guess, is your lady-in-waiting. So, I ask again, who are you and what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere?”

A veil of caution descended over her face. Then she exhaled slowly.

“You are quite observant, Templar, even when you are half drowned. Tell me, are your ‘injuries’ a deceit?”

“No,” I insisted.

From the fire, the murmur of voices reached us. The three Frenchmen and Martine chatted away happily while Robard and Maryam sat trying to decipher what was being said. Robard had removed his arrow from the tree trunk and worked at repairing it, but his eyes never left the rest of the group.

“Are you in some kind of trouble? Are you being followed?”

“What makes you think so?” she asked.

“You ride single file, to mix your tracks and confuse any pursuers as to your numbers. Your own mount is placed in the middle of the group, with soldiers in front and behind. Philippe takes the lead, and he watches the horizon constantly. And several times today he looked behind us to make sure no one followed. Your choice of this campsite was carefully selected, though you tried to make it appear casual by a mad dash into the woods from the shore. We are placed one side against a stream, so any attackers would need to cross it first if they came from the west. We are also in a small hollow, so the fire will not be easily visible to casual passersby. And if I’m not mistaken, Philippe just made a big show of being sullen over his fight with Robard, but I’m sure it was just an excuse to leave and scout the surrounding countryside. Shall I go on?”

Celia wouldn’t look at me. “How has a squire so young learned so much?” she asked.

“For the last year and half I have done nothing but study tactics and train for war. My knight, Sir Thomas, is. . was. . a brilliant military mind. He taught me everything. I have seen much.”

She said nothing, but I could tell she was trying to decide whether or not to let me in on her secret, whatever it might be.

“Celia, please, maybe I can help you.”

She laughed. “This is trouble you don’t want, squire.”

“Let me be the judge of that.”

“You are a kind one, aren’t you?”

Something about Celia made me want to tell her things about myself. Things I had never told anyone. It might have been her hair and how it framed her face, or the ice-blue pools of her eyes. Maybe it was the way the firelight danced across her smiling face, making her look mysterious and inviting all at the same time.

These were things I had never noticed in anyone before. Except for the pleasant smell of Maryam’s hair and the beautiful sound of her laugh. Was something wrong with me? For some reason, the abbot’s face appeared in my head and I felt a sudden urge to pray. Celia was so close to me then. And she smelled like the abbey garden in springtime.

“I hope so. I’d like to think I am, being raised by Cistercian monks. They were men of kindness. I hope I learned something from them,” I told her.

She turned back to me, close enough that I could see her lovely face more clearly. “Raised by monks? What happened to your parents?”

“Never knew them. I was left at the abbey as a babe.”

“How sad! It must be terrible not knowing who your family is.”

I shrugged. “You can’t really miss what you’ve never had. It could have been worse. There was a roof over my head and food to eat. Many orphans have probably not met so kind a fate. Please stop trying to change the subject.”

“Do you always put others before yourself, Templar? Is this a trait you learned at your abbey?”

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