and their concerns aren't ours. We only meet them at the water's edge, and that's not enough. Use your gift

for your own kind.’ That’s what they tell me.'

'I hear the voices of all the old Holders,' Jenna said. 'I’ve never heard any of them speak much of the Saimhoir.'

Again the laugh. 'Then perhaps it’s time one did.'

'I didn’t want this,' she said. 'I didn’t ask for it.'

'I know,' Thraisha answered. 'I didn’t either. But it’s ours, and the question is what will we do with it.'

'You’ve already seen it in your foretelling. You’ve seen my death and yours. You’ve seen it all fail.'

A cough, a moan. 'Perhaps. Or, as you said, maybe that was only a vision of what could be, not what must be.' Her head lay back on Jenna’s lap, as if she were tired. 'What do you think Ennis would tell you?'

'He would tell me not to worry about him and to do what I felt was right.' She stroked Thraisha’s head. 'It should have been Ennis with Lamh Shabhala. Not me. It would have been better that way.'

'It wasn’t what Lamh Shabhala wanted,' Thraisha answered. 'It chose you, and there was a reason for that.'

'Then it should tell me what it is.'

'I think it has,' Thraisha answered. 'You just haven’t listened. You need to listen now-to your head, not your heart.'

'But Ennis…'

'Ennis is lost,' Thraisha said. 'I think you know that.'

'No!' Jenna shouted the denial, screamed the word as if she could burn away the void inside her with the fury as she scrambled to her feet, pushing Thraisha away. In the tavern, the singing stopped, and someone opened the door, spilling yellow light over the dock and silhouetting a man’s figure. 'I won’t let him be lost!'

'Hello out there!' the figure called. A few other heads appeared behind it. 'Is everything all right?'

'I’m. . fine,' Jenna said, turning to wave at the people in the tavern door. 'Sorry. I just. . slipped.'

The door closed. After a moment, the singing started up again.

When Jenna turned back, Thraisha was gone. The waves lapped the stones silently.

Chapter 48: Glenn Aill

THE party that left Dun Kiil on horseback was tiny: Jenna, Moister Cleurach, the Banrion Aithne and a quartet of gardai along with six attendants. They were escorted for the first day by the Rl and several tiarna and bantiarna of the Comhairle and their followers, but the others turned back when they came within sight of Sliabh Mlchinniuint, where long ago Mael Armagh had been defeated by Severii O'Coulghan. The group traveled on alone: beyond the townland of Dun Kiil into Maoil na nDreas and Ingean na nUan, and finally past the leaning, gray stone marker of the O Dochartaigh clan.

Jenna could well believe that Rubha na Scarbh could effectively hide Aron O Dochartaigh or a thousand others. The landscape was violent and wild, with sudden cliffs, great mountains of greenery-hung granite; boulder- clogged lowlands and hummock-strewn bogs. Mist and clouds draped the slopes and thunder rumbled in the valleys. They followed wandering sheep and goat trails or no path at all, coming upon 'villages' of three or four houses where suspicious, grimy faces peered at them from shuttered windows. For every mile they traveled northwest, it seemed they traveled four up and down, or had to detour for half a day around an escarpment that flung itself across their path.

They saw a herd of storm deer, their hooves striking sparks from the rocks, the noise of their passage obliterating the storm. The next night, wind sprites lit the air around them in the mist and fog. From the pine wrests bristling on the mountains came the howls of wolves that sounded 'like sibilant, long chants. Red, glowing eyes watched them from the darkness, and once there was a call that none of them could identify at all-chilling long moan that raised the hair on the back of their necks, then was answered from across the valley.

'The land is changing,' Moister Cleurach said.

'The Old Ones are slowly waking from their long sleep. You woke them, Jenna.'

A rider had come up to their party that morning, as they moved deeper into O Dochartaigh’s land. A white banner fluttered from his spear, and his scabbard was empty of its sword. He’d glanced at Jenna, Moister Cleurach and their escorts, then handed the Banrion a note. 'I wasn’t told the Holder would be coming, or the Inishfeirm Moister,' the man said. 'The tiarna… '

'Is my brother so defenseless that a dozen riders are a threat to him?' the Banrion asked, and the man flushed.

'The Holder-'

'— wishes to see that the hostage is delivered into her hands as was promised,' the Banrion snapped. 'Nothing more. Tell Aron that she is here to give him the eraic he demanded. Or if he prefers, we can ride back to Dun Kiil and he can be content with nothing.'

Jenna had remained silent, staring back as the rider’s eyes narrowed and his mouth tightened. Then, with an arrogant sniff, he wheeled around and galloped away. The Banrion had unrolled the parchment. 'He’ll meet us at Glenn Aill,' she said. Her eyebrows raised as she glanced at Jenna. 'This is what you want, isn’t it, First Holder?'

Jenna felt a flush rise in her cheeks. 'I don’t know of any other way to get Ennis back.' Moister Cleurach came up to them, listening. Jenna couldn’t look at him, afraid of what Aithne might see if she did.

The Banrion seemed mostly amused by Jenna’s statement. 'Love is a phantom, Holder. It lives but a few years, then withers away and leaves you wondering how you could have ever thought you liked this sad per-son sharing your bed.' She paused, her head tilting slightly as she re-garded Jenna. 'I think we’re more alike than you want to believe, Jenna, and I certainly wouldn’t give up what you have for that.'

'I suppose I don’t have your cynicism, Banrion.'

Moister Cleurach, grunted but said nothing.

Aithne smiled at Jenna. would call it realism,

Holder. Besides, your sacrifice leaves my brother as the Holder of Lamh Shabhala.'

'I would have thought that was something you might prefer.'

'Love is a phantom,' Aithne repeated, 'whether 'tis between lovers o between siblings. I hold no illusions as to whether Aron would allow any lingering affection for me to stand in the way of what he wants.'

'And that is…?'

'He would like to see a true Rl sitting on the throne at Dun Kiil, one who wouldn't need or want the Comhairle. With Lamh Shabhala, he could well have that.' Her gaze lingered on Jenna, and Aithne seemed to sigh. 'I wish you trusted me more, Holder. I think we both actually want the same thing.' She kicked heels into her horse's side.

'Does she know?' Moister Cleurach asked softly as the Banrion moved up the trail. Jenna shook her head.

'I don't think so.'

'We may have made a mistake in not telling her.'

'If so, it's already made,' Jenna answered. 'We've gone too far to take the chance now.'

The Banrion stopped, looking back at the two of them. She waved her arm. 'We go this way,' she said.

They were in their second day of storm.

' Tis no worse than others I've seen,' Moister Cleurach said. 'The sea is a fey mistress and we're no more than a speck in her hand-there's no escaping her whims, not in Inish Thuaidh.'

Jenna huddled sullen and miserable on her horse. The reedcoat she wore flapped in the gale force winds that shredded the gray-black clouds above and pushed them firmly across the sky. The persistent and steady rain, blown nearly horizontal, had penetrated every fold and gap in the reedcoat and plastered her hair to her skull under the hood she held over her face. Her mount plodded through the deluge, great clumps of mud clinging to her hoofs and fetlocks, her mane dripping and the leather saddle and reins sodden. The clouds ran aground on the tops of the steep mountains to either side of them, a thousand dancing and splashing rills and streams plummeting down their sides toward the river whose banks they followed.

It helped, a little, that the others in their small party were suffering with her. Moister Cleurach sniffled and coughed, the gardai and retainers grumbled and muttered. Only the Banrion Aithne seemed unaffected by the weather, sitting uncomplaining on her black mare as she peered around her.

'Another few hours,' she said. 'We’re nearly there.'

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