everywhere, and has probably torn out every solitary strand of hair she possesses by this time.'

'I reckon she is,' the boy assented. The topic did not appear to be in his eyes of preeminent importance.

Then Anne Charteris said, 'Harry,' and her voice was such that Rudolph Musgrave wheeled with amazement in his face. 

The boy had gone to her complaisantly, and she stood now with one hand on either of his shoulders, regarding him. Her lips were parted, but they did not move at all.

'You are Mrs. Pendomer's boy, aren't you?' said Anne Charteris, in a while. She had some difficulty in articulation.

'Yes'm,' Harry assented, 'and we come here 'most every Wednesday, and, please, ma'am, you're hurtin' me.'

'I didn't mean to—dear,' the woman added, painfully. 'Don't interfere with me, Rudolph Musgrave! Your mother must be very fond of you, Harry. I had a little boy once. I was fond of him. He would have been eleven years old last February.'

'Please, ma'am, I wasn't eleven till April, and I ain't tall for my age, but Tubby Parsons says——'

The woman gave an odd, unhuman sound. 'Not until April!'

'Harry,' said Colonel Musgrave then, 'an enormous whale is coming down the river in precisely two minutes. Perhaps if you were to look through the palings of that fence you might see him. I don't suppose you would care to, though?'

And Harry strolled resignedly toward the fence. Harry Pendomer did not like this funny lady who had hurt, frightened eyes. He did not believe in the whale, of course, any more than he did in Santa Claus. But like most children, he patiently accepted the fact that grown people are unaccountable overlords appointed by some vast betise, whom, if only through prudential motives, it is preferable to humor.


Colonel Musgrave stood now upon the other side of John Charteris's grave—just in the spot that was reserved for her own occupancy some day.

'You are ill, Anne. You are not fit to be out. Go home.'

'I had a little boy once,' she said. ''But that's all past and gone, and good times and bad times and all times pass over.' There's an odd simple music in the sentence, isn't there? Yet I remember it chiefly because I used to read that book to him and he loved it. And it was my child that died. Why is this other child so like him?'

'Oh, then, that's it, is it?' said Rudolph Musgrave, as in relief. 'Bless me, I suppose all these little shavers are pretty much alike. I can only tell Roger from the other boys by his red head. Humanity in the raw, you know. Still, it is no wonder it gave you a turn. You had much better go home, however, and not take any foolish risks, and put your feet in hot water, and rub cologne on your temples, and do all the other suitable things——'

'I remember now,' she continued, without any apparent emotion, and as though he had not spoken. 'When I came into the room you were saying that the child must be considered. You were both very angry, and I was alarmed—foolishly alarmed, perhaps. And my—and John Charteris said, 'Let him tell, then'—and you told me—'

'The truth, Anne.'

'And he sat quietly by. Oh, if he'd had the grace, the common manliness—!' She shivered here. 'But he never interrupted you. I—I was not looking at him. I was thinking how vile you were. And when you had ended, he said, 'My dear, I am sorry you should have been involved in this. But since you are, I think we can assure Rudolph that both of us will regard his confidence as sacred.' Then I remembered him, and thought how noble he was! And all those years that were so happy, hour by hour, he was letting you—meet his bills!' She seemed to wrench out the inadequate metaphor.

You could hear the far-off river, now, faint as the sound of boiling water.

After a few pacings Colonel Musgrave turned upon her. He spoke with a curious simplicity.

'There isn't any use in lying to you. You wouldn't believe. You would only go to some one else—some woman probably,—who would jump at the chance of telling you everything and a deal more. Yes, there are a great many 'they do say's' floating about. This was the only one that came near being—serious. The man was very clever.—Oh, he wasn't vulgarly lecherous. He was simply—Jack Charteris. He always irritated Lichfield, though, by not taking Lichfield very seriously. You would hear every by-end of retaliative and sniggered- over mythology, and in your present state of mind you would believe all of them. I happen to know that a great many of these stories are not true.'

'A great many of these stories,' Anne repeated, 'aren't true! A great many aren't! That ought to be consoling, oughtn't it?' She spoke without a trace of bitterness.

'I express myself very badly. What I really mean, what I am aiming at, is that I wish you would let me answer any questions you might like to ask, because I will answer them truthfully. Very few people would. You see, you go about the world so like a gray-stone saint who has just stepped down from her niche for the fraction of a second,' he added, as with venom, 'that it is only human nature to dislike you.'

Anne was not angry. It had come to her, quite as though she were considering some other woman, that what the man said was, in a fashion, true.

'There is sunlight and fresh air in the street,' John Charteris had been wont to declare, 'and there is a culvert at the corner. I think it is a mistake for us to emphasize the culvert.'

So he had trained her to disbelieve in its existence. She saw this now. 

It did not matter. It seemed to her that nothing mattered any more. 

'I've only one question, I think. Why did you do it?' She spoke with bright amazement in her eyes.

'Oh, my dear, my dear!' he seriocomically deplored. 'Why, because it was such a noble thing to do. It was so like the estimable young man in a play, you know, who acknowledges the crime he never committed and takes a curtain-call immediately afterwards. In fine, I simply observed to myself, with the late Monsieur de Bergerac, 'But what a gesture!'' And he parodied an actor's motion in this role.

She stayed unsmiling and patiently awaiting veracity. Anne did not understand that Colonel Musgrave was telling the absolute truth. And so,

'You haven't any sense of humor,' he lamented. 'You used to have a deal, too, before you took to being conscientiously cheerful, and diffusing sweetness and light among your cowering associates. Well, it was because it helped him a little. Oh, I am being truthful now. I had some reason to dislike Jack Charteris, but odd as it is, I know to-day I never did. I ought to have, perhaps. But I didn't.'

'My friend, you are being almost truthful. But I want the truth entire.'

'It isn't polite to disbelieve people,' he reproved her; 'or at the very least, according to the best books on etiquette, you ought not to do it audibly. Would you mind if I smoked? I could be more veracious then. There is something in tobacco that makes frankness a matter of course. I thank you.'

He produced an amber holder, fitted a cigarette into it, and presently inhaled twice. He said, with a curt voice:

'The reason, naturally, was you. You may remember certain things that happened just before John Charteris came and took you. Oh, that is precisely what he did! You are rather a narrow-minded woman now, in consequence—or in my humble opinion, at least—and deplorably superior. It pleased the man to have in his house —if you will overlook my venturing into metaphor,—one cool room very sparsely furnished where he could come when the mood seized him. He took the raw material from me, wherewith to build that room, because he wanted that room. I acquiesced, because I had not the skill wherewith to fight him.'

Anne understood him now, as with a great drench of surprise. And fear was what she felt in chief when she saw for just this moment as though it had lightened, the man's face transfigured, and tender, and strange to her.

'I tried to buy your happiness, to—yes, just to keep you blind indefinitely. Had the price been heavier, I would have paid it the more gladly. Fate has played a sorry trick. You would never have seen through him. My dear, I have wanted very often to shake you,' he said.

And she knew, in a glorious terror, that she desired him to shake her, and as she had never desired anything

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