wide-splayed thighs, his tongue pressed into the tingling flanges of her tenderly excited femininity and her face twisted grotesquely with the joy of the warm, wet contact… her, now, with her lips on his stomach while she stroked his organ and his testicles… her with mouth poised above the red, seminally-lubricated head of his member… her with her mouth closed over the head now, sucking as her fingers tickled his scrotum (God, she remembered the taste of his penis, the bittersweet flavor of his masculinity; she had liked it, because it was her husband and she loved him and wanted to please him, but now it seemed so revolting and obscene)… her with the full length of his great member pressed tight into her ovaled lips, her nose gently tickling his wiry pubic hair… the two of them on the bed, she straddling Jack, her buttocks raised to the camera, knees spread wide on either side of him, his penis inserted into the shimmering, petal-opened expanse of her vagina as she rocked back on it while kissing him full on the mouth… the same photo, only with Jack's middle finger teasing along and partly inserted in the tiny, rubbery opening of her anal passage…

'You like them, don't you, Mrs. Reagan?' Samuels intoned next to her, his fingers inside his under pants and wrapped around his trembling cock now. 'You like them, and you're getting hot looking at them, aren't you?'

'Y-yes,' Sally heard herself answer. 'Yes, yes.'

'Then lean back and put your hand down between your legs,' commanded the postal clerk throatily. 'Play with yourself like I'm doing, Mrs. Reagan. Put your fingers in your cunt, Mrs. Reagan. Ah, that's it… no, no, don't pull your panties down. Just pull them aside between your legs, and put your finger in your slit… yes, yes, now you've got it!'

Under his droning directions, the young marijuana-drugged housewife had begun to slide her middle finger slowly, slowly, up and down the moistening expanse of her tender young vaginal slit, feeling the juices of her femininity begin to flow in spite of the situation and because of her relaxed state of being. It's Jack's finger, not my own, she told herself over and over, it's Jack's finger, not my own…

Samuels, tremendously excited now by the sight of the sweet young woman slowly masturbating before him, removed the swollen, blood-engorged penis from his underpants, letting it jut high into the air as his claw-like fingers stroked it up and down. Goddamn, but this was really living! To have young married sluts like this at his mercy were the finest moments of his life, the things he really lived for… Jesus, Jesus, how he loved to torment the haughty Goddamned young bitches for his own pleasure!

'Another cigarette,' he wheezed. 'Here, I'll light it for you… no, no don't take your fingers out of your cunt, Mrs. Reagan! Keep playing with your clit while you smoke… good, good!'

The second marijuana joint relaxed the young woman even more, and she felt all her emotions go gently ebbing away, so that she was relaxed to a large degree and no longer apprehensive. And… yes, she was beginning to feel, in spite of her hopeless situation, a gentle tingling in her softly warm cunt. Jack's doing it, Jack's doing it, Jack's getting me excited like he always does, Jack Jack Jack…

She finished the second joint, and her head was swimming now, her finger moving with increasing rapidity in her cuntal valley, her eyes glazed over and her breasts heaving. The postal clerk, watching her and stroking his own burgeoning genitalia, snickered aloud as he saw the mounting sexuality in the young wife brought about by the marijuana and the pictures and her own manipulations. She was going to be fine tonight, a regular Goddamned hellcat; he'd teach her a thing or two, son-of-a-bitch if he wouldn't!

'On the table, Mrs. Reagan,' he droned. 'The vibrator… yes, that. Now take it in your hand… good, good, there's a little button on the bottom… click it forward, now you've got it.'

Vibrator? What… what did he want her to do with that? Sally thought in her torpor. It was an ugly thing, black-cased, resembling an elongated candle stick with a rounded head — almost phallic-looking, like a slender, ugly penis. It was slippery in her hand, and when she clicked the button forward as he had directed it began a gentle tingling against her palm and she saw that the rounded head was oscillating from side to side with a steady rhythm. Vibrator, vibrating against her hand… what did he expect her to do with…?

'Now,' Samuels whispered hotly, 'put it down between your legs, Mrs. Reagan!' She seemed to stiffen. 'B- between my legs?'

