Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition Fill constructor X(n, t) n >= 0 Creates a sequence with n copies of t size() == n. Every element is a copy of t. Fill constructor X a(n, t); n >= 0 Creates a sequence with n copies of t a.size() == n . Every element of a is a copy of t. Default fill constructor X(n) n >= 0 Creates a sequence of n elements initialized to a default value. size() == n. Every element is a copy of T (). Default fill constructor X a(n, t); n >= 0 Creates a sequence with n elements initialized to a default value. a.size() == n. Every element of a is a copy of T(). Default constructor X a; or X() Equivalent to X(0). size() == 0. Range constructor X(i, j) [i,j) is a valid range. Creates a sequence that is a copy of the range [i,j) size() is equal to the distance from i to j. Each element is a copy of the corresponding element in the range [i,j). Range constructor X a(i, j); [i,j) is a valid range. Creates a sequence that is a copy of the range [i,j) a.size() is equal to the distance from i to j. Each element in a is a copy of the corresponding element in the range [i,j). Front a.front() !a.empty() Equivalent to *(a.first()) Insert a.insert(p, t) p is a valid iterator in a. a.size() < a.max_size() A copy of t is inserted before p. [2] [3] a.size() is incremented by 1. *(a.insert (p,t)) is a copy of t . The relative order of elements already in the sequence is unchanged. Fill insert a.insert(p, n, t) p is a valid iterator in a. n >= 0 && a.size() + n <= a.max_size(). n copies of t are inserted before p. [2] [3] [4] a.size() is incremented by n. The relative order of elements already in the sequence is unchanged. Range insert
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