Читати книгу Countdown
Douglass Keith
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The Communist hard-liners are attempting to regain power in the former Soviet Union which has sparked a violent civil war. The United States does not want to get involved, but when it is discovered that the rebels are planning a submarine-launched nuclear strike, the U.S. decides to intervene. Carrier Battle Group 14, along with two other carrier battle groups, form a carrier battle force tasked with keeping the Russian ballistic missile submarines in port where they cannot launch their nuclear weapons. A massive air, sea and land battle...

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Countdown :
The Communist hard-liners are attempting to regain power in the former Soviet Union which has sparked a violent civil war. The United States does not want to get involved, but when it is discovered that the rebels are planning a submarine-launched nuclear strike, the U.S. decides to intervene. Carrier Battle Group 14, along with two other carrier battle groups, form a carrier battle force tasked with keeping the Russian ballistic missile submarines in port where they cannot launch their nuclear weapons. A massive air, sea and land battle ensues.
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