arm, leaving behind a chill. “So the old bitch still gets what she wants,” Jan said.

“It is a compromise,” Sergei responded. “You both get a portion of what you wanted. And you, Hirzg Jan, get the final prize: you’ll eventually be Kraljiki of a united Holdings.”

“While she gets to play Kraljica for the rest of her life.” He scoffed again. “And if she lives for decades yet, I get to play Justi to her Marguerite, waiting patiently for her to die so I can receive my inheritance.”

Sergei’s mouth twitched; Jan couldn’t decide if it was amusement or if he simply expected that objection. “I believe that I can persuade her to put a time limit on her reign, Hirzg. After all, Allesandra will be sixty in 570; she might be persuaded to resign her title in favor of the A’Kralj at that point-which is only seven years from now.”

“Which would be adequate time for, ahh, some unfortunate accident to befall our Hirzg,” Rance broke in. His smile showed no teeth, his lips pressed together as he inclined his head toward Sergei. “Such things seem to have a habit of occurring to those involved with the Kraljica, after all,” he added.

“Yet somehow I’ve managed to live,” Sergei answered, spreading his hands wide. “Kraljica Allesandra has her faults, I’ll admit, but let’s not fall prey to conspiracy rumors and attribute every misfortune to her influence. With the Archigos’ forgiveness, she’s hardly the Moitidi that some would make her out to be.”

Jan had only half-listened to the exchange. “Is she still bedding the pretender Erik ca’Vikej?”

Sergei sighed. “Yes,” he answered simply.

“I suppose she wants him on the throne of West Magyaria, and perhaps even married to her. Another ally to keep her on the throne.”

Sergei said nothing. Finally, Jan sighed. It’s this or war. It’s this or allowing the Westlanders to ravage the Holdings once again-and make it worthless to you. He glanced at Brie; she nodded to him. “She would do what you said?” Jan asked Sergei. “She would abdicate the Sun Throne on her sixtieth birthday?”

“That isn’t the offer she made, but I believe I can convince her of the wisdom of that choice,” Sergei answered. “Whatever you might think of your matarh, Hirzg, or her choices in lovers, she truly does want what is best for the Holdings. She knows that means the Holdings needs to be one again.”

“Hirzg,” Rance interrupted, “forgive me, but I still don’t like this. There is no reason that Firenzcia needs to bow to Nessantico. If anything, it should be the other way around, with you dictating the terms…” Rance stopped as they heard a knock on the servants’ door to the chamber. “Ah, that will be the additional refreshments. A moment…”

Rance rose from his chair, bowed to Jan, and went to the door. Rhianna was among the servants who entered, Jan noticed immediately, with a cart laden with glasses, a tray of pastries, and bottles of wine. She seemed to notice Jan at the same time, dropping her gaze as she pushed the cart toward the end of the table.

Brie noticed her as well. Jan felt Brie watching him as he regarded Rhianna, and heard the quick intake of breath through her nose. The conversation around the table turned to the ashfall, to Sergei’s journey here-safe subjects-as the servants placed the glasses and dishes in front of each of them, opened the bottles and poured, and put the pastries within easy reach. Jan pretended to listen and take part in the talk, glancing deliberately and often at Brie as he did so, turning carefully away from Rhianna when she came quietly to his side to place his glass and then hurry away. He saw Brie glance at the girl, saw the narrowing of her eyes and the flare of her nostrils as she watched Rhianna even while she smiled at Jan. He forced himself not to look away even though he wanted that. There was something about the girl that made him want to talk to her, to listen to her voice and stare into her face, and, hopefully, to know her much better…

But if he wanted that, he had to be patient. He had to be careful.


He laughed, suddenly, startling Brie and the others. Brie touched her face quizzically, as if wondering whether the kohl around her eyes had decided to smear. “Is something wrong, my love?”

