After the second assault, the Roman gunpowder supplies were running very low. Belisarius ordered a change in tactics. The big twenty-four pounders which Menander had brought would no longer be used. The great guns went through powder as quickly as they slaughtered attackers with canister and grapeshot. The three-pounders would only be used in case of absolute necessity.
Henceforth, the defense would rely entirely on the mitrailleuse and the old-fashioned methods of sword and ax atop the ramparts. Roman casualties would mount quickly, of course, depending so much on hand-to-hand methods. But Belisarius was sure he could fight off at least three more assaults before the decline in his numbers posed a real threat. Calopodius was doing as good a job as Belisarius had hoped. With the clear and precise intelligence Belisarius was now getting, he was able to maximize the position of his troops, using just as many as he needed exactly where they were needed.
The third mass assault never came. The Malwa began to prepare it, sure enough, but one morning Belisarius looked across the no-man's-land which had been the deathground of untold thousands of Malwa soldiers and saw that the enemy was pulling back. As the morning wore on, it became clearer and clearer that the tens of thousands of troops were being put to building their own great lines of fortification. As if they were now the besieged, instead of being the besieger.
Which, indeed, was the truth. And Belisarius knew full well who had been able to see that truth.
'The monster is here,' he announced to his subordinates at their staff meeting that evening in the bunker. 'In person. Link has arrived and taken direct charge. Which means that it's ending.'
Gregory frowned. 'What's ending? I'd think-'
Belisarius shook his head. 'Ending. Our campaign, I'm talking about.
His subordinates were all frowning, now. Seeing that row of faces, Belisarius was reminded of schoolboys puzzling at a problem.
A very difficult problem in rhetoric and grammar, to boot, chimed in Aide. Awful stuff!
The quip caused Belisarius to chuckle softly. Then, as the reality finally began pouring through him, he raised triumphant fists over his head and began laughing aloud.
'We won, I tell you! It's finished!'
In the hours that followed, as Belisarius began sketching his plans for the
True enough, their great general wasn't given to underestimating an enemy, so. maybe.
Then, just before dawn three days later, the telegraph began chattering again and Calopodius relayed the message to Belisarius' tent. The general had already awakened, so he was able to get himself to the pier-what Menander and his sailors were now calling Justinian's Palace-within half an hour.
Maurice had gotten there ahead of him. Within no more than fifteen minutes, all of the other commanders of the Roman army were gathered alongside Belisarius atop the platform which the Roman engineers had thrown up to protect the
By then, Maurice had made certain of his count. The
'It's over,' he pronounced. 'We won.'
Those were the very same words pronounced by Ashot, as he came ashore.
'It's over. We won.' The stubby Armenian pointed back downriver. 'The Malwa lifted the siege of Sukkur five days ago. God help the poor bastards, trying to retreat back through the gorge, with Khusrau and his Persians pursuing them and no supplies worth talking about. They'll lose another twenty thousand men before they get to the Punjab, unless I miss my guess, most of them from starvation or desertion.'
His enthusiasm rolled all the eager questions right under. 'Bouzes and Coutzes are pressing them, too! They got to Sukkur a day after the Malwa started their retreat and just kept going, with the whole army. We've got over seventy thousand men coming through the gorge, not one of them so much as scratched by enemy action, and with nothing in their way except that single miserable damn fortress along the river.'
His lip curled. 'If the Malwa even
The pent-up enthusiasm burst like a dam. Within a minute, the officers atop Justinian's Palace were babbling a hundred new plans. Most of them, initially, involved the ins-and-outs of logistics. Keep one of the screw-powered warships on station at the Triangle at all times, using the other to tow more barges-no risk from that stinking miserable fortress once Coutzes gets his hands on it! — alternate them, of course, so all the sailors can share in the glory of hammering those wretched Malwa so-called riverboats-don't want anyone to get sulky because his mates are starting to call him a barge-handler-
From there, soon enough, the officers started babbling about maneuvers and campaigns. Race up the Sutlej- nonsense, that's exactly where Link will build their heaviest forts! — better to sweep around using the Indus-hook up with Kungas in the Hindu Kush, you know he's gotten to the Khyber by now!
Long before it was over, Belisarius was gone. There would be time enough for plans, now; more than enough time, before the next campaign.
Calopodius, as Belisarius had known he would be, was still at his post in the command bunker. The news of the
But Calopodius was taking no part in the celebration. He was sitting at the same desk where he sat every day, doing his duty, dictating orders and messages to the clerk who served as his principal secretary.
Hearing his arrival-Calopodius was already developing the uncanny ear of the blind-the Greek officer raised his head. Oddly enough, there seemed to be a trace of embarrassment in his face. He whispered something hurriedly to the secretary and the man put down the pen he had been scribbling with.
Belisarius studied the young man for a moment. It was hard to read Calopodius' expression. Partly because the youth had always possessed more than his years' worth of calm self-assurance, but mostly because of the horrible damage done to the face itself. Calopodius had removed the bandages several days earlier. With the quiet defiance which Belisarius knew was his nature, the young man would present those horribly scarred and empty eye sockets to the world, along with the mutilated brow which had not been enough to shield them.
The general, again, as he had so many times since Calopodius returned, felt a wave of grief and guilt wash over him.