sky the previous night also present a problem? If it did, it was one they would not have to worry about for several days, at least. That nocturnal orb was still far from full, and presumably its feebler light would present less of a danger. Shadows cast by moonlight might not even be strong enough to make a break for freedom from those who cast them.

Trying to plan for such a defiance of the natural order of things made his eyes water. Better to concentrate on the problems at hand.

'Perhaps the great wall and gate through which we entered into this land were built to keep strangers, and their shadows, out of the Kingdom of Yellow,' Mamakitty theorized. 'Perhaps once they have slain their creators, or otherwise liberated themselves, shadows in this country can go wherever they wish, causing havoc and devastation.'

'We saw no sign of that at the Slevish village,' Cocoa reminded her.

Mamakitty chewed her lower lip. 'Obviously, the little folk have learned how to cope with their shadows. I wish we had asked more questions of them.'

'Remember how the princess told us that the dangers out here would come from within ourselves?' Taj was watching his own oval, kwavin-shaped shadow spread harmlessly across the ground as the sun continued to set. 'She was being entirely truthful.'

'But not very informative.' Oskar took a deep breath. 'It would seem that when we stand or walk within kwavin-caused shadows, or maybe any shadow larger than ourselves, such as that cast by a tree or the inside of a building, that we are in no danger from the hazy executioners we bear within us. Until we are safely out of this kingdom, no one must stand in bright sunlight without such protection.' Multiple nods of assent greeted his straightforward warning.

'What about the danger that lurks in this Great Rift?' Samm wondered aloud.

Oskar considered. 'A deep canyon or cleft could be home to many unattached shadows. If I were an unattached shadow, it sounds like the sort of place I would try to hide. We will decide when we get there how best to make our way across. If the information provided by the princess's advisers is correct, we still have a fair distance to travel before we arrive.' Finding a likely spot, he promptly settled himself on the ground and began to slip free of his small pack, careful first to plant his kwavin in the soft earth in front of him, between himself and the setting sun.

'What about me?' Cezer made no apology for his stubbornness. He didn't have to. It was plain to hear in his voice. 'I don't have one of those kwaikdin—one of those woven shades.' He murmured a sad sound that was almost a meow. 'I—threw mine away.'

Sipping from his water bottle, Oskar looked over at the now concerned cat-man. 'Well, we're not going back for it. At least until dark, it looks like you're going to have to share the shadow of Samm's kwavin.'


They advanced with caution after the attack, everyone careful to always keep their kwavin between themselves and the setting sun. Only after it was well down and the splinter of moon not yet visible on the star- flecked horizon did they at last feel safe in stopping and setting their woven shields aside.

'No wonder the Slevish make sure to always carry their kwavin with them.' Mamakitty had planted her own shade in the dirt, jamming the pole firmly into the soil. It would not be sufficient to protect her, she knew, if shadows cast by the moon were as capable of insurgency as their daytime relations. If that proved to be the case, they would have to post a guard whose task it would be to rotate everyone's individual kwavin in tandem with the movements of that nighttime orb. For the time being, however, that thin curl of silver light seemed to pose little threat.

'This is ridiculous.' Sitting by himself, Cezer was distinctly unhappy. 'I can't cross the rest of this lemon- colored kingdom hugging that upright serpent's side. What if I forget and fall back a few paces, or he trips and stumbles?'

Oskar pondered his friend's concern. 'A good point. We're all going to have to watch our step. You can be sure our shadows are just waiting, biding their time, for us to make a mistake and let them loose.'

It was a disquieting thought, this notion that each of them might be hosting a patient, ephemeral assassin. Trying to keep watch over one's shadow was not so very different from monitoring a rebellious right hand, he mused. He broke from his thoughts as he moved to stop Cocoa from gathering firewood.

'No fire tonight.' He gently placed a restraining hand on her arm. 'No fires until we're out of this kingdom and safely into the next—assuming shadows in the Kingdom of Green do as they're told and don't go off and act on their own.'

She dropped the several sticks she had already accumulated. 'That means a cold dinner.'

'Better a cold dinner than a cold corpse,' he replied. 'Think a moment, Cocoa: fires throw heat, and smoke— and shadows.'

'They wouldn't be stable.' Taj was considering the possible ramifications. 'Any shadows cast by a campfire would flicker unevenly, waxing and waning and dancing like the flames themselves.'

The dog-man regarded the speculative songster. 'You want to take that chance?'

Taj shrugged amiably. 'Doesn't matter to me. I've always preferred my food cold anyway.'

'We'll take no chances.' Mamakitty's tone brooked no argument. Not that there was a surge of support for a fire anyway. Cocoa had wanted it more for light than heat. Like the days, nights in the Kingdom of Yellow were balmy and comfortable.

Walking over to where the disconsolate Cezer was seated, Taj clapped the other man on the shoulder. 'I was always pretty good at manipulating things with my feet and beak, my friend. Now that I have hands, I should be able to do even better. There's plenty of raw material lying about. I'll take it upon myself to fashion you a kwavin before this night is done. That way you won't be dependent on Samm, or anyone else, for protection from your shadow.'

A surprised Cezer looked up appreciatively. 'That's right good of you, Taj. Tell me how I can help.'

While the others rested, the two men gathered fronds and leaves, coils of vine, and strips of bark. By the time they were preparing to eat a late supper, Taj's quick hands had completed the task. A tired Oskar was still awake enough to be impressed: the songster's fingers had been a blur above his materials.

While undoubtedly functional, the result was less than artistic. Taj had worked quickly and efficiently, but he did not have the experience or the traditional weaving skills of the Slevish. What mattered was that like the rest of them, Cezer would now have a protective shade to shield himself from the sun and keep his own murderous shadow at bay. But he would not win any prizes for artistry.

Rising, the swordsman frowned at the makeshift shade. The cinching vines held everything together, but barely. 'Pretty flimsy,' he remarked. 'Where's the carrying pole?'

'There is no pole.' Taj looked apologetic—but not, Oskar thought, eyeing him shrewdly, too apologetic. 'I couldn't figure out how to tie the shade to a stick. I'm no Slevish weaver. You don't carry it: you have to wear it. It's a hat.'

Cezer stared in disbelief at the bulge in the center of the huge shade, at the loose fronds that dangled from the edges. 'I'm not putting this ridiculous thing on my head. It doesn't go with my fu—with my chosen attire.'

'Then you can hold it,' Mamakitty advised him, 'and hope we don't have to take shelter from any sudden hailstorms.'

'Or wave it at your shadow every time you take a step toward the sun,' a grinning Cocoa suggested.

'You're all so very amusing.' Walking with his head tilted toward the moon so that the absurd chapeau would shade his entire body, he managed to find a safe place to sit. The shade from the oversize bonnet did not block out his continuous grumbling, however.

'This kingdom could be a real paradise.' A seated Oskar was gnawing on a strip of dried fish from their stores, as nutritious as it was uninviting. At least, it was uninviting to him: the cats and Samm loved the stuff. 'But one wrong step into the sunshine, and you could be tripped up and killed by your own shadow. From the time you're born here, your very own executioner travels with you.'

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