
‘I can find alternative accommodation and we can ensure that only one block at a time is demolished. We will minimize disruption. That is, of course, one of the decisions I would expect us to make together.’

‘What about CK? What’s his involvement in all this?’

‘He is, of course, being very supportive, but he has left it to me to make this project work.’

‘You never wonder at CK’s motives, Victoria? You never ask yourself if he isn’t just giving you all the rope you need to hang yourself with?’

She flashed Mann a look and he could tell that the thought had definitely crossed her mind and it irritated her. ‘I am the natural successor to my father’s empire. Yes, he is making me prove myself, as you would expect but, ultimately, I am sure that he wants me to succeed in my ambitions. Why else would he bother?’

‘Why else? Because he is CK Leung and he has got where he is by shafting everyone, including you. It wasn’t so long ago you were forgotten, sold by him to the bright new star on the Triad ladder.’

‘I would have done the same thing if I was him.’

Mann looked at her and realized she was telling the truth.

Victoria turned to face Mann and leaned towards him. Her lips were an inch from his. ‘You like your women tough, don’t you, Mann? You don’t begrudge me getting my hands dirty once in a while?’

‘I like my women dirty, Victoria, but only in the bedroom.’

‘You have no idea how good I could be for you.’ She opened her blouse further and took the tips of his fingers and ran them over her erect nipples.

‘Oh, yes I do. I also know how bad you are.’

‘We are the same type.’


‘Yes. You deny it but we are. I will never want to have your babies, Mann. I will never grow old gracefully. I will be a fighter till the day I die.’ She leaned over him and her lips brushed his. Her cheek touched his as she whispered in his ear: ‘I will keep you on your toes, never be boring. I will seduce you in ways that you didn’t know possible.’ She flicked her warm tongue deep into his ear…‘I will fulfil you completely.’…She moved her mouth to his. She kissed him tenderly at first and then she bit hard into his lower lip and pushed him backwards and straddled him. She undid her buttons and slipped her blouse off her shoulders.

Mann looked over her shoulder at the laptop as he ran his hands up her thighs to the tops of her silk hold-ups. The laptop was still showing its tour and it had now stopped outside the Delhi Grill. ‘Have you made a deal with PJ?’ He ran his hands up her thighs to rest on her hips. He traced the edge of her silk panties with his thumbs as he spoke.

‘Yes,’ she replied, distracted. She closed her eyes at the sensation of Mann’s touch as he brushed her sex lightly with his thumbs. ‘I told you, I will keep a flavour of what it is now. He will be opening up a bigger better restaurant.’ She groaned. ‘Fuck me, Mann.’ She reached beneath her to undo his fly.

‘Who else?’ He held her hand, gently but firmly and went back to touching her. He would not be rushed. ‘What about people like Michelle and the Filipino cafe? What have you got in mind for her?’ His thumbs slipped beneath the lace.

‘I have been in talks with her partner, Rizal…We have worked out a compromise…They will get a loan to start a restaurant in the new Mansions…Now, Mann…Please do it.’

‘Really? And is Lilly involved in these negotiations?’

Victoria opened her eyes and looked at him curiously. ‘She could be…’ The minute she said it she froze. ‘I mean…’

‘You set me up.’ Mann threw her off. ‘You could never mean anything to me. Yes, we might both be hollow, damaged; we might be thrill seekers but that doesn’t mean I want to share my life with someone like me. Now get out.’

Chapter 98


Michelle had been expecting the old woman down the hall, who was coming to pick up the twins whilst Nina got on with the cooking. She made the mistake of opening the door before she stopped to think. Rizal pushed her straight back into the flat.

‘Get out,’ she screamed at him.

‘You changed the locks, you bitch. Did you think that was the last you’d see of me? Did you think you could just shut me out? I live here.’

‘Not any more. Go and live with one of your other women.’

‘You don’t tell me what to do.’ He jabbed her in the chest with his finger.

‘You’re drunk. I’m busy. I have to cook. I am expecting the kids back at any time now. Ring me. I’ll meet you. We’ll talk later.’

Rizal stood swaying. ‘There’s nothing to talk about. I am the man in this house. If anyone has to leave it’s you. Where’s Lilly?’

‘You’re not coming near her again. I’ll kill you if you do, and believe me I can do it.’

Rizal picked up the ornaments from the dresser and hurled them at Michelle.

‘Get out,’ she screamed. She went to push Rizal out of the apartment. She felt the sting of his hand on her cheek and she lost her balance. Her head cracked against the side of the sofa. She wriggled backwards. She knew Rizal well enough to know that would not be the last blow and she tried to crawl to the bedroom as fast as she could. As drunk as he was he didn’t have far to make it round the sofa. He stamped on her to stop her and knelt on her as he held her by the throat. She scratched at his face trying to find his eyes. He moved his head out of reach. She felt the world around her going dark.

She didn’t know how long she was passed out for. She came to to a sensation of being shaken and the sound of screaming. Lilly was hysterical. She was knelt over her, shaking her, crying.

‘I’m all right, Lilly, my love. I’m all right. Good girl. Where’s Rizal?’

Lilly didn’t answer. She started to sob. She held on to Michelle and sank onto the floor. ‘I thought he’d killed you. I thought you were dead. You weren’t breathing.’

‘Lilly!’ Rizal stood in the middle of the room. ‘Come with me.’

Lilly stood and looked at him.

‘No, Lilly, don’t.’ Michelle’s voice came out broken, painful.

Lilly walked into the bedroom and came out seconds later carrying the urumi. She let its coils unfurl. Her hand was shaking violently.

Rizal watched it, terrified. ‘Come with me, Lilly,’ he repeated, still staring at the three strips of razor-sharp metal that Lilly had now lifted in her hand. Rizal looked incredulously at her. ‘We can both get away now.’

‘Get out,’ Lilly screamed. She flipped the whip above her head and crashed it down on the top of the sofa, inches from where Rizal stood.

He jumped. ‘Jesus. You’re as mad as your mother.’

‘Get out, Rizal. Leave my mother alone. Leave all of us alone. We don’t want you here. We don’t need you.’

‘You will regret that decision, Lilly. You forget, little girl – I know a lot of your secrets. I know where you go at night. I know what you do.’

‘Shut up…’ Lilly gathered the whip back and lifted it again, ready to strike.

Rizal didn’t need to be told again. He started backing out of the door. Michelle looked at Lilly, at the whip in her hand. Now she was shaking so violently that Michelle was frightened for her.

‘Come here, my little girl.’ Lilly dropped the urumi and Michelle hugged her as they wept in one another’s arms. ‘We are starting again, Lilly. Right here, right now. This is a new start for us. It won’t be easy but we will do it. We don’t need anyone else. We’re in this together. You ready for that?’

Lilly couldn’t answer she was crying too hard. She was looking at the door at Mahmud who stood there waiting for her.

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