“I like it best when there’s less fool talk and more action,” Longarm said.

She laughed as he remounted her. She responded to his first thrust, saying, “My heavens, Nan Durler really told the truth about one thing. If this be carnal depravity, I like it. I didn’t mean to offend your manly pride, dearest, but I told you I was weak-willed.”

Longarm laughed, too. He started moving faster, thinking, Yeah, this is what every old boy says he wants—a pretty little thing that moves her tail like a saloon door on payday, with no strings or tears in the cold, gray dawn. By jimmies, he’d take her to Denver and hold on to her for a spell! Then, as he paused, once more sated for the moment, Prudence sighed, “Roll over on your back and let me do it my way.”

“I’m still up to it, honey, and I like to do things my way and I’m bigger than you!”

“My, yes, in every way,” she purred. “But please let me get on top. Pretty please with sugar on it?”

So, having shown he was still the boss, sort of, Longarm rolled his back against the mattress as she took her own way with his flesh. As he suddenly laughed, she paused and asked with a frown, “What’s so funny? I didn’t think I was all that ridiculous with ‘my old shimmy off!”

He laughed again and explained, “I was thinking of a gal I met, maybe a million years ago, who said I’d never meet up with another half as good.”

Prudence Lee arched her petite torso back to grasp his bare ankles and brace herself on locked elbows. Then she hooked a heel in each of Longarm’s armpits and began moving her tiny pelvis in a manner he found impossible as well as delicious. He gasped, “You’re purely fixing to bust me off inside you, but don’t you dare stop!”

“Was that other lady right in her assumption you’d never meet her match in bed, darling?”

Longarm grinned up at the face smiling back at him between a pair of bouncing cupcake breasts and answered, “Honey, she was as crazy as a bedbug! Every other gal I’ve ever done this with was just practice for tonight. You are the very best I’ve ever had and that’s the truth!”

That was what he liked most about women. No matter how good the last had been, each time he found himself a new one, it really did seem that she was the best he’d ever had. So no matter how often he said it, he was always telling the truth.

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