'This newspaper from Philadelphia came through our lines this morning,' Lee said, reaching into his dispatch pouch and placing it on the table. The headline proclaimed that the rebel army was looting and burning the city.

'To be expected.'

'Still, sir, it is not the image we want with the world at this time. We need to show forebearance now.' Benjamin cleared his throat

'I would suggest that we allow some members of the Northern press to enter the city and interview civilians who witnessed the rioting,' the secretary of state declared. 'There are no real military secrets we need to conceal now. Perhaps, Mr. President, you should agree to an interview as well, to lay out our proposal for peace talks.'

'I'll consider that' Davis replied.

Davis shifted back to face Lee.

'But I am disturbed that valuable property is escaping north. These are people that we can put to work helping our cause. Many of them are able-bodied men, and the Yankees will press them into their colored regiments.'

'Sir. There have been a dozen or more incidents of hangings, rape, torture, outright murder in the colored community. I would much rather see those people leave this town than to have the stain of blood on our hands by forcing them to stay.'

'I heard a report that some colored killed white citizens.'

'Yes, only after they were attacked.'

'Nevertheless, that is intolerable.'

'Perhaps intolerable, but I would say intolerable on both sides. Sir, I beg you. Declare an amnesty in this city. It will stand well with the European press and derail the efforts of the Northern press. Declare that all free blacks are to be unmolested as long as they obey martial law. All slaves to stay with their owners.'

'And the contraband, the runaways from Virginia?'

'I beg you, sir, do nothing about that now.'

Davis looked over at Benjamin, who nodded in agreement with Lee.

'Let it rest for now, sir. Let it rest To do otherwise will trigger yet more panic and rioting.'

Davis said nothing.

'The city itself?'

'I think we can have the fires under control by this evening, as long as Port McHenry and the gunboats do not shell us. We've captured dozens of factories all but intact, including the Abbot Mills. Thousands of colored work in them and we need them to get the mills back in production, yet another reason to go easy on them. There's enough food to sustain our army for months. Thousands of rifles, artillery, powder, shoes-more shoes than we ever dreamed of. I've ordered our quartermaster to take control of one of the printing presses and print up vouchers for all supplies taken. What we have here, on top of the supplies taken at Westminster, can sustain the Army of Northern Virginia clear through the winter.'

'Good, General Lee, very good. Do you see now why taking this city was crucial?'

'Yes, sir. The question though is how long can we hold it?'

'Why, until peace is negotiated, General Lee.'

Lee said nothing, hands folded, looking down at the desk.

'You look distressed, General. What is it?'

'Sir. It'll take at least two divisions, for the next fortnight, to keep order here until we can turn it back over to a reorganized police force. Ten thousand or more are homeless and it is our Christian duty to give them aid and help find shelter. My army is a field army, not an occupation army. There is still the question of the reports of the Army of the Potomac reorganizing on the Susquehanna and the reports that Grant is mobilizing a force at Harrisburg. I must have the latitude to maneuver with my forces if need be.'

'Baltimore is our key now,' Davis replied forcefully. 'Mr. Benjamin will reinforce that, won't you, sir?'

Benjamin nodded reluctantly.

'I'm preparing dispatches to be given to the French consulate here in Baltimore, outlining our position. We cannot just seize Baltimore, send the dispatches, and withdraw. We must be here for the replies. The factories here can be of incalculable service to our cause. We must hold this city, and perhaps, with the armaments taken, renew the threat on Washington.

'The political situation is ripe as well. The fall of Baltimore, the third largest city in America, will reverberate across the North as well. I think, General Lee, we are here for the duration.'

'Is there any chance you can get the B amp;O line re-established back over to Harper's Ferry?' Davis asked.

Lee had never seriously thought of that. It would speed up communications to Richmond and help as well to bring up reinforcements.

'I don't have the railroad people. I wish I did,' Lee replied, 'but I will see what I can do. Yet again, it will stretch us. We'll need to garrison key points, draining yet more men, but yes, it would be a great help.'

'If you could open that line all the way back to Winchester, it would mean little more than a day's journey back to Richmond. It would be a major statement as well that Maryland is now firmly linked to our South.

'The news you gave me this morning from General Hood, that Annapolis has fallen, the governor and his pro-Yankee lackeys in the legislature fleeing to the east shore of Maryland, has set the stage for us. Tomorrow I will call a convention for the establishment of a new state-governing body for Maryland with its capital here in Baltimore, declare the prior state administration as illegal and disbanded, and appoint a provisional governor. It is my intent that within the week this new legislature will declare for the Confederacy. If we do that, General Lee, I can promise you twenty thousand more troops within the month, rallying to defend their home state.'

'Sir, that would be a boon, but nevertheless they will be barely trained militia.' 'Men, nevertheless.' 'Yes, sir.'

Lee sat back wearily in his seat All was happening far too fast The city was barely under control; there was the threat that the gunboats and fort might open fire. It was not as easy as Davis wished

'General Lee,' Benjamin interrupted. 'I received a most gracious invitation this morning from Rabbi Rothenberg of the local Jewish congregation. Would you be interested in joining us for dinner? I think your presence would be of interest to him and the congregation, and helpful as well.'

'Me, sir?'

'You are noted for your piety, sir; a visit with one of the leaders of the Jewish community would be a positive example.'

'Yes, sir. But of course.'

'He has invited us to dine with his family tomorrow night I think you would find him remarkably interesting and the meal more than adequate.'

'If he is a friend of yours, I would be honored to join you,' Lee replied.

Davis looked at the two, obviously wondering for a second as to why he was not invited.

'The delegation is waiting in the next room?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Then let's get started,' Davis announced. 'This should be most interesting.'

Chapter Twelve

Richmond, Virginia

July 23, 1863 6:00pm

Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard paced up and down the railroad siding, his anger clearly visible to all who were watching. He pulled out his pocket watch, snapped it open, at least the tenth time he had done so in the last hour, and then snapped it shut.

'Just where the hell is my damned train?' he snarled, looking at his thoroughly harassed staff.

'It's coming,' one of the staff replied woodenly. 'The dispatcher said that once they get the broken switch repaired, it will be here.'

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