citizens, plundering our houses and our temples, killing and raping those who have remained behind. The Hirzg’s forces and our own Garde Civile are facing their main army on the North Bank; they have tasked us with protecting their rear flank, and with keeping the city a safe place for their return. We must hold the South Bank. I will hold the South Bank.”

She paused as another fireball screamed through the brightening sky-they all watched it. Her horse trembled underneath her, and she patted its muscular neck, calming it as the fireball fell to earth behind them across the Avi. “You see?” she said. “The Tehuantin mean nothing less than the destruction of the Holdings and Nessantico. Stay here, and all of you will die anyway. If I’m to die, I would rather die with my sword in my hand and my enemy bleeding at my feet.”

The cheer that came from them was loud but ragged. Even some of those shouting looked unsure. The sparkwheelers, to one side, shuffled uneasily; she noticed Brie glaring at them. “We march today to glory,” she told them, pulling her sword from its sheath and holding it aloft. “We march for the Holdings. We march for Nessantico. And I will march with you, at your head.”

An open-top, teni-driven carriage rattled down the streets through the smoke, moving slowly around the rubble in the street; Allesandra could see the symbol of Cenzi’s cracked globe on the doors of the vehicle. “Today, the Archigos himself will march with us,” she added. “Make yourselves ready. We will begin the attack in two marks of the glass, and we’ll show these Westlanders how the Holdings responds to those who threaten it.”

They cheered again, because-Allesandra knew-it was expected of them, because they wanted to believe her even as fear made their bowels want to turn to water. She rode toward the Archigos’ carriage with Brie, Talbot, and Sergei trailing her. Archigos Karrol’s balding head peered over the side of the carriage; he did not look pleased to be here. Two pale, younger faces were visible behind him. “Archigos, I’m glad to see you,” Allesandra said. “However belatedly.”

“Let’s not pretend that you or the Hirzg left me any choice, Kraljica,” he answered. “But I’m here.”

“And the war-teni?”

“There are four more who have arrived from the east today. I sent two to the Hirzg; the other two are with me. They understand the consequences if they fail to serve.” He gestured to the other two teni in the carriage.

“Good,” she told him. “I hope they’re well-rested. We need them now. Talbot, if you’d take charge of the war-teni and the archers. Brie, you have the sparkwheelers.” She scowled at Sergei, still feeling anger at the man’s insolence in disregarding her orders. “Sergei, you’ll be with me and the Archigos.”

They assembled quickly. While Allesandra remained furious with Sergei for having destroyed the eastern bridge, she had to admit that a two-pronged attack across both bridges would have divided and thinned their forces too much. Still, the difficulty was that they would all need to cross the Pontica a’Brezi Veste. The fact that the Tehuantin had left the bridge standing and not destroyed it from their end told Allesandra that they wanted the bridge intact as much as she did-so they could meet up with their army on the North Bank. Sergei’s urging to retreat to the Isle and the North Bank, destroying all the southern bridges across the A’Sele to isolate this arm of the Tehuantin, made tactical sense.

Allesandra knew that intellectually, yet emotionally…

This was her city, the seat of the Holdings. She would not allow it to be taken from her. She’d already had to rebuild this city once; she didn’t want to do that yet again. She would rather fall here and leave it to her successor-whomever that might be-to do that.

Their attack began with a barrage of spells from Talbot and the few Numetodo, as well as the new war-teni and the Archigos. Nearly all the spells were neutralized or deflected by the Tehuantin spellcasters, but those that went through sent the Tehuantin scrambling back from the Bastida and the area immediately around the South Bank end of the bridge. “Now!” Allesandra shouted, and she led the Garde Kralji in a charge across the bridge while Talbot directed their archers to provide a cover of arrows ahead of them. Sergei was behind her, and the Archigos’ carriage, rattling over the timbers. The Tehuantin sent their own shower of arrows toward them as they started across, but the Archigos chanted and gestured from his carriage seat; the arrows were swept wide with a spell- wind to fall harmlessly in the A’Sele.

In a few breaths, they were across. The warriors came shrieking and shouting toward them. “To the Bastida!” she shouted to the gardai; they pushed forward, riding and shoving through the open gates of the prison, not caring that they were leaving the Avi full of Tehuantin behind them, that they were surrounded.

