picked up the two shopping bags and they headed to their designated spot. They'd just figured out who should roll which ball when the whistle blew and the contest began.
'You're shivering,' Hannah commented, lifting the snowball that Andrea had rolled for the torso and settling it on top of the one she'd rolled for the base.
'I know, but I look good,' Andreas said with a grin, sticking out her tongue at Hannah.
'Careful,' Hannah warned, picking up the ball Tracey had rolled for the head and plopping it down on top of the torso. 'If you leave your tongue out for too long, it'll freeze and crack off.
'Are you fighting with Mommy?' Tracey asked, sounding a little worried.
'No,' both Andrea and Hannah replied at once, and then they laughed.
'Aunt Hannah was just teasing,' Andrea explained. 'Sisters do that sometimes. It doesn't mean that we don't love each other.'
Hannah reached out to tweak the pom-pom on the top of Tracey's pink knitted cap. 'Kids always squabble when they're growing up. You'll understand when you have a brother or a sister.'
'Will you get the shopping bags, honey?' Andrea said to Tracey, and the minute that Tracey had gone to collect them, she turned to Hannah with a frown. 'I wish you hadn't said that. Now she's going to be bugging me about having a baby brother or sister, and Bill and I want to wait for at least a year.'
'Sorry,' Hannah said, turning away to hide her grin. She was sure she knew something that Andrea didn't. Bill would be tickled pink and so would Andrea, once she'd gotten used to the idea.
'Let me see what's here.' Andrea began to rummage through the bag that Tracey brought her. She plucked out a straw hat decorated with chiffon ribbons and silk flowers and held it up. 'This looks like it came from a wedding.'
'It did. I was a bridesmaid when my college roommate got married.'
'It's almost a shame to use it. It's really rather nice.' Andrea gave Hannah a sharp look. 'I won't find the velvet hat from my wedding in here, will I?'
'Of course not,' Hannah told her, silently thanking Janie for saving her from that particular blunder.
'Good. You really ought to wear it again, Hannah. It's still fashionable and it looks wonderful on you.'
Hannah nodded and decided to change the subject, since the hat in question was as flat as a pancake. 'If you don't mind, I thought I'd put one of my Cookie Jar aprons on our snow-woman.'
'That's a good idea. It never hurts to advertise.' Andrea turned to Tracey, who was digging through the second shopping bag. 'Did you find anything you like, honey?'
Tracey held up a long rope of fake pearls. 'I like these, Mommy. Now I'm looking for earrings to match.'
'There aren't any,' Hannah told her, walking over to glance at the contents of the bag. 'But that's okay, because our snow-woman doesn't have ears. I think there's a pair of big sunglasses in the bottom. They're from a store display and they ought to fit her.'
By the time the final whistle blew, their snow-woman was dressed and ready. The three of them walked over to the sidelines to chat with Janie, Lisa, and Jack Herman while the judges were deliberating.
'Do you think we'll win, Aunt Hannah?' Tracey asked her.
'I don't know, but we made a good snow-woman. I think she's just perfect.'
'So do I.' Tracey gave a little sigh. 'I wish we could keep her, but I know we can't. She'll melt down into a puddle and go belly-up.'
Andrea overheard her daughter's comment and her eye- brows shot up in surprise. 'Belly-up?'
'That's what fish do when they die. We have guppies at school, and every time one goes belly-up, we tell Miss Cox and we get to have a fish funeral. Miss Cox says they go to the great fish tank in the sky, but they don't.'
'They don't?'
'No. She just flushes them down the toilet after everybody leaves. I forgot my sweater once and when I went back to get it, I caught her.'
Hannah felt an instant rush of sympathy for Janice Cox, who'd had to explain that to Tracey. 'What did Miss Cox say?'
'She didn't know I saw. I just picked up my sweater and sneaked back out. And I didn't tell the other kids, either.'
'Because you thought it might upset them?' Andrea asked.
'No. The fish funerals are fun and I want to keep on having them. We even sing a special song.'
'I see,' Hannah said, wondering what type of song they sang. A range of possibilities occurred to her. Nearer My Cod To Thee? O Sole A Mio? If you knew Sushi like I know Sushi?
'Why are you grinning, Aunt Hannah?'
'Oh . . . uh . . . I think the judges are finished.' Hannah breathed a sigh of relief as the head judge walked up to the podium, where a microphone had been rigged. 'Here we go, Tracey.'
The judge announced the winner. It was Calvin Janowski and his family, and Hannah turned to her niece. She hoped that Tracey wouldn't be too disappointed.
'Don't be sad, Aunt Hannah,' Tracey told her, before Hannah had decided which comforting phrase to use. 'I wanted to win, but Calvin's snowman was really good.'
'Okay,' Hannah said, much relieved. Tracey had the right attitude.
A moment later the second place winner was announced, and Tracey let out an excited squeal. 'We won, too!'
This was not the time to explain the difference between first place and second place, and Hannah just reached out to hug her. Then Andrea got into the act, and eventually all of them shared a group hug. Since Tracey was helping Delores with the tours again and spending the night with her grandma, Hannah made arrangements to meet her sister at the ice-fishing venue at Eden Lake, said her goodbyes to Lisa and her father, and set off with Janie for the trip back out to the inn.
'Aren't you coming in?' Janie asked as Hannah pulled up in front of the entrance to the inn.
Hannah shook her head 'Not right away. I have to drive down to the lake to take Mrs. Baxter some Short Stack Cookies.'
'What are those?'
Hannah retrieved a small bag of cookies from the back of the truck and handed them to Janie. 'Try them and see. These are seconds. They're a little lopsided.'
'Thanks.' Janie took out a cookie and sampled it. And then she turned to Hannah in amazement. 'They taste just like pancakes with butter and maple syrup on the top! You really ought to write a cookbook, Hannah. You've got some wonderful recipes.'
Once Janie had gone inside with her bag of cookies, Hannah drove down the circular driveway and took the access road to the lake. The snow at the shoreline had been plowed to create a temporary parking lot, and it was chock full of cars.
Hannah trolled the rows of cars for several minutes, but not a single parking spot was unoccupied. Since she had a four-wheel-drive vehicle, Hannah decided to make her own spot and she gunned the gas, mounted the icy bank of snow the plow had left, and parked at the back of the warm-up tent. Then she grabbed several boxes of cookies, hopped out of her truck, and hurried around the side of the tent to deliver the goods.
Mrs. Baxter was working at the end of the long counter in the warm-up tent, filling large foam cups with coffee and handing them to one of her students, a pretty brunette who was dressed in a fuzzy yellow sweater. The girl was clamping lids on the cups and setting them in a large, flat box.
'Hi, Mrs. Baxter.' Hannah greeted her formally since there was a student present, and set her stack of boxes on the counter. 'How's your cookie supply holding out?'
Pam Baxter turned to smile at Hannah. One of the younger members of Jordan High's faculty, and married to the shop teacher, she'd been nominated for best teacher two years running. 'You got here just in time, Hannah. We're almost out.'
'I've got more cookies in the truck. I'll go get them.'
'You've done enough;' Pam said, handing Hannah a cup of hot coffee and turning to her student. 'Renee?'
The girl in the yellow sweater nodded. 'We'll get them, Mrs. Baxter.'
Once Renee had left with two of the other girls, Pam turned to Hannah. 'I've got a problem. Mayor Bascomb