She lifted herself slowly, thrusting the dead assailant away from her with loathing.
“Ignore them,” Christopher said.
“They won’t hurt you. Walk towards me slowly.”
She began to move, arranging her torn clothes about her to conceal her nakedness. He willed her to him, steadying her faltering footsteps with words of encouragement. She reached the circle of men and started to walk through.
One man reached out to snatch at her, intending to use her body as a shield for his own escape. Christopher shot him through the throat, a single shot. The others fell back warily. The way lay open for her.
She was at his side, trembling as she touched him. Her hand clutched at his arm fiercely, hurting him, her fingers digging into his flesh. She said nothing. He felt a rage in him that neither the darkness nor the lust of killing could stifle. He would feel it always, from that moment: it would never leave him, though it would lessen in magnitude.
“We’re leaving,” he said.
“The horses are behind us. I’m going to keep these bastards pinned down here: can you get to the horses?”
She nodded, choking back the last of the sobs.
They inched back slowly across the rough ground, heading for the area behind the tents where the horses had been hitched for the night to tent-pegs. The sound of the animals came to them out of the darkness, whinnying softly and stamping their feet, restless on account of the shooting.
“Find two horses you think we can handle,” Christopher instructed her.
“Untie them. Don’t worry about saddles, we’ll have to go bareback. Untie the others as well, but leave one for Winterpole, in case he makes it.”
She slipped away from him, her confidence returning. Someone had thrown water on the fire and he could no longer see clearly what was happening in the camp.
A voice came out of the darkness, soft and familiar.
“The rifle, Mr. Wylam. Throw it away from you as far as you are able. I am aiming at your back and the range is negligible, so please behave like a reasonable man.”
Christopher stiffened. He recognized the voice: Rezukhin. A long sigh escaped him. He had forgotten that the general’s tent was next to the temporary paddock. With a groan, he threw his rifle down as ordered, several yards away.
“Christopher! What is it?” Chindamani called from the darkness.
“Stay back!” he shouted.
“Take the nearest horse and ride. Don’t wait for me. Don’t wait for anyone! Just ride as fast as you can!”
“Keep quiet, Mr. Wylam,” Rezukhin’s voice came again.
“But first tell the girl that if she so much as moves a muscle I’ll shoot her where she stands. Is that understood? I can see her perfectly clearly from where I’m standing. And I see very well in the dark, I assure you.”
Christopher called again.
“Stay where you are, Chindamani. Don’t move. He says he’ll shoot you, and I believe he means it. But get ready for a chance to make a break for it.”
He would have to make a chance for her, distract Rezukhin long enough to let her make it to the horse.
“I can’t go without you, Christopher!” she called back.
“I won’t leave you here!”
“You’ve got to! For his sake. For my sake. When the moment comes,” he pleaded.
“Stop babbling!” Rezukhin barked. He was frightened and unsure of what was happening. Was the camp under attack? Had his prisoners allowed a band of Red infiltrators to slip past his guards?
Christopher wondered how good Rezukhin’s aim was at this distance. The range was short, but he sensed that the general had originally been right-handed and that there were limits to how well he could use his left.
“Your men raped her, Rezukhin!” he called out.
“You promised us a safe passage to Urga. You told your boys to keep their hands off us but see what happened when your back was turned.”
“I told you to keep quiet. If my men need a woman, I don’t interfere. They endure enough privations. You have no privileges here, no rights as far as I’m concerned, you and the other man with you are nothing but spies. Which means I can have you taken out and shot.”
“The way you shot those poor bastards in the forest? Without a trial? Judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one? I thought you were a soldier. I thought we were on the same side. But I appear to have been mistaken.”
“This is Mongolia, Mr. Wylam, this is a world apart. We are under martial law here. That law empowers me to condemn a man to death and to have him executed on the spot if the situation demands it. In this place, it is situations that compel us to our actions, not men or their morality.”
Rezukhin steadied the pistol, holding it firmly in line with Christopher’s chest. It was heavy, but his hand did not waver.
“And frankly, Mr. Wylam,” he went on, “I think the present situation calls for action. For condemnation and execution. You have killed at least one of my men, possibly more. You have endangered the lives of my entire unit. You are attempting to escape from military custody. It will be a pleasure to deal with you as you deserve. Come closer. I want to see you.”
“Ka-ris To-feh!”
Chindamani had found the right horse, a small gelding she had ridden since leaving the forest. She slipped its rope and pulled herself on to its smooth back.
“Run!” she cried.
“It’s too dark, he’ll miss you!”
It took Christopher less than a second to decide. He turned and broke into a run, praying he was right about Rezukhin’s aim.
The general swung the barrel of his gun round, panning after Christopher’s running figure. He saw the girl on the horse, anticipated the direction in which the Englishman would run.
Christopher had forgotten the rifle. It lay where he had tossed it, half-hidden by grass, invisible in the darkness. His foot caught on it, twisting his ankle and pitching him forward heavily on to his face.
Rezukhin saw the Englishman fall. He smiled with satisfaction:
Wylam would never make it to the horse now. He glanced forward at the girl sitting on its back, calling desperately to the man on the ground. She would be better out of the way: women only bred discontent, their presence invariably led to brawls and breaches of discipline. Witness tonight’s episode.
He raised the pistol, aimed at her, and fired.
Chindamani dropped from the horse with a startled cry, like a bird plummeting wingless out of the night sky. Rezukhin smiled and walked forward. He might as well finish the Englishman off as well.
Christopher scrabbled for the rifle, but he had lost it again in the darkness. He heard a gun being cocked, a soft click like a small door closing. He looked up to see Rezukhin standing over him, a stunted shadow etched against the sky.
Rezukhin’s finger tightened on the trigger. Christopher caught his breath. He would call her name whatever happened, not even a bullet would deny him that. He closed his eyes. There was a roar and a second roar that followed instantly, like doors slamming in a great temple. He let his breath go urgently, calling into the blackness, against the roaring, calling her name.
There was no pain. He found that strange. Someone was shouting at him. He found that stranger.
“Get up for God’s sake, Christopher! The whole camp will be on our backs in a minute!”
It was Winterpole, leaning over him, helping him to his feet.
“I’m .. .”
“You’re all right, man. The first shot you heard was mine.
Rezukhin’s was aimed somewhere in the direction of Jupiter.”