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Julius Caesar стр.1

Читать книгу Commentaries on the Gallic War
Commentaries on the Gallic War
Julius Caesar
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Julius Caesar himself, and offer a unique insight into these events.

Before the Gallic war began, the Romans had already conquered the region known as Provincia Nostra (literally: “our province”), which is now Languedoc and Provence in the south of France.

Julius Caesar had been one of the two consuls elected in the year 59..." data-title="Книга Commentaries on the Gallic War">

Description Commentaries on the Gallic War describes the conflicts between Rome and the region of Gaul in western Europe, as well as the Germanic peoples who lived to the east of the river Rhine, and Britain to the north, in the later years of the Roman republic. Despite being written in the 3rd person, the commentaries are the memoirs of Julius Caesar himself, and offer a unique insight into these events. Before the Gallic war began, the Romans had already conquered the region known as Provincia Nostra (literally: “our province”), which is now Languedoc and Provence in the south of France. Julius Caesar had been one of the two consuls elected in the year 59...