'You heard me, you little bitch!' he flared. 'Do what I tell you, Goddamnit, or I ruin that fine young husband of yours! Now put the vibrator down between those hot little thighs of yours… that's it, that's it… pull the band of your panties farther over so that you can get the head of the vibrator up your cunt… now you've got it! Move it up and down, up and down, up and down… ohhh, you're doing fine, Mrs. Reagan, just fine!'

The young wife felt the tingling vascillation of the battery-powered vibrator against the moist sensitive flesh of her vaginal region and her entire body began to shudder tremulously. Oh, God, oh, God, it… it feels good! It feels good, up and down, up and down, it's sick and disgusting with him watching me doing it to myself but it feels sooo good…

She was excited now, in her drugged state, and her hips began to move back and forth restlessly on the soft material of the sofa. Samuels watched with bated breath as she moved the slender black vibrator up and down between her widely spread thighs, holding the crotchband of her panties away from the glistening wet folds of her tight, hair-fringed young cunt.

'Shove it inside now!' he hissed excitedly. 'Shove it all the way up your cunt, Mrs. Reagan! Do it, do it now!'

Sally's mind seemed to rebel for a moment to reject that totally alien concept of inserting a vibrating instrument, a mechanical creation, into herself. But the marijuana, mixed with her predisposition to obey and thus bring to a hopefully rapid conclusion this night of horror, finally overcame the objection of her morality. She let the oscillating head of the instrument move along each of the tender, softly pink lips of her pussy, back and forth, and then, slowly, she inserted a little more of the head of the vibrator inside, spreading her legs as wide as she could and drawing the band of her panties wide across her open pubic area. The machine tingled inside, tingled, and she felt passion begin to flow through her as the electrical device teased the buttery walls of her vagina.

'All the way in, all the way inside your cunt!' Samuels prodded breathlessly, his hand wildly stroking his exposed cock.

And she obeyed, thrusting the tingling vibrator deep, deep inside her until she could feel its oscillating head pressing maddeningly against her cervix. The sensations brought low moans from her throat, caused her to flair her head from side to side abandonly. Her high, rounded breasts were sheened with sweat, bobbing excitedly on her chest.

The evil civil servant could scarcely stand the excitement of witnessing the subjugated young wife thrusting the vibrator far up into her own belly. He was becoming so hot now that he knew his balls would soon burst. And yet, he had to hold out for just a little while longer… his own pleasure was foremost, of course, but there was one other thing to think about as well, his true and trusted friend to think about. He couldn't cum until his friend had had his fill of this black-haired little married bitch next to him.

He turned his head reluctantly from the salacious sight of the young wife masturbating herself with the vibrator, and looked in the direction of the kitchen, his eyes glinting wickedly and his slobbering lips parted wide.

'Ringo!' he shouted. 'Here, Ringo boy!'

At once, the huge, furry form of the postal clerk's German Shepherd came bounding in from the kitchen, panting eagerly as if it had been waiting anticipatorily for its master's call. Chuckling, Samuels patted the animal on the head, still rubbing his erect penis. Then he said to the young housewife, 'Take the vibrator out of your cunt now, Mrs. Reagan. Rub your breasts with it, make them nice and hard, make your nipples tingle. Hurry now!'

Slowly, obediently, and almost hesitantly she withdrew the oscillating device from her trembling vagina, moved it up to her quivering breasts. It was wet with her lubrications and seemed to glisten maniacally in the light from the naked overhead fixture. She pressed it to her breasts, in her drugged state not noticing because of her tightly closed eyes the presence of the great, panting German Shepherd.

'Keep the band of your panties pulled over, Mrs. Reagan!' ordered Samuels. 'And keep your legs spread wide. All right, good… now, Ringo, now you can go!'

The massive dog went directly to the girl, its enormous jowls parted and its long, furled tongue panting wetly, redly. Then its cold snout pressed against one of Sally Reagan's thighs, and she froze, her eyes opening and staring down at the beast which sniffed hungrily between her thighs.

My God, my God! her mind protested. Not that dog again! Oh, dear Lord, please not that dog again!

But even as she thought this, she knew what was about to happen, knew she was about to be subjected once again to the most horrible of perversions, to the sexual attack of a dog! She wanted to leave, to leap to her

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