Behind the Garde Kralji, Brie led the sparkwheelers across the pontica. At the foot of the bridge, they formed their lines and their weapons bellowed a rhythmic call of death. The warriors in the Avi began to fall, and none of them could reach the sparkwheelers to stop them. From the gates of the Bastida, Allesandra could see Brie, dismounted, prowling behind the sparkwheelers, her voice exhorting them to stay, to keep the lines moving, to move faster. Her strong voice called out the commands; the stuttered roar of the sparkwheels echoing around the Avi. The Tehuantin fell back. Allesandra and the gardai were no longer pressed on all sides.

“Follow me!” Allesandra shouted, and led the Garde Kralji in a furious charge from the Bastida gates.

The night had been horrible; the dawn was simply brutal. As the sun hauled itself over the trees and the roofs of Nessantico, the Westlanders came: with a roar and a shout, with their swords and spears waving, with volleys of black sand and shrieking, violent spells. They plunged into the waters of the Infante. Water splashed high and white around them while arrows from the Garde Civile rained down on them. At first, it was slaughter and the gardai shouted in exultation and relief, but there were more and more of them, and they just kept coming, and now their nahualli were casting enchantments that sent the arrows to ash in the air.

They were across, more warriors coming with every passing breath. The war-teni and the Numetodo poured fire on them; it did not stop the advance. The Tehuantin left hands upon hands of warriors dead on the ground, but they still came, relentless.

“Pull back!” the offiziers and the cornets called, and the Garde Civile scrambled out from between the double wall of embankments, retreating to the higher crest of the second wall. As they retreated, they tipped over barrels of oil that had been brought up from the city, soaking the ground with it and leaving black pools behind. As the Tehuantin crested the first wall, they were again greeted by arrow fire. Bodies tumbled into the slick trench before them, but now their companions, unhurt, were with them.

The prepared spells pounded in Varina’s head, in the minds of all the Numetodo along the earthworks. “Wait!” Varina heard ca’Damont order the war-teni and Numetodo. “Not yet! Wait!”

The Tehuantin warriors had reached the trench and were beginning to ascend the second embankment, where the Garde Civil troops waited. “Now!” ca’Damont shouted; Varina gestured and spoke the release word, as did the two Numetodo alongside her, Leovic and Niels, as did the war-teni farther up the line. Fire arced out from between their hands. The oil-soaked ground between the earthworks erupted into a pit of hissing, smoky flame. Those caught in the inferno screamed-Varina saw them writhing among the flames. The heat beat on her skin as the horrible stench of blistered flesh wafted over them. Just below her, a warrior staggered out of the flames, his body horribly charred, flames still licking about his armor and clothing. She saw his face, terribly young, the mouth open as he screamed in his own language. Varina didn’t know if he called for help or for his god or simply from the pain. She could imagine him at home, embracing his wife or holding his children, laughing at something one of them might have said. She hardly noticed the sword he held, or the fact that he raised it above her.

Arrows sprouted along the man’s front, and he collapsed, forever silent. Varina gagged and vomited on the ground, falling to her knees next to the dead warrior. As she spat out the bile, she wondered: so strange; I’ve seen hundred of people die in the last few days, and this one face has affected me the most…

“You must come with us, A’Morce!” Leovic and Niels closed around her, pulling her up and half-dragging her down the far side of the slope. The Tehuantin had momentarily pulled back as the fires roared in the trench, but the flames were dying quickly as the oil was consumed. The Tehuantin pushed forward again, spilling over the earthwork and up the other side. The waiting Garde Civile drew their swords, and Varina, along with the other Numetodo and war-teni, retreated as hand-to-hand combat flared all along the ridge. She could hear the cornets blaring and see the flags waving, but they meant little to her now as Leovic and Niels continued to help her retreat, one on each arm. She simply moved with the flow of people in blue-and-gold uniforms: back toward the city, always back. The retreat was slow at first, but gained momentum, and suddenly they were not walking but running, giving their spines to the Tehuantin as they fled. She could hear the pounding of the hooves of warriors’ horses, saw people fall around her, struck by arrows or felled by spells.

Leovic and Niels were half-carrying her as they ran. She didn’t dare stop to look back. She didn’t want to.

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