Teams from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) came in to help.


DART, which operates out of the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), is a civilian agency whose mission is to assess and handle foreign humanitarian relief. They send out teams to make on-the-ground evaluations, and they coordinate with other government agencies and civilian contractors. Dayton Maxwell was a senior-level professional with the OFDA.


He was recalled back to Baghdad toward the end of our initial operation. We heard he was executed for plotting against Saddam.


We had twelve casualties from land mines, which littered the area and were a constant source of concern both for our troops and the local Kurds. The operation ended up costing the Coalition seven dead and 130 injured from a variety of causes.


One big reason they don’t trust the militaries: They’re used to trying to fix the disasters that result from militaries in conflict.


This was the base used in 1948 for the Berlin Airlift; it therefore had an ironic and historic significance.


Toward the end of Provide Hope, much effort was put into the problem of stabilizing the ruble.


The Marine counterpart to the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).


The son of a legendary Marine general.


In the military, the chief of staff is something like a civilian chairman of a board of directors. He’s the senior man on the staff who pulls together all its sections — administration, operations, logistics, planning, etc. He’s also third in command after the commander and his deputy.


In the military, the chief of staff is something like a civilian chairman of a board of directors. He’s the senior man on the staff who pulls together all its sections — administration, operations, logistics, planning, etc. He’s also third in command after the commander and his deputy.


Aideed was a highly intelligent man, Western-educated and Western-trained militarily, but also cunning, violent, and brutal. After rising to the rank of general in Siad Barre’s army, he had turned against Barre and then had been imprisoned for seven years. After his release and “rehabilitation,” Barre made him Somalia’s ambassador to India, to get him out of the way. He turned against Barre again after his return.


Operation Provide Relief was absorbed by Operation Restore Hope in February 1993.


Newbold had a distinguished career in the Marine Corps, and retired as a lieutenant general.


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