Chapter 11: End the Party with a Bang Chapter 12: Look on Tempests Chapter 13: Dark My Light Chapter 14: Pouring Away the Ocean Chapter 15: Brothers in Arms Chapter 16: They Have to Take You In Chapter 17: The Knife That Would Cut Through Anything Chapter 18: Reaching Through the Dark for You Chapter 19: Mavis to the Rescue Chapter 20: The Thief of the Pearl Chapter 21: The Last Answers to the Last Questions Chapter 22: The Leader of the Goblin Market

This trilogy is all about family, and especially about siblings.

So it seems fitting to dedicate the last book in the series

to the sibling who reads my books.

This one is for Gen, my favorite sister.

Okay, my only sister. But if I had another one…

my hypothetical other sister would be seriously out of luck.


Trilogy accomplished! Which means more thanks than I can adequately express go to:

Karen Wojtyla, who was absolutely right about the book needing one last go-round, as she is about so much; Emily Fabre; and Valerie Shea. Also to Nicole Russo and everyone at Simon & Schuster for tireless marketing efforts on behalf of “Oh God, those demon books.”

Kristin Nelson and everyone at NLA, for everything.

Venetia Gosling, Kathryn McKenna, and everyone at Simon & Schuster UK, plus Scott Westerfeld and Justine Larbalestier, for so much, including an awesome UK tour.

All my foreign publishers, who without exception dazzle me.

Holly Black, who stayed up all night in London to read the first draft of this book, made it so half the edits my editor suggested were already done, and is basically a Heroine of the Revolution. If you ever want a liver, Holly, I’ll…get one somehow. Also, thank you for the most fun tour ever.

Cassandra Clare, who organized the secret writing location where half this book was written.

My amazing first readers: Saundra Mitchell, Justine Larbalestier, and Karen Healey.

My family and friends, who for some reason have not yet put me on an iceberg and pushed me out to sea, as I understand the Eskimos do to annoying writers.

And if you’re reading this? Thank you.

The Demon’s Surrender


Summer Past

MAGIC WAS LIKE A SPECIAL GUEST IN SIN’S LIFE. IT APPEARED all too rarely, stayed for a brief interval, and she spent the rest of her time preparing for it to come again.

She had taken the day off school so she and her dancers could set up the lights. She and Chiara had spent an hour singing into Phyllis’s new music boxes, which echoed back their voices transformed into strange, sweet melodies. Then she’d had to rush away and help Carl set up his display of knives with luck stones in the hilts.

The magic had been worth waiting for. The Market at Dover Beach was one of the most beautiful Markets she’d seen this year.

The musicians were high on the white cliffs, streaked with shadows by the twilight, and the Market itself was being held on a platform a few steps up from the shingled beach. The sea lay sparkling and still in the curve of the bay, like water held in the hollow of a pale hand, and fainter than the light of the stars, Sin could see the nighttime lights of the French coast.

There were other Goblin Markets held in other countries. She wanted to dance at them all one day.

For now she was glad to be at this one.

Sin was watching Toby while Mama put the finishing touches on the fortune-telling stall. The lanterns swinging over their heads cast rainbow gleams over the surface of the crystal balls, in the depths of the jewels on Mama’s hands. Sin rocked Toby and Mama sang a Goblin Market song to them both as she laid out the cards.

“Hush little baby, don’t say a word. If you have two marks never get a third.

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