“No, no,” he said. Rhianna, with the other servants, were already exiting the room, ushered out by Rance, who closed the door after them and returned to the table. “Starkkapitan, I want you to muster three divisions of the army-one at the Loi-Clario Pass, and two near Ville Colhelm; Archigos, you will coordinate with the Starkkapitan to make certain that he has sufficient war-teni for full-scale operations. Rance, we will be leaving Brezno for Stag Fall in two days, and we will wait there for further news.”

“Then you are accepting the Kraljica’s offer?” Sergei said, and Jan shook his head.

“No,” he told the man. “I am preparing my country for possible war against the Westlanders-because what you have told me of Karnmor is terrifying. Perhaps that war will be brought to us…” He waited, picked up the goblet that Rhianna had put at his side and took a sip of the wine. It was tart and dry, and as red as blood. “Sergei, if you can convince Matarh that she would be more comfortable if she stepped away from the Sun Throne on her sixtieth birthday-and if she would declare such publicly and in writing to both me and the Council of Ca’ for both Nessantico and Brezno-then perhaps Firenzcia might find the war wherever it is at that point. I can be that patient, I suppose.”

Sergei nodded. He lifted his cane and slammed it hard against the floor. “Then, Hirzg, I will take enough time to eat and get the rest of this damned ash from my clothes and body, and I will immediately be returning to Nessantico.”

Rochelle Botelli

If she was to be the White Stone, if she was to be what her matarh had taught her to be, then she could not wait much longer. The Hirzg and Hirzgin, their family-along with Rance ci’Lawli and the personal staff-would be leaving in two days, and that would ruin all the planning she’d done.

She’d been slow because she wanted to be here, wanted to know her vatarh better. But she had to act now, if she were going to act.

If she fulfilled the contract and killed Rance ci’Lawli as she had killed the others, then she might also have to leave the palais just as swiftly, and in leaving the palais, leave behind forever her vatarh.

Rochelle knew some of the same emotional conflict must have torn at her matarh in her day: pregnant with Jan’s son, in love with him, yet forced to flee-because if he knew who she was, that knowledge would also destroy the love and any chance she had. Rochelle fingered the stone that hung in a leather pouch around her neck, the white pebble that Matarh believed held the very souls of those she had killed. I understand, Matarh, she thought. How hard that must have been for you…

But she was not her matarh. She wasn’t tormented by voices. She had only begun to be the White Stone. And her matarh had been too enamored of the knife and of watching her victims die.

There were other ways to kill someone, and if she did it right.. . Well, she might fulfill the contract and not need to flee the scene. All she needed was a sufficient proof of her innocence.

To that end, she had seduced Emerin ce’Stego, one of the trusted palais gardai. In the past week, she had spent as many nights as she could with him in her small bedchamber in the lower levels of the servants’ wing, as both of them were generally on day duty and the palais gardai were permitted to occasionally spend nights away from the barracks. Emerin was pleasant enough, and gentle enough, and not much older than Rochelle herself. He also had wonderful green eyes; she enjoyed watching him as they made love, seeing the surprise in his face as he found his release. The first few nights, she made certain to get up in the middle of the night, jostling their bed and making enough noise that he would wake sleepily and talk to her. “You sleep so lightly, love,” she told him. “It must be your training.”

He’d smiled at that, almost proudly. “A garda needs to be alert, even when he’s sleeping,” he told her. “You never know when you might be called, or when something might happen.”

“Well, I’d never be able to sneak away from you at night. Why, I was trying so hard not to disturb you at all…”

Matarh had known knives and other edged weapons, but she had also known the rest of the assassin’s repertoire, and Rochelle had paid close attention to that portion of her education. It was easy enough, the night that the Ambassador of the Holdings left, to slip a potion into Emerin’s wine goblet-a slow-acting sleeping draught. They made love, and he had drifted off to sleep. Rochelle slipped from the bed and dressed, taking with her the blade Matarh had given her, her favorite dagger, its edges blackened with a tar she was careful not to touch herself.

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