the gods.
SHANANARA — Her Royal Highness, Shananara te Ortyn. Daughter of Rorandelan. Sister of Korandellan.
BREHN — God of Storms.
CHELTARAN — God of Healing.
DACENDARAN — God of Thieves.
GIMLORIE — God of Music.
JASHIA — God of Fire.
JAKERLON — God of Liars.
JELANNA — Goddess of Fertility.
JONDALUP — God of Chance.
KAELARN — God of the Oceans.
KALIANAH — Goddess of Love.
LEYLANAN — Goddess of the Ironbrook River.
MAERA — Goddess of the Glass River.
PATANAN — God of Good Fortune.
VODEN — God of Green Life.
ZEGARNALD — God of War.
ALMODAVAR — Hythrun Raider. Captain of Damin Wolfblade’s Raiders.
CYRUS EAGLESPIKE — Hythrun. Warlord of Dregian Province. Damin Wolfblade’s distant cousin.
DAMIN WOLFBLADE — Warlord of Krakandar and heir to the High Prince’s throne. Son of Princess Marla and nephew of Lernen Wolfblade, High Prince of Hythria.
KALAN — High Arrion of the Sorcerers’ Collective in Hythria. Damin Wolfblade’s half sister, also known as Kalan of Elasapine. She has a twin brother, Narvell Hawksword.
LERNEN WOLFBLADE — High Prince of Hythria. Damin’s uncle. A known pervert with no desire to produce an heir and rather exotic sexual appetites.
MARLA WOLFBLADE — Princess of Hythria. Sister of Lernen Wolfblade and mother of Damin. Married 5 times she is also the mother of Kalan and Narvell Hawksword of Elasapine.
RORIN — Seneschal to the High Arrion of the Sorcerers’ Collective.
SOOTHAN — Captain of a Hythrun fishing boat.
ARINGARD — Queen of Karien. Married to Jasnoff and mother of Cratyn.
CHARITY — Karien noblewoman. Granddaughter of Baron Lodnan.
CHASTITY — Daughter of Terbolt. Adrina’s Lady-In-Waiting. Formerly betrothed to Cratyn.
CRATYN — Crown Prince of Karien. Son of Jasnoff and Aringard.
DRENDYN — Karien. Earl of Tiler’s Pass. Cratyn’s cousin and nephew of King Jasnoff.
ELFRON — Karien priest sent to the Citadel with Lord Pieter to denounce the Sisterhood’s handling of the pagans.
GARANUS — Karien Priest sent to the Citadel with Terbolt, the Duke of Setenton.
HOPE — Adrina’s Lady-In-Waiting.
JASNOFF — King of Karien. Married to Aringard. Father of Cratyn and uncle to Drendyn.
JAYMES OF KIRKLAND — Karien page attached to Lord Laetho’s retinue. Son of Lord Laetho’s Third Steward, he cannot by knighted due to his common birth.
LORD PIETER — Karien Envoy to Medalon.
MIKEL OF KIRKLAND — Karien page attached to Lord Laetho’s retinue. Jaymes’ younger brother. Appointed as Adrina’s page following his escape from Medalon.
PACIFICA — Adrina’s Lady-In-Waiting.
TERBOLT — Karien. Duke of Setenton and father of Chastity.
VONULUS — Karien Priest appointed as Confessor to Adrina.
XAPHISTA — The Overlord. God of the Kariens.
ADRINA — Princess of Fardohnya. Eldest legitimate child of King Hablet and his first wife. Adrina’s mother was beheaded for trying to assassinate her husband’s mistress and her illegitimate son Tristan.
CASSANDRA — Princess of Fardohnya. Adrina’s younger sister and second legitimate child of Hablet.
HABLET — King of the Fardohnyans. Has 14 illegitimate sons and thirteen legitimate daughters. He refuses to name his heir hoping one of his wives will give him a legitimate son.
JAPINEL — Fardohnyan tailor, alchemist and con-man.
LECTER TURON — Chamberlain of the Fardohnyan Court. Lector is a eunuch who makes his fortune collecting bribes.
RAVEN — Head of the Assassins’ Guild that operates in Hythria and Fardohnya
TERIAHNA — The Raven. Head of the Assassins’ Guild.
TAMYLAN — Fardohnyan slave raised to serve Adrina. Lover of Tristan on Adrina’s orders.
TRISTAN — Bastard son of King Hablet of Fardohnya. Adrina’s half-brother and Captain of her Guard sent to Karien.
About the Author
Jennifer Fallon was born in Melbourne, Australia, and at the age of 11 moved to the nation’s capital, Canberra, when her father, a senior public servant in the Defence Department, was transferred. She lived in and around Canberra for about eight years. She is the ninth child in a family of 13 girls.
Jennifer has lived in the ‘Top End’ of Australia, the Northern Territory, since 1980, although at present she is based in Melbourne for work commitments. She has two daughters and a son. Over the years, Jennifer has also had 32 foster children. Friends refer to her home as ‘the ashram’ due to the large number of stray teenagers that still inhabit her house at irregular intervals.
Jennifer has worked in a wide variety of occupations and at present is a director of Business Innovations Group Pty Ltd, and the main creative force behind Mr Big, the Web Wizard. She is an accredited workplace trainer and also a partner in the US company CISDesigns. She currently works as a consultant in e-commerce and VoIP and travels around Australia for her work. She is a member of the Business & Professional Women’s Association, the Phenomenal Women of the Web Association and is often in demand as a guest speaker.
Like many other aspiring writers, in 1981 Jennifer wrote a Mills & Boon that dutifully got rejected. (She later burned the manuscript.) She changed to fantasy in 1990 when she decided she would be better writing something for herself, rather than trying to please everyone else. In 1995, Jennifer decided to either get published