They can download the STL header files from under /stl and use it with Borland or IBM compiler, or with any other compiler powerful enough to handle STL The only way to learn some style of programming is by programming. They need to look at examples and write programs in this style.

You are collaborating with P.J. (Bill) Plauger to write a book about STL. What will be the emphasis of the book and when is it scheduled to be published?

It is scheduled to be published in the summer of 1995 and is going to be an annotated STL implementation. It will be similar to Bill's books on the Standard C Library and the Draft Standard C++ Library. He is taking the lead on the book, which will serve as a standard reference document on the use of the STL. I hope to write a paper with Bjarne that will address language/library interactions in the context of C++/STL. It might lead to another book.

A lot more work needs to be done. For STL to become a success, people should do research experimenting with this style of programming. More books and articles need to be written explaining how to program in this style. Courses need to be developed. Tutorials need to be written. Tools need to be built which help people navigate through libraries. STL is a framework and it would be nice to have a tool with which to browse through this framework.

What is the relationship between generic programming and object-oriented programming?

In one sense, generic programming is a natural continuation of the fundamental ideas of object-oriented programming — separating the interface and implementation and polymorphic behavior of the components. However, there is a radical difference. Object-oriented programming emphasizes the syntax of linguistic elements of the program construction. You have to use inheritance, you have to use classes, you have to use objects, objects send messages. Generic programming does not start with the notion of whether you use inheritance or you don't use inheritance. It starts with an attempt to classify or produce a taxonomy of what kinds of things are there and how they behave. That is, what does it mean that two things are equal? What is the right way to define equality? Not just actions of equality. You can analyze equality deeper and discover that there is a generic notion of equality wherein two objects are equal if their parts, or at least their essential parts are equal. We can have a generic recipe for an equality operation. We can discuss what kinds of objects there are. There are sequences. There are operations on sequences. What are the semantics of these operations? What types of sequences from the point of view of complexity tradeoffs should we offer the user? What kinds of algorithms are there on sequences? What kind of different sorting functions do we need? And only after we develop that, after we have the conceptual taxonomy of the components, do we address the issue of how to implement them. Do we use templates? Do we use inheritance? Do we use macros? What kind of language technology do we use? The fundamental idea of generic programming is to classify abstract software components and their behavior and come up with a standard taxonomy. The starting point is with real, efficient algorithms and data structures and not with the language. Of course, it is always embodied in the language. You cannot have generic programming outside of a language. STL is done in C++. You could implement it in Ada. You could implement it in other languages. They would be slightly different, but there are some fundamental things that would be there. Binary search has to be everywhere. Sort has to be everywhere. That's what people do. There will be some modification on the semantics of the containers, slight modifications imposed by the language. In some languages you can use inheritance more, in some languages you have to use templates. But the fundamental difference is precisely that generic programming starts with semantics and semantic decomposition. For example, we decide that we need a component called swap. Then we figure out how this particular component will work in different languages. The emphasis is on the semantics and semantic classification, while object-orientedness, especially as it has evolved, places a much stronger emphasis, and, I think, too much of an emphasis, on precisely how to develop things, that is, using class hierarchies. OOP tells you how to build class hierarchies, but it doesn't tell you what should be inside those class hierarchies.

What do you see as the future of STL and generic programming?

I mentioned before the dream of programmers having standard repositories of abstract components with interfaces that are well understood and that conform to common paradigms. To do that there needs to be a lot more effort to develop the scientific underpinnings of this style of programming. STL starts it to some degree by classifying the semantics of some fundamental components. We need to work more on that. The goal is to transform software engineering from a craft to an engineering discipline. It needs a taxonomy of fundamental concepts and some laws that govern those concepts, which are well understood, which can be taught, which every programmer knows even if he cannot state them correctly. Many people know arithmetic even if they never heard of commutativity. Everybody who graduated from high school knows that 2+5 is equal to 5+2. Not all of them know that it is a commutative property of addition. I hope that most programmers will learn the fundamental semantic properties of fundamental operations. What does assignment mean? What does equality mean? How to construct data structures.

At present C++ is the best vehicle for this style of programming. I have tried different languages and I think that C++ allows this marvelous combination of abstractness and efficiency. However, I think that it is possible to design a language based on C and on many of the insights that C++ brought into the world, a language which is more suitable to this style of programming, which lacks some of the deficiencies of C++, in particular its enormous size. STL deals with things called concepts. What is an iterator? Not a class. Not a type. It is a concept. (Or, if we want to be more formal, it is what Bourbaki calls a structure type, what logicians call a theory, or what type theory people call a sort.) It is something which doesn't have a linguistic incarnation in C++. But it could. You could have a language where you could talk about concepts, refine them, and then finally form them in a very programmatic kind of way into classes. (There are, of course, languages that deal with sorts, but they are not of much use if you want to sort.) We could have a language where we could define something called forward iterator, which is just defined as a concept in STL — it doesn't have a C++ incarnation. Then we can refine forward iterator into bidirectional iterator. Then random iterator can be refined from that. It is possible to design a language which would enable even far greater ease for this style of programming. I am fully convinced that it has to be as efficient and as close to the machine as are C and C++. And I do believe that it is possible to construct a language that allows close approximation to the machine on the one hand and has the ability to deal with very abstract entities on the other hand. I think that abstractness can be even greater than it is in C++ without creating a gap between underlying machines. I think that generic programming can influence language research and that we will have practical languages, which are easy to use and are well suited for that style of programming. From that you can deduce what I am planning to work on next.

Copyright © 1995 Dr. Dobb's Journal

Frequently Asked Questionsabout the SGI Standard Template Library

Is the STL Y2K compliant?

Yes. The STL does not store or manipulate dates in any way, so there are no year 2000 issues.

Can I download this entire site for offline viewing?

Yes. From the home page, go to the Download the STL page. You will find links for downloading the entire STL documentation as a single zip, tar, or tar.gz file.

The documentation is a collection of HTML files. It does not exist in the form of a single text or PostScriptTM document. The Other Resources page lists several books about the STL.

Which compilers are supported?

The STL has been tested on these compilers: SGI 7.1 and later, or 7.0 with the -n32 or -64 flag; gcc 2.8 or egcs 1.x; Microsoft 5.0 and later. (But see below.) Boris Fomitchev distributes a port for some other compilers.

If you succeed in using the SGI STL with some other compiler, please let us know, and please tell us what modifications (if any) you had to make. We expect that most of the changes will be restricted to the <stl_config.h> header.

What about older SGI compilers?

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