The wolf watched Taen with emerald-green eyes.

It sat on its haunches beneath the rippling limbs of trees. Moonlight bathed its furred pelt, catching flashes of silver across its shoulders and neck. It lifted its elegant muzzle and sniffed the night air redolent with the scent of prey. For a moment, its sleek muscles tensed, ready to carry it forward into the hunt.

Only for a moment.

Marissa Goldenthorn, druid and servant of Rillifane Rallathil, asserted control of the wild instincts coursing through her heart. Roberc and his war-dog were patrolling the far side of the woods, and she caught the musky scent of their Rashemi guide from within the camp. That left only Taenaran.

Taen, she corrected herself. The half-elf only cursed and carried on when she used his full name. For nearly seven years they had traveled together across the length and breadth of Faerun, sometimes toward wealth and adventure, but always away from the past that rode the young half-elf like the Rashemi night hags of legend. He had shared some of the details over the course of their time together, whispered reminiscences during unguarded moments around the fire or when they were both deep in their cups. When that thrice-damned blightlord had taken her arm, Taenaran had held her in the night when the fever dreams wracked her broken body and spoke to her of his own loss.

Of Talaedra and the night that changed his life forever.

Marissa looked down at her wolf form and began to lick at the stub of her left leg. Even now, three years later, the missing limb still caused her pain. The priest had done the best he could, but the corruption of Talona's blight went beyond the power of the human, and it would not heal cleanly.

It was this loss, she supposed, that had bound her so closely to Taenaran. Both of them were incomplete, missing something essential to who they were. As she gazed upon the wounded half-elf, so obviously hounded by the wraiths of his past, the druid wanted nothing more than to cast off her form and go to him, to offer him the comfort that he had once offered to her.

Too much lay between them-history, blood, guilt.

And, Marissa thought sadly, not enough.

A rustling sound in the branches above caught the wolf's attention. Gazing up, Marissa saw a large, ghostly white raven alight on the tree. It peered down upon the wolf with an angry reddish eye before letting a harsh caw echo out into the night.

Marissa understood. The ill wind had finally passed and with it the glacial chill in the air. She barked a series of commands to the albino bird, confident that her magic would cause the raven to comprehend her wishes. With a final caw, it flew from the branch and headed toward the camp.

With the dying of the winter wind, her companions could once more enjoy a restful night's sleep. They were only a few days from the lip of Immil Vale, then a few more to the heart of their journey-the Red Tree. Rashemi tales and legends spoke of the tree, found near the heart of Immil Vale, as a source of mystic lore and spiritual consolation. For months she had felt an inner pull toward Rashemen. Troubled by these thoughts of entering this forbidding land, Marissa had gone to the Silver Grove of Haneathaer, the Great Druid, for help in discerning this call. There, in a dream filled with strange wonder, her god had spoken to her, asking that she make pilgrimage to the ice-filled land of Rashemen and offer herself to the spirits of the Red Tree. The dream had ended after that. Rillifane had given her no other explanation, and she needed none.

The druid remembered her dream as if it had happened yesterday rather than months ago. Filled with pride and love for the god who had chosen her, she had asked her companions, brooding Taenaran and dour Roberc, to journey with her. They had both said yes-each for his reasons of his own, she knew.

At first, the harsh, snow-covered land of Rashemen had daunted her, but now, after nearly a month traversing its broad back, she saw its beauty. Nature's bounty touched every part of Faerun, but here in Rashemen, the very land itself was alive and aware. Power suffused the entire landscape-from root-tip to mountaintop. The very air itself thrummed with the sacred, wild energy of creation.

Marissa nearly howled at the sheer joy of it, giving voice to the elation she felt within. Only the silent, brooding form of Taenaran held her silent. Soon she would fulfill the call of her god, then-who knew where life would take her.

With that thought, the wolf stood on her three legs and padded with the ease of long practice toward their camp.

For the first time in several days, quiet ruled the night.


Taen nearly jumped back, startled, when the silver wolf appeared before him. He would have given a shout of warning, but the creature's shape began to shift. Fur melted, blurred, and became thick black cloth; hind legs elongated, stretching as the supine form stood on two legs. For a moment, two shapes occupied the same space- wolf and woman-until the blurring stopped, leaving the woman in its place. Only her eyes remained the same, bright, crystalline green beneath a soft, smooth brow.

She smiled at him, accenting the angular planes of her high cheekbones. For a moment, Taen found it hard to catch his breath-so much did her smile remind him of another captivating woman. He watched as the druid unselfconsciously picked small twigs and burrs out of the rioting cascade of fiery red hair spilling down from her head. Though part human, Marissa favored her elf blood. Were the druid's graceful ears visible beneath the length of her lustrous hair, Taen knew that they would be almost indistinguishable from that of a full-blooded elf.

'Taen,' she said to him in a rich, warm voice, 'the hag-wind has ended. Go and find some rest with what is left of the night.'

He gazed at her for a moment without speaking, conscious that she knew what had been hounding him this night.

'Marissa,' he began then stopped, unable to continue.

The druid came closer, drawing her robe's cowled hood over her head as she did so. She reached out mud- covered fingers to touch his furrowed brow.

'Must you torment yourself now?' Marrisa asked. 'Our journey draws to a close, and we may have need of your strength.'

Taen nearly snorted.


What strength is there in a broken blade?

'You know I cannot sleep when I am like this,' he replied, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice-and failing.

'Then perhaps I can help…' she began.

'No, Marissa,' Taen interrupted, 'I would rather see the sunrise than lay ensorcelled beneath a spell. You know this too.'

He winced slightly at the tone of his voice. After all of their years together, this still lay between them. The druid meant well, and he did not wish to hurt her any more, but anger, he knew from experience, rarely found its true target.

'Very well,' she said from the depths of her cowl. Taen couldn't hear any blame or hurt in her calm tones- though he was sure it lay there, hidden.

She took a step back and turned as if to go.

'I wish only peace for you,' she said before drifting into the shadows of the camp like a dream.

'I know,' he replied to the empty air.

Murderers, he knew, rarely found peace.

Chapter 3

The Year of Wild Magic

(1372 DR)

The day dawned bright and clear.

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