the cell until told to come out He ran to the door and called 'How many in there9'

'Forty-seven,' came back the answer in an excited chorus Forty-seven9 And twenty cells9 More than nine hundred men9 Perhaps not all the cells were full, the Saracens might crowd the slaves into the first few As the men designated as blacksmiths smashed away at the padlocks, Ramage ran back to the wicket gate and peered out, momentarily dazzled by the bright sunlight No, the Saracens had not come back they were being held off by the sloops' broadsides From this position, less than forty yards from the muzzles of the guns, the noise was deafening, the noise alone seemed powerful enough to knock a man down The padlocks were crude affairs and each one took the blacksmiths only two or three minutes to smash open At each cell Ramage had to explain to the inmates that they had to wait, that it was impossible for them to escape from the building at the moment When would the moment arrive9 Getting back to the frigates meant running the gauntlet of the men in the side-streets where the seamen and Marines had their desperate fight before Major Golightly arrived with his soldiers And there were the women held in the brothel a hundred yards further along the quay They would be no problem because it had already been arranged that they would escape to the sloops Finally the blacksmiths reported that the last padlock was opened but there were no men in the last eight cells. Ramage decided to keep the freed slaves in the building until the women were rescued and put on board the sloops; then the men could all be convoyed back to the frigates using everyone he had - soldiers, Marines and seamen. He looked round for Major Golightly, found him by the wicket door, peering out into the courtyard, and gave him his orders: with the seamen they would make a rush for the brothel and the Marines would be left behind to keep an eye on the freed slaves and to protect them from any marauding Saracens. He called to Rennick and gave him his orders.

He decided that the seamen should lead the charge and shouted to his men as he led the way to the door. He stood at the wicket gate for a few moments, watching the two sloops continue blasting the ends of the streets with caseshot, then led the rush along the road beside the port that led to the brothel. He had expected to have to fight every inch of the way but there were no Saracens: clearly they had regarded the barracks as the only target that the infidels would attack.


There were no guards on the building, which was much smaller than the barracks but was also rectangular, with narrow slits for windows. It took the blacksmiths two or three minutes to smash open the door, which was small and held shut by an enormous padlock, the largest Ramage had ever seen. It was as crudely made as the others in the barracks, but effective.

As soon as the door was swung open the same stench came out that they had met at the barracks but it seemed every woman in the building was screaming in hysterical terror, frightened first by the gunfire and then by the pounding on the door as the blacksmiths went to work.

Ramage went into the building and started shouting in Italian to the women to be quiet. His sudden arrival and obviously peaceful intentions - even though he was holding a bloodstained cutlass and more of his men were coming through the door - had a calming effect on the women. One large woman with long black hair, whose unkempt appearance made Ramage think of a witch, seemed to be the leader, and as soon as she understood what Ramage was saying she screamed at the rest of the women to be silent. Ramage's shouts had been loud, but the woman's shrill command had much more effect.

She turned to Ramage. 'What do you want us to do?'

'There are two British ships waiting at the quay. I want you all to run to them and get on board. They are British and no one will speak Italian but we are going to take you home again.'

'Our men!' the woman exclaimed. 'They are shut up in the barracks.'

'They have just been freed. They will go in the other two ships. You will all be home again soon.'

'But the guns!'

'It has been necessary to kill the Saracens,' Ramage said drily. 'Come on now, let's not waste time. Don't forget, no one in the two ships will speak Italian, but don't worry: they are English.'

He beckoned to the big woman. 'Follow me, and tell the rest of them to come along.'

She followed at once, shouting at the other women, who hurried to join her. They were a haggard-looking crowd who, even though they had not been prisoners very long, showed signs of undernourishment. All of them had their hair hanging in greasy ringlets; most had dark smudges like bruises under their eyes. Almost all of them were now crying almost hysterically, overcome with relief, and, Ramage was sure, hardly aware of what they were doing.

Once out in the open air Ramage called to his men to form up round the women and led the march to the sloops, which were still firing desultory broadsides.

King and Payne obviously saw the motley crowd approaching, and the guns fell silent while men appeared at the bulwarks to help the women on board. Ramage saw Payne first and explained that the women had been told no one would speak Italian. 'They know they are going home, so all they need is feeding - and let them wash, if you have enough water.'

With that he hurried along to repeat it to Jason King. He then remembered he had forgotten to tell Payne about resuming fire. 'I am going to march the slaves out of the barracks now - we'll make a dash for the frigates, but if the Saracens come back open fire on them as you cast off. Get out of the harbour as best you can - but don't waste a moment.'

With that he was leading his men back to the barracks, followed by the soldiers. He found Rennick and his men outside the big double doors.

'Just guarding against a surprise attack,' the Marine explained, 'but the sloops' guns seems to have frightened the Saracens off.'

