Unlike the HP STL, our allocators do not attempt to allow use of different pointer types. They traffic only in standard void * pointers. There were several reasons for abandoning the HP approach:

• It is not really possible to define an alternate notion of pointer within C++ without explicit compiler support. Doing so would also require the definition of a corresponding 'reference' type. But there is no class that behaves like a reference. The '.' field selection operation can only be applied to a reference. A template function (e.g. max) expecting a T& will usually not work when instantiated with a proxy reference type. Even proxy pointer types are problematic. Constructors require a real this pointer, not a proxy.

• Existing STL data structures should usually not be used in environments which require very different notions of pointers, e.g. for disk-based data structures. A disk-bases set or map would require a data structure that is much more aware of locality issues. The implementation would probably also have to deal with two different pointer types: real pointers to memory allocated temporaries and references to disk based objects. Thus even the HP STL notion of encapsulated pointer types would probably be insufficient.

• This leaves compiler supported pointers of different sizes (e.g. DOS/win16 'far' pointers). These no longer seem to be of much interest in a general purpose library. Win32 no longer makes such distinctions. Neither do any other modern (i.e. 32- or 64-bit pointer) environments of which we are aware. The issue will probably continue to matter for low end embedded systems, but those typically require somewhat nonstandard programming environments in any case. Furthermore, the same template instantiation problems as above will apply.

There are no allocator objects

An allocator's behavior is completely determined by its type. All data members of an allocator are static.

This means that containers do not need allocator members in order to allocate memory from the proper source. This avoids unneeded space overhead and/or complexity in the container code.

It also avoids a number of tricky questions about memory allocation in operations involving multiple containers. For example, it would otherwise be unclear whether concatenation of ropes built with two different allocators should be acceptable and if so, which allocator should be used for the result.

This is occasionally a significant restriction. For example, it is not possible to arrange for different containers to allocate memory mapped to different files by passing different allocator instances to the container constructors. Instead one must use one of the following alternatives:

• The container classes must be instantiated with different allocators, one for each file. This results in different container types. This forces containers that may be mapped to different files to have distinct type, which may be a troublesome restriction, though it also results in compile-time detection of errors that might otherwise be difficult to diagnose.

• The containers can be instantiated with a single allocator, which can be redirected to different files by calling additional member functions. The allocator must be suitably redirected before container calls that may allocate.

Allocators allocate individual objects

(Shared with standard allocators.) Some C++ programming texts have suggested that individual classes keep a free lists of frequently allocated kinds of objects, so that most allocation requests can be satisfied from the per-class free list. When an allocation request encounters an empty free list, a potentially slower allocator (e.g. new or malloc) is called to allocate several of the required objects at once, which are then used to replenish the free list.

The HP STL was designed along these lines. Allocators were intended to be used as the slower backup allocator. Containers like list were presumed to maintain their own free list.

Based on some small experiments, this has no performance advantage over directly calling the allocate function for individual objects. In fact, the generated code is essentially the same. The default allocator we provide is easily inlined. Hence any calling overhead is eliminated. If the object size is statically known (the case in which per-class free lists may be presumed to help), the address of the free list header can also be determined by the compiler.

Per-class free lists do however have many disadvantages:

• They introduce fragmentation. Memory in the free list for class A cannot be reused by another class B, even if only class B objects are allocated for the remainder of program execution. This is particularly unfortunate if instead of a single class A there are many instances of a template class each of which has its own free list.

• They make it much more difficult to construct thread-safe containers. A class that maintains its own free list must ensure that allocations from different threads on behalf of different containers cannot interfere with each other. This typically means that every class must be aware of the underlying synchronization primitives. If allocators allocate individual objects, then only allocators themselves need to address this issue, and most container implementations can be independent of the threading mechanism.

• Garbage collecting allocators are difficult to accommodate. The garbage collector will see per-class free lists as accessible memory. If pointers in these free objects are not explicitly cleared, anything they reference will also be retained by the collector, reducing the effectiveness of the collector, sometimes seriously so.

Deallocate requires size argument

We chose to require an explicit size argument, both for deallocate, and to describe the original size of the object in the reallocate call. This means that no hidden per-object space overhead is required; small objects use only the space explicitly requested by the client. Thus, even in the absence of fragmentation, space usage is the same as for per-class allocators.

This choice also removes some time overhead in the important special case of fixed-size allocation. In this case, the size of the object, and thus the address of the free-list header becomes a clearly recognizable compile- time constant. Thus the generated code should be identical to that needed by a per-class free-list allocator, even if the class requires objects of only a single size.

We include realloc-style reallocation in the interface

This is probably the most questionable design decision. It would have probably been a bit more useful to provide a version of reallocate that either changed the size of the existing object without copying or returned NULL. This would have made it directly useful for objects with copy constructors. It would also have avoided unnecessary copying in cases in which the original object had not been completely filled in.

Unfortunately, this would have prohibited use of realloc from the C library. This in turn would have added complexity to many allocator implementations, and would have made interaction with memory-debugging tools more difficult. Thus we decided against this alternative.

The actual version of reallocate is still quite useful for container specializations to specific element types. The STL implementation is starting to take advantage of that.

What's New

Release 3.3: June 8, 2000

• New feature: concept checks. The library now does better compile-time error checking to make sure that the types used to instantiate library templates conform to the templates' requirements.

• Removed two non-standard-conforming extensions: the second, defaulted template parameter in bitset, and the third, default template parameter in deque.

• Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and compatibility improvements.

Release 3.2: April 22, 1999

• New feature: <valarray> header, as defined in section 26.3 of the C++ standard.

• <limits> header is now supported on compilers that lack support for constant initialization of static const data members, such as Microsoft v6.0.

• Performance improvements in copy for compilers that lack support for partial specialization of

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