Читать книгу The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future
The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future
Smith Laurence
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Smith, a UCLA geography professor, explores megatrends through computer model projections to describe 'with reasonable scientific credibility, what our world might look like in forty years' time, should things continue as they are now.' Laying out 'ground rules' for himself--including an assumption of incremental advances rather than big technology breakthroughs and no accounting for 'hidden genies' such as a decades-long depression or meteorite impact--he identifies four global forces likely to determine our future: human population growth and migration; growing demand for control over such natural resource 'services' as photosynthesis and bee pollination; globalization; and climate change. He sees the 'New North' as 'something like America in 1803, just after the Louisiana Purchase......

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The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future :
Smith, a UCLA geography professor, explores megatrends through computer model projections to describe 'with reasonable scientific credibility, what our world might look like in forty years' time, should things continue as they are now.' Laying out 'ground rules' for himself--including an assumption of incremental advances rather than big technology breakthroughs and no accounting for 'hidden genies' such as a decades-long depression or meteorite impact--he identifies four global forces likely to determine our future: human population growth and migration; growing demand for control over such natural resource 'services' as photosynthesis and bee pollination; globalization; and climate change. He sees the 'New North' as 'something like America in 1803, just after the Louisiana Purchase... harsh, dangerous, and ecologically fragile.' Aside from his observations of 'a profound return of autonomy and dignity to many aboriginal people' through increasing political power and integration into
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