'Right, now we'll escort the Italians round to the boats: the Saracens might try to rush us as we embark them. It's going to take time - these men are dazed, and they'll be clumsy. And as we go, pick up any of our wounded that you see; these damned Saracens will otherwise torture them to death.'

Ramage went back into the barracks and shouted down the corridor in Italian: 'Come out everyone, we are going to the ships.'

The men who streamed out were long-haired, wild-eyed men almost hysterical with a mixture of fear and excitement. 'Where are we going, Commandante?' one of them shouted.

'Out to ships that will carry you home,' Ramage said. 'Now, calm yourselves and obey orders, we may have to fight our way through.'

Major Golightly's soldiers led the way to the boats, followed by the Italians, then came the Marines and the seamen followed up behind.

Then Ramage had a moment to look at the Calypso and the Amalie and saw that they were in the same position, aground on the sandbank. He caught sight of boats rowing round them, and just as he was despairing of the time they were taking he realized that only about twenty minutes had passed since they had landed from the boats. Taking soundings round the ships would be a tedious job for Aitken and Roper. Roper! For the first time he realized that the frigate captain was not leading his men. He had not noticed who was leading the Amalie seamen, but it certainly was not Roper. Why? Was the man frightened of the smell of powder? He thought of the attitude of Aitken and Southwick, both angry at being left behind, and compared it with Roper's. Staying behind in his ship had not helped much; she was still aground . . .

Well, they were past the first lot of streets: the Saracens seemed reluctant to attack, contenting themselves with waving their scimitars and screaming threats from a distance. There were many bloodstains in the dust and fifty or so bodies, all Saracens. Golightly's soldiers had obviously collected the bodies of the dead Britons, as well as the wounded. A considerate act, Ramage thought; Golightly knew the bodies would be defiled if they were left.

Now they were at the quay and they followed the soldiers round. Ramage glanced over his shoulder yet again. The Saracens were leaving the side streets now but they were not following. The Rose had her sails set and was drawing away from the wall; the Betty was casting off. Well, the women were safe.

They were halfway down the quay when the Saracens charged: they ran, shouting and waving scimitars and spears, their robes flying. Ramage looked across at the Calypso and was thankful to see that Aitken had anticipated him and the four boats were waiting at the quay, while the four from the Amalie were rowing the last few strokes before they too were ready to embark men.

The Saracens still had nearly a hundred yards to go before they caught up with the seamen from the Calypso and the Amalie and Ramage was just going to send Orsini ahead with the order when Golightly anticipated him and broke into a trot with his troops and the Italians.

Clumsy soldiers helping panicky Italians into the boats would quickly reduce the quay to chaos, so Ramage shouted: 'Kenton and Martin: get your divisions ahead and help those Italians into the boats. Pack them in, we don't have much time!'

Soldiers, Italians, Marines and seamen had all reached the boats by the time the Saracens arrived. Golightly and his soldiers covered half the quay while the seamen and Marines from the two frigates spread out over the other half. All had time to reload their muskets and pistols and, at orders from Golightly and Ramage, they held their fire until the leading Saracens were only ten yards away.

Golightly, who had a stentorian and unmistakable voice, bellowed 'Fire!' and the crackling of the muskets rippled the width of the quay. The first row of Saracens collapsed but the men behind them leapt over the bodies and charged the British.

Ramage guessed there were perhaps three hundred of them: the sloops' caseshot must have taken a dreadful toll, and the first fight with them near the side streets had also killed dozens. For once the Saracens were outnumbered: there was a good chance of embarking everyone in the boats - if they could hold this crowd off long enough.

And then Ramage and the rest of the men were parrying and slashing. Ramage realized that the Saracens had attacked to one side, throwing all their men against the seamen and Marines and leaving the soldiers alone. And they were driving the seamen and Marines back by the fierceness of their rush; they fought like men who had gone berserk, rarely bothering to parry: they kept on slashing wildly with their scimitars or jabbing with their spears.

Ramage was just beginning to despair of holding the Saracens away from the boats when Major Golightly and his troops swept in from the rear, whooping and yelling. The Saracens paused for a moment, caught between the seamen and Marines in front and the soldiers behind. Then, as if suddenly realizing they were outnumbered, they ran out to the side and then bolted back along the quay, still shouting what Ramage took to be defiance.

Seeing Golightly in the melee he shouted his thanks and pointed back towards the boats. Golightly understood at once and hurriedly the soldiers and the men from the frigates formed in a half-circle round the point where Kenton and Martin were hurrying the Italians into the boats, which were being rowed off at top speed to the frigates.

Ramage elbowed his way through the men to talk to the two lieutenants. 'How many have you got off so far?'

'That's the sixth boat, sir,' Kenton reported breathlessly. 'The Italians are stepping lively, thanks to Orsini!'

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