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Знаменитый детектив Алекс Кросс решил отойти от дел и вернуться к частной практике психотерапевта. Но старый друг, детектив Сэмпсон, попросил его стать независимым консультантом по делу...
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Murakami Haruki стр.1

Читать книгу A Wild Sheep Chase
A Wild Sheep Chase
Murakami Haruki
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ACCLAIM FOR Haruki Murakami “[A Wild Sheep Chase is] a bold new advance in international fiction…. Youthful, slangy, political, and allegorical.” —The New York Times “Murakami’s writing injects the rock ‘n’ roll of everyday language into the exquisite silences of Japanese literary prose.” —Harper’s Bazaar “[Murakami belongs] in the topmost rank of writers of international stature.” —Newsday “Greatly entertaining…. Will remind readers of the first time they read Tom Robbins or … Thomas Pynchon.” —Chicago Tribune “Murakami captures a kind of isolation that is special in its beauty, and particular to our time…. His language speaks so directly to the mind that one remembers with gratitude what words are...
Читать книгу after the quake
after the quake
Murakami Haruki
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The six stories in Haruki Murakami’s mesmerizing collection are set at the time of the catastrophic 1995 Kobe earthquake, when Japan became brutally aware of the fragility of its daily existence. But the upheavals that afflict Murakami’s characters are even deeper and more mysterious, emanating from a place where the human meets the inhuman. An electronics salesman who has been abruptly deserted by his wife agrees to deliver an enigmatic package—and is rewarded with a glimpse of his true nature. A man who has been raised to view himself as the son of God pursues a stranger who may or may not be his human father. A mild-mannered collection agent receives a visit from a giant talking frog who enlists his help in saving Tokyo from destruction. As haunting as dreams, as potent as...
Читать книгу Dance Dance Dance
Dance Dance Dance
Murakami Haruki
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Acclaim for HARUКI MURAKAMI'S DANCE DANCE DANCE «An entertaining mix of modern sci-fi, nail-biting suspense, and ancient myth ... a sometimes funny, sometimes sinister mystery spoof . . . [that] also aims at contemporary human concerns.» — Chicago Tribune «The plot is addictive.» — Detroit Free Press «There are novelists who dare to imagine the future, but none is as scrupulously, amusingly up-to-the-minute as ... Murakami.» — Newsday «[Dance Dance Dance] has the fascination of a well-written detective story combined with a surreal dream narrative . . . full of appealing, well-developed characters.» — Philadelphia Inquirer «A world-class writer who . . . takes big risks. ... If Murakami is the voice of a generation, then it is the...
Читать книгу Kafka on the Shore
Kafka on the Shore
Murakami Haruki
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Amazon.com The opening pages of a Haruki Murakami novel can be like the view out an airplane window onto tarmac. But at some point between page three and fifteen-it's page thirteen in Kafka On The Shore-the deceptively placid narrative lifts off, and you find yourself breaking through clouds at a tilt, no longer certain where the plane is headed or if the laws of flight even apply. Joining the rich literature of runaways, Kafka On The Shore follows the solitary, self-disciplined schoolboy Kafka Tamura as he hops a bus from Tokyo to the randomly chosen town of Takamatsu, reminding himself at each step that he has to be 'the world?s toughest fifteen-year-old.' He finds a secluded private library in which to spend his days-continuing his impressive self-education-and is befriended by a...