older transports like the C-130E and C-141B have fairly narrow cargo compartments, and the paratroopers sit with their legs interlocked. Facing each other in two sets of rows, they continue to check each other’s equipment, and try to get some rest. When they are about thirty minutes to target, the transport crews tighten up their formations, which each have three aircraft in an inverted V (called a “vic”) alignment. The various “vic” formations are formed into a stream, with about a mile separating each trio of transport aircraft. While in close formation, the aircraft crews use special station-keeping instruments to maintain formation and spacing so that the chances of midair collisions between paratroopers (and aircraft!) will be minimized.

At about ten minutes prior to jump, the loadmaster and jumpmaster in the rear of each aircraft have the troopers stand up and begin to check their equipment. The jumpmaster orders the troopers to hook up the static lines from their chutes, and the jump doors on both sides of the aircraft are opened. The jumpmaster, an experienced paratrooper with special training, sticks his head out of one door and begins to look for the DZ and various local landmarks (such as lakes and roads). About this time, the heavy equipment of the airborne task force will be dropped. Virtually every airborne task force package currently on the books with the 82nd has both heavy weapons and 105mm artillery pieces included to provide a heavy firepower punch as the troopers fight their way off the DZ. Since the first few minutes of the assault will always be the time of greatest danger to the paratroops, the presence of machine guns and missiles, and the boom of friendly artillery, can do wonders for the troops’ morale and esprit as they start their fight to the objectives.

When the DZ comes into sight of the jumpmaster, the command “Stand in the door!” is given to the rear paratrooper on each side, who then passes it up the line. When the green (“jump”) light comes on, the jumpmaster begins to order the paratroopers out the door with a loud “Go!” once every second from each door. This means that even a C-141 can unload over a hundred paratroopers in less than a minute, and transit less than a mile down the DZ. First out the door is always the senior officer, even if it is the division or airborne corps commander. The jump done, the planes bank for home, and another load of troopers, equipment, or supplies. Meanwhile, as the troopers begin to hit the ground, they immediately get their personal weapons operational, even before they have a chance to get out of their harnesses. Every member of the 82nd has been indoctrinated with the legend of the paratrooper unit, which fell into the square at Sainte Mere Eglise early on D-Day. When their C-47s overshot their assigned DZ, one whole company came down into the middle of the town, and was massacred by the German garrison as they struggled out of their chutes. Therefore, getting armed and dangerous is always the first order of business for the airborne troopers.

Once the troopers have cleared their harnesses and gotten their gear together, they try to assemble into their assigned units. This is usually fairly easy, as they just head back up to the “top” of the DZ, where their unit leaders should be waiting. Once this is done, the next thing that has to be done is to make sure that the DZ is secure and defended. From there, the troopers immediately move out to their objectives. Even if the drop has gone poorly and the task force is scattered, it is expected that LGOPs will form up, protect the DZ, and drive to the objective no matter what the cost. As soon as the objectives are taken, the airborne battle transitions to the “hold until relieved” phase. Though airborne commanders would tell you that they intend to keep attacking whenever possible, they are realists. Once the objectives have been taken, it only makes good sense to insure that you keep what you have paid in blood to take. In any case, the job of doing the heavy work in the crisis must necessarily pass to units with better logistical capabilities and more “teeth” than what can be dropped out of airplanes. The relieving units can come from many places. They may be Marines, coming ashore from an amphibious unit, or flying in to meet up with equipment in a port from one of the MPSRONs. Alternatively, the follow-on forces might be one of the light infantry divisions, flown on AMC transports. It might even be the 82nd’s sister division in the XVIII Airborne Corps, the legendary “Screaming Eagles” of the 101st Air Assault Division. Whoever it is, though, it will be in the interests of all to get the airborne forces relieved and back to Fort Bragg as soon as practical. The 82nd is the only division-sized airborne unit in the U.S. military, and there is no backup. Therefore, look for the National Command Authorities to do in the future what they have done in the past: return the 82nd as quickly as it can be relieved. The 82nd is that valuable.

