‘They’ve had to watch their son die, guv. And yet…’ Brook shook his head.


‘Look at the boy. He’s at peace. The killer hasn’t made him suffer. He’s been killed before being strung up so the parents can witness it. Look at their tears. Maybe the kid’s been drugged and smothered, then strung up in front ofhis mum and dad.’ Brook put his nose up to Mrs Elphick’s. ‘Chloroform. Guv, he’s put them out and revived them. Perfect. What’s the first thing they see? Their son. Is he dead? Possibly. But they can’t be sure. They cry. The killer is pleased-the desired effect. He’s not had the heart to kill the boy in front of them. That would be too hard on him, he’s young. But once he’s dead, he has no scruples about brutalising the corpse, cutting off his fingers, showing them off to the parents to make them suffer, to increase their misery.’

‘So he wants them to think their son has died in agony even if he hasn’t. Interesting.’

‘You don’t sound convinced, guv.’

‘We’re just talking. Go on.’

‘They’ve been drugged and revived to see the fact of their son’s death. They’ve been punished for something and their son is the method. But they haven’t been tortured either. There’s no frenzy here. They’ve been killed quickly, almost as an afterthought to the main event. It’s not their physical pain he’s after but their mental torment. He wants them to cry, he wants them to see their son dead and know they’re going to die. He doesn’t relish the actual killing, just the fact that his victims will no longer exist. In fact, I bet he almost wishes he could let them live.’

‘Why the fuck do you say that?’ asked Rowlands.

Brook pondered for a moment then turned to Rowlands with a half-smile. ‘Because they’ve learned their lesson.’

Chapter Seven

Brook was jolted awake by Cat rubbing herself against his legs. He lifted his head from his arms and squinted down at the squirming, affectionate fur ball at his feet. He felt a little dizzy so he returned his head to his arms for a moment and instead tried to move his lips but they seemed welded together, caramelised almost, by the stale sweet alcohol. His first drunken stupor for years.

He lifted his head again and was surprised to feel only a dull ache. He drank so rarely these days, he expected heavier punishment. For a few months in the nineties he’d tried to hit the bottle but soon tired of it. His insomnia wouldn’t be denied by an alcohol-induced coma.

Brook stood and winced in unexpected pain. His back muscles were tight from the wooden chair. That’s what came of getting a plush new car. No sooner had he experienced the pleasure of a cushioned seat than his back protested about having to accept second best.

He padded off to the kitchen taking the empty bottle and brimming ashtray with him. The linoleum was icy on his bare feet and he hopped from foot to foot before jumping onto the hall carpet for relief. He slipped on his loafers and returned to the kitchen to turn out a large tin of mush into a bowl.

Cat ate remorselessly until the bowl was empty then sauntered past Brook as though he didn’t exist, to seek out the hottest radiator to doze under.

‘Enjoy that, monkey?’ Cat ignored him and trotted off to the living room. ‘Don’t mention it.’ He smiled. There was a time when Brook would have preferred dogs. He still did, but over the years, as his job took him full pelt away from childhood, he’d noticed the resemblance the dumb mutts had to victims of crimes-battered wives and abused children, in particular. Dogs were too innocent for this world. They belonged in boyhood, in a past of hot endless summers and English sporting supremacy.

Cats were different. Nothing was unconditional. If you played ball you’d be given the appropriate amount of love and affection. But if you didn’t feed and house them properly they’d find somewhere better to live. Their demands provided a behavioural straitjacket from which you couldn’t deviate.

Brook flung open the back door to clear his head and ventilate the flat. He didn’t believe in aspirin. The freezing morning air felt good so he stepped out to have a cigarette. It’d been many months since he’d smoked in the morning but as it was the last in the packet best to get it finished. Already he was thinking like an addict again.

Brook lit up and exhaled towards the heavens. The sky was still black but the occasional early bird drove by.

On one such pass, a car’s headlights picked out a figure standing on the other side of the Uttoxeter Road. Brook narrowed his eyes, curious. People didn’t stand around in this weather, at this time of the morning.

From the shock of long blonde hair, it had to be a girl and she appeared to be staring back at Brook standing in the communal alley at the side of his building. He must look odd, outside in the bitter cold in shirtsleeves.

Brook continued to glance over, glad of the cigarette as pretext for loitering. There wasn’t a bus stop nearby so her presence was mildly interesting and he continued to observe her. Perhaps she was a prostitute or someone waiting for a lift into work.

She wore a dark blue padded jacket, buttoned up to her chin, faded blue jeans with horizontal slashes in the knees, brown boots and a pair of garish pink ear muffs, the sort of garb only young people seemed able to wear and not feel self-conscious.

One thing was clear. She was cold, jogging up and down in an effort to keep warm. Brook, in shirt and trousers, was reminded of the bite of winter morning and shuddered. Flicking his cigarette against the wall for the satisfying spray of orange, he turned to go inside.

As he did so, he noticed the girl crossing the road towards him so he tarried a moment longer. Perhaps she wanted directions.

She walked steadily towards him, her gaze locking onto Brook’s face so blatantly that he felt no embarrassment about staring straight back at her.

She was young, twenty perhaps, and had straggly unkempt hair, parted vaguely in the middle. Brook noticed a touch of darker root. She was medium height with a pretty face and a button nose. Her complexion was clear and soft and her grey eyes were large, with a hint of Eurasian slant. She moved well on her slim legs, like a model, aware of her attractions.

When she was a few yards from Brook, she hesitated, as though she’d remembered something, and rummaged in a generous, fleece-lined pocket.

‘Good morning,’ she smiled, revealing a full set of teeth in a large, slightly protruding mouth. There was no trace of an accent, which Brook, rightly or wrongly, always took as a sign of a middle-class upbringing.

Brook returned her smile, resisting the urge to flap his arms around his freezing torso. She consulted a piece of paper from her pocket. ‘Could you tell me where the Casa Mia Hotel is please?’

‘The Casa Mia?’ Brook knew it well. He could’ve taken her there blindfolded so many times had he been called in to deal with the unfortunates who fetched up in that DSS fleapit. Sergeant Hendrickson joked that it would be cheaper to have an officer permanently stationed there, to save on petrol. He wasn’t a natural comedian.

‘Why would you want to go to that dump?’

She seemed nonplussed by Brook’s frankness but she smiled, her grey eyes fixing him. ‘I’m staying there tonight. I’ve got an interview at the university, tomorrow.’

‘For what?’ asked Brook.

‘To study there,’ she replied. Her expression carried a semblance of reproach, as if Brook had suggested she looked like she’d be applying for a cleaning job.

Brook was tempted to challenge her further but he was shivering so he gave directions and darted inside.

He looked at his watch. He had an hour before Terri could call so he nipped inside to pull on a coat and went back out into the cold.

A couple of minutes later, he was staring up at the menu board in the steamy warmth of Jimbo’s Cafe, known to regulars as Jumbo’s because of the girth of its proprietor.

Brook sat down with his mug of tea to await his Farmhouse Special, having helped himself to one of the tabloids on the counter. He wasn’t feeling hungry, as a purely functional eater he rarely did, but he knew he hadn’t

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