Читати книгу The Small House at Allington
The Small House at Allington
Anthony Trollope
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Trollope’s Chronicles of Barsetshire series, being largely set in that fictious county of England. It includes a few of the characters from the earlier books, though largely in very minor roles. It could also be said to be the first of Trollope’s Palliser series, as it introduces Plantagenet Palliser as the heir to the Duke of Omnium.

The major story, however, relates to the inhabitants of the Small House at the manor of Allington. The Small..." data-title="Книга The Small House at Allington">

Description The Small House at Allington was originally serialized in Cornhill Magazine between July and December 1862. It is the fifth book in Trollope’s Chronicles of Barsetshire series, being largely set in that fictious county of England. It includes a few of the characters from the earlier books, though largely in very minor roles. It could also be said to be the first of Trollope’s Palliser series, as it introduces Plantagenet Palliser as the heir to the Duke of Omnium. The major story, however, relates to the inhabitants of the Small House at the manor of Allington. The Small...
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