York, an insolent grin his answer to her show of power.
“Let it go, Janika,” Death interjected, his lifted hand covered by the voluminous bell sleeve of his robes.
“He insulted me, Master.” Janika pouted.
“Your behavior is insulting to this gathering,” Tomas chided, the chill of a grave in his tone. “It is because you are ranked third that you must set an example for the others. Letting the Reaper of Georgia bait you is unbecoming.” He looked away from the cowed youngster and addressed the head of the table. “Master, shall we proceed with this meeting?”
Death tilted his head in assent. “I will see you later, Janika.”
“Yes, Master,” she whispered, her eyes returning to normal.

Seated behind his desk, Death prepared himself for the conversations to come. The meeting had run on like a marathon. Fifty-two states felt like a million. Eternity gave itself a new meaning, and all because of Janika. The Reaper of New York wouldn’t shut her mouth, salivating for another confrontation. Even the saintly Tomas snapped at her.
A whisp—the soul of an unborn child—passed through the door and floated toward him. “Master,” it squeaked. “The Reapers of New York and Georgia are both awaiting your indulgence.”
Death stifled the urge to knead his forehead by dropping his cowl. “You may let Nikolas in, Nim,” he said.
The whisp froze, mesmerized by his beauty.
It hopped then trembled. “Yes, Master.” It bobbed to the door.
A breath later, Nikolas entered, his gaze cast to the ground. He executed a practiced bow any performer would envy.
“You wished to see me, Master?” he asked after he straightened. His handsomeness lacked its usual fire. Only an ashen pallor remained.
“Would you care to take a seat, Nikolas?”
A chair made of bones materialized in a puff of smoke upon Death’s request.
“Have I displeased you in some way, Master?”
“Please, my dear boy, sit down.”
“Master, I don’t—”
“Sit down!” Death’s voice boomed like Jupiter’s thunderstorms.
Nikolas fell into the chair, his head hung limp for the noose. He inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly. Then he lifted his head and waited.
Disgust embraced Death. No Reaper should be so weak.
“Is something the matter, Master?”
“I’m curious, why did you antagonize Janika earlier? It is most unlike you.”
Nikolas shrugged one shoulder. “She had it coming. I can’t stand her. I never could.”
“And yet you risk making an enemy of her. Cockiness can get you punished.”
“It has nothing to do with being cocky, Master. She means nothing to me.”
“Remember your rank, Reaper.”
“I do, Master. I do.”
A strangled silence passed before Death asked, “How are your duties?”
Nikolas’ brow puckered. “A massive pile up—”
Death forestalled any other explanations with a raised hand. “I didn’t mean for you to repeat your report from the meeting earlier. I already know of that.”
“I fail to understand—”
“What I don’t understand,
“I have never been remiss with my duties, Master. I follow protocol and blend into society, do I not?”
“And I enforce the Death Certificates in a timely manner?”
“And don’t I escort the souls here for processing?”
Death nodded once.
“Then, pardon me,
“Then explain to me why you haven’t replenished yourself with residual energy?” Death tented his fingers. “Do you have a death wish, my child?”
Nikolas leaned forward until his elbows touched his knees and covered his face with his hands. He said nothing for the longest second recorded in history. When he sat up, his features showed only a fraction of the fatigue he’d brought with him. “I must admit to being remiss, Master,” he said in even tones. “I’ve had a lot on my mind of late.”
“What keeps you up at night?” Death pressed.
“Perhaps…” Nikolas paused. “I have lived a long time. I have seen countless sunsets.” His gaze seemed so far away. “I question my purpose, Master.”
“Your purpose?”
“Forgive me. It is not my intention to confuse. Even I find it difficult to understand what I am going through. A crossroads, if you will. But I believe I can find my way again.”
Death took a moment to assess the situation. If Nikolas couldn’t find a way out of the mire of ennui he currently swam in, he’d continue the Fade, and Georgia would need a new Reaper. As much as possible, Death didn’t want that. He’d resort to cruelty if he had to. But if Nikolas found his way out, he’d find himself transformed.
Intrigued by the possibilities, Death said, “Tomas went through your predicament some centuries back. Do you remember?”
Dismay made friends with Nikolas’s fatigue. “He was a pain to live with then.”
“Yes, and look at him now. He went from the Reaper of Wyoming, ranked fiftieth, to the first with California.” Death recalled those growing pains for Tomas. It had been during a different time. “Would you want to speak with him about his experience to gain some clarity?”
“That is gracious of you, Master. But I must decline.”
“Ah, my dear Nikolas, always so independent.”
“If it so pleases you—” he stood “—I must take my leave.”
“Be well, Nikolas.” Death gestured at the door. “Now, if you will please send in Janika. We have matters to discuss regarding her conduct.”
Nikolas had the gall to smirk. “With pleasure.”
Chapter 5
ON THE BUS TO ATLANTA, Arianne did the popcorn bounce in her seat. She still couldn’t believe she’d spoken to Nikolas Clark, let alone that he brought her to the nurse’s office. He’d been charming and too handsome for his own good.
Ben hadn’t been too happy with her talking all through lunch and American history about her encounter with Niko. The friendship code had him listening patiently for a while, but when she got to the part where Niko brought her to the nurse, he’d shut down faster than a police checkpoint. She thought back to Ben’s reaction at lunch…