Читати книгу Flashman And The Dragon
Flashman And The Dragon
Fraser George
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Flashman at his worst. But for his fans, that means he's at his best in this, his most reckless, erotic adventure yet. Flashy yearns to unclothe the wife of a man of the cloth, smuggles opium to Hong Kong, grovels to a warlord, hooks up with a lady pirate from the Amazon and offers himself as a sex toy to the world's most stunning -- and evil -- woman. As usual, Flashy rises to each occasion, no matter how low he must go. 'Extremely funny, but meticulously authentic. Between guffaws, you learn from it.' (The Washington...

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Flashman And The Dragon :
Flashman at his worst. But for his fans, that means he's at his best in this, his most reckless, erotic adventure yet. Flashy yearns to unclothe the wife of a man of the cloth, smuggles opium to Hong Kong, grovels to a warlord, hooks up with a lady pirate from the Amazon and offers himself as a sex toy to the world's most stunning -- and evil -- woman. As usual, Flashy rises to each occasion, no matter how low he must go. 'Extremely funny, but meticulously authentic. Between guffaws, you learn from it.' (The Washington Post)
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