Now I want to take you on a tour of the 82nd Airborne. Its equipment, people, roles, and missions. Along the way, we’re going to introduce you to some of the fine people that make this one of America’s premier crisis- response units. You’ll also get to know something about what it takes to become an airborne trooper, and to serve in the eighteen-week cycle that dominates the lives of the 82nd’s personnel. Most of all, you will be getting to know one of the most heavily tasked military units in recent U.S. history. If America has gone there, the 82nd has usually been leading the way. Into Grenada during Urgent Fury. Helping invade Panama during Just Cause. Defending Saudi Arabia in 1990 as part of Desert Shield, and attacking into Iraq during Desert Storm. Most recently, they took part in the near-invasion and subsequent peacekeeping mission in Haiti. The 82nd was there for all of these, and will be the country’s spearhead in the future.

Dragon Leader: An Interview with Lieutenant General John M. Keane, USA

At Fort Bragg, North Carolina, there is a beautiful old building that is a study in contrasts. It looks like a turn-of-the-century mansion, surrounded by carefully trimmed lawns, hedges, and flower beds, and is surrounded by the homes of the senior officers on post. Then you notice what is out of place. A small forest of antennae seems to grow out of the roof, and enough satellite dishes to make Ted Turner envious are scattered nearby. You might even guess that this is someplace that is plugged in to watch the world. If so, you would be more correct than you could ever know. That is because you have just found the headquarters building of the U.S. Army’s XVIII Airborne Corps, America’s busiest combat unit.

Based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where it shares the post with the 82nd Airborne Division, XVIII Airborne Corps’ various units have had a piece of almost every major military operation since its creation just after the Normandy invasion in 1944. Back then, the corps was commanded by the legendary Lieutenant General Matthew Ridgway. It was composed of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions, and was getting ready for a shot at destiny in the polder country of Holland and the frosty forests of the Ardennes. Today, XVIII Airborne Corps is composed of four full divisions, and has over forty percent of the Army’s total combat strength on tap. Each of the four divisions (the 3rd Mechanized Infantry, 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, and 101st Air Assault) is different, and this diversity is as intriguing as the overall mission of the corps itself: to be America’s crisis response force in readiness.

Much like the Navy/Marine MEU (SOC)s, the units of XVIII Airborne Corps are designed to rapidly intervene in a crisis anywhere in the world that American military force is required. The difference is that unlike the MEU (SOC) s, which are forward-deployed aboard Amphibious Ready Groups (ARGs) and have to be rotated every few months, the units of XVIII Airborne Corps are home-based in the United States, and designed for rapid deployment overseas.

This matter of continental U.S. basing has both pluses and minuses for the units of the corps. It means that they can be division-sized forces with real mass and combat power behind them, unlike the battalion-sized MEU (SOC)s. This also means that they are, man-for-man, cheaper to operate and maintain compared to forward- deployed or sea-based units. The downside of home basing is fairly obvious, though: The corps is here in America when a crisis begins overseas. To get around this, each of the units has been either designed for rapid deployment overseas, or given special arrangements with the units of the U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) for the necessary resources to make them mobile in a crisis. At one extreme, this includes the 82nd Airborne Division being able to put a full combat-ready battalion into the air for delivery anywhere in the world in less than eighteen hours. On the other end of the spectrum is the mighty 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division, which has priority with the Navy’s fleet of fast sealift ships, and can put a heavy armored brigade anywhere with a port within two to three weeks. Deployability is the name of the game for the soldiers of XVIII Airborne Corps, and they have worked hard to make the game winnable for America. This deployability has made them the busiest collection of units in the U.S. military, especially since the end of the Vietnam War. Their list of battle streamers includes almost every action fought by U.S. forces since that time. Grenada, Panama, the Persian Gulf, and Haiti were all actions which were led by XVIII Airborne Corps.

If you drive down I-95 into the beautiful pine forests and sand hills of North Carolina, you eventually find the town of Fayetteville. This quiet Southern town is the bedroom community that sits outside the busiest Army base in

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