primitive fetish. Not simply the superstitious way that semi-savages would consider the science of armed conflict.
It almost managed something a human would have called resentment, then. Not at its great enemy, but at the new gods who had sent it here on its mission. And failed to prepare it properly.
But the moment was fleeting. Link was not designed to waste time considering impossibilities. The effort it had taken the new gods to transport Link and its accompanying machinery had almost exhausted them economically. Indeed, the energy expenditure had been so great that they had been forced to destroy a planet in the doing.
Their own. The centuries of preparation-most of it required by the erection of the power and transmission grids that had blanketed the surface-could not possibly have been done on any other planet. Not with the Great Ones moving between the star systems, watching everything.
The surviving new gods-the elite of that elite-had retreated to a heavily fortified asteroid to await the new universe that Link would create for them. They could defend themselves against the Great Ones, from that fortress, but could not possibly mount another intervention into human history.
They had taken a great gamble on Link. An excellent gamble, with all the probability calculations falling within the same margin of near-certainty.
And now. .
Nothing but chaos. How was Link to move in that utterly alien fluid?
* * *
'Your commands, Great Lady?'
Link's sheath looked up at the commander of the army. Incredibly, it hesitated.
Not long enough, of course, for the commander himself to notice. To a human, a thousandth of second was meaningless.
But Link knew. Incredibly, it almost said: 'I'm not sure. What do you recommend?'
It did not, of course. Link was not designed to consider impossibilities.
Chapter 36
The Ganges plain, north of Mathura
As he'd hoped he would, Belisarius caught the Mathura garrison while it was still strung out in marching order.
'They're trying to form up squares,' Abbu reported, 'but if you move fast you'll get there before they can finish. They're coming up three roads and having trouble finding each other. The artillery's too far back, too.' The old bedouin spat on the ground. 'They're sorry soldiers.'
'Garrison duty always makes soldiers sluggish, unless they train constantly.' Ashot commented. 'Even good ones.'
The Armenian officer looked at Belisarius. 'Your orders?'
'Our cataphracts are the only troops we've got who are really trained as mounted archers. Take all five hundred of them-use Abbu's bedouin as a screen-and charge them immediately. Bows only, you understand? Don't even think about lances and swords. Pass down the columns and rake them-but don't take any great risks. Stay away from the artillery. If they're already too far back, they'll never get up in position past a mass of milling infantrymen.'
Ashot nodded. 'You just want me to keep them confused, as long as I can.'
'Exactly.' Belisarius turned and looked at the huge column of Rajput cavalry following them. Using the term 'column' loosely. Most of the cavalry were young men, eager for glory now that a real battle finally looked to be in the offing. Their ranks, never too precise at the best of times, were getting more ragged by the minute as the more eager ones pressed forward.
'I'm not going to be able to hold them, Ashot,' Belisarius said. 'That's all right-
Seconds later, Ashot was mounted and leading his cataphracts forward.
Belisarius turned to the Rajput kings and top officers, who had gathered around him.
'You heard,' he stated. 'Just try to keep the charge from getting completely out of control.'
Dasal grinned. 'Difficult, that. Young men, you know-and not many of them well-blooded yet.'
Belisarius winced, a little. Young, indeed. At a guess, close to a third of the twenty thousand cavalrymen he had under his command were still teenagers. Being Rajputs, they were proficient with lances and swords, even at that age. But, for many of them, this would be their first real battle.
If the Malwa had solid infantry squares, it'd be a slaughter before Belisarius could extricate his soldiers. Hopefully, the speed of his approach and Ashot's spoiling charge would keep the enemy off-balance just long enough. As impetuous as the Rajputs were certain to be, they'd roll right over that Malwa army if it wasn't prepared for them, even though it outnumbered Belisarius' army by something close to a three-to-two margin.
'We'll just have to hope for the best,' he said, trying not to make the lame expression sound completely crippled. 'Let's go.'
* * *
Kungas and his men had no difficulty at all driving back the first Malwa attempt to force the river. It was a desperate undertaking, as few boats as the enemy had managed to scrounge up. Kungas was a little surprised they'd made the attempt at all. Not a single one of the enemy boats got within thirty yards of the north bank of the Ganges.
'What's that bitch thinking?' wondered Vima. 'I thought she was supposed to be smarter than any human alive.'
Kujulo shrugged. 'How smart can you be, when you've run out of options? Trap a genius in a pit, and he'll try to claw his way out just like a rat. What else can he do?'
* * *
By the time Ashot reached the vanguard of the Malwa army, its commander had managed to get the columns on two of the roads to join forces. But he hadn't had time to get them into anything resembling a fighting formation.
Even moving at the moderate canter needed for accurate bow fire, Ashot needed no more than a few minutes to shred what little cohesion the forward units had. It was becoming obvious that the officers were either inexperienced or incompetent. Perhaps both.
That was not surprising, really. After years of war, the Malwa army like any other would have gone through a selection process with the most capable and energetic officers sent to the front; the sluggards and dull-wits, assigned to garrison duty.
Ashot even considered disobeying Belisarius' order and passing onward to find the artillery. The odds were that he'd be able to rip them up badly, also.
But he decided to forego the temptation. The scattered musket fire being directed at his men didn't pose much of a danger, but if he had the bad luck of catching even a few guns ready to fire and loaded with canister, he'd suffer some casualties-and he only had five hundred men to begin with.
'Back!' he bellowed. 'We'll hit the forward units again!'
All he had to do, really, was keep the advance regiments of enemy infantry in a state of turmoil. When the Rajputs struck them, they'd scatter them to the winds-and the fleeing infantrymen would transmit their panic all the way back through the long columns.
Belisarius didn't have to crush this army. All he had to do was send them into a panicky retreat to Mathura. The Malwa officers wouldn't be able to rally their army until it was all the way back into the city. And then, getting them to march out again would take several days.
Long enough, Ashot thought, to enable Belisarius to return to the Ganges and crush the army that really mattered. Link's army.
* * *