After sharing evening meal with her mother, Debbie cleared away the dishes and attended to the washing up. Her mind was on the evening’s meeting and hope that her torment was at last about to end. Looking at the kitchen clock, she was surprised to find that it had reached five minutes to six. Her heart began to pound: less than an hour before they were to meet. It was time to hurry along.

The evening was warm with only a slight breeze so she was comfortable in a white cotton top and knee length, navy-coloured skirt. She opted for flat-heeled shoes, more suitable for walking. Saying goodbye to her mother, she walked a hundred yards to the bus stop and caught the 6:15 that would drop her off at the beginning of the wooded area.

Her mind was in such a whirl, her heart beating faster, that it was like going on a first date. Yet romance was the furthest thing from her mind. She had found someone who was actually interested in her, in her well-being. He was attractive, though older than her, and he had the appearance of someone who had lived a full life, someone who could handle himself.

Alighting from the bus, she watched it move away and then set out for the well-worn footpath that would take her into the forest. When she was within twenty yards of the spot, she saw him. Her heart began to thud against her breast. He was casually dressed and leaning against a tall, concrete lamppost. On seeing Debbie, he eased himself upright and gave a beaming smile. “Hello, Debbie,” he called. “Glad you didn’t change your mind.” It was then she realised she had never got around to asking his name.

Moving along the footpath, they chatted about mundane things, not broaching the subject that had brought them there. After some fifteen minutes, they left the main path and walked between the magnificent, old and sweet-smelling trees, their footsteps falling softly on the fern covered and cushioned ground.

Reaching a small clearing, they stopped and sat. The man reached across and held her hands in his, giving a warm, comforting feeling. He began to question her more deeply than on their first encounter, digging deep into her subconscious.

He was an expert questioner, never forcing the issue, giving her time to plunder her thoughts and always gently encouraging. So wrapped up in the man was Debbie that she would have confessed to him of having a pact with the Devil, had that been so.

“Now, Debbie, I want you to sit quietly for a couple of minutes and consider what you have just told me,” he began. “Think of it as being another person’s problem. Look at it in a cold light.”

After the two minutes, she opened her now closed eyes and stared into her questioner’s. Everything seemed so clear: she had problems, many problems, but they could be solved! She had never looked at it like that before; all had seemed dark and insurmountable.

As if reading her thoughts, he said: “Yes, Debbie. The hurt you feel, the dread, is not so great after all. You have surrounded yourself by nature. You must realise how minute we humans are in the grand scale of things. The tree will outlive us; the ferns will die and grow again, as will the tiny shoots of grass. We are insignificant.”

He squeezed her hands tighter as he continued. “You have been looking at your hell and allowed yourself to become mesmerised by it. You have looked into it and seen only more hell. You have let yourself slowly slide into the morass. The more you have dwelt on it, the further down you have slid.”

Debbie stared into his face in rapt awe. No one had ever spoken to her in this depth before. She was captivated.

“Kick it in the face!” he shouted loudly, causing birds to flutter suddenly into the air, twittering in fright and beating a path away from the noise. “Do not let it grip you any more! You are greater than this. You matter! What has happened has gone — forever. Never look back at the events or at your misery. Life is ahead of you, so take it, grasp it, use it.”

The intensity in his face forced the words into her brain, into her soul. She was prepared to kill for this stranger! Without fully realising, she found herself engaged in a bout of wild, abandoned sex with her mentor, and wanting it, wallowing in it, needing it. God! Give me the strength to sap everything from this man. I must have every piece of him! she thought in her lust.

Finally, both being sated, they lay together in silence; she with her eyes closed and feeling absolutely all over at peace for the first time in two years; he with eyes open, deciding on the next move.

“Debbie,” said the calming voice as his shadow fell over her. “To complete your future peace of mind, there is one final thing you should experience. After that, you will be completely at ease with yourself. No more nightmares, no depths of despair, no recurrence.”

She opened her eyes slightly, peering through the mist that had formed in them. He was kneeling astride her prostrate form, holding something in his hand. “What do I have to do?” she murmured. Whatever it was, she would do it for him.

“In my past, I studied medicine,” he was saying. “I discovered many things that the public have never been aware of. Things that can cure almost every ailment.” The voice was calm, warm and persuasive. “I have carried this knowledge with me even though I am no longer involved in that profession and I want you to benefit from it.”

A smile trickled across her lips. You’ve already given me the benefit of your brand of medicine! she thought, naughtily. “Yes,” she whispered. “Do whatever you like.”

“Don’t worry about this, Debbie. I am going to give you an injection of a certain fluid. It won’t hurt you, just a tiny jab. Okay?”

Debbie stretched out both arms, her palms facing upwards, revealing a large portion of each. “Ah, there,” he said, prodding a spot that had recently received some kind of immunisation. “What was that for?”

“Oh, just a flu jab I had about a month ago,” she replied, dreamily. She tensed ever so slightly as she felt the slim needle slide into the same minute hole made by the flu jab. She smiled as the fluid surged into her bloodstream.

The immediate reaction was dramatic in the extreme. Debbie’s eyes flew open as wide as they were able and her lips parted in an involuntary snarl. Then the muscles began to jump. The man prodded her, savouring the response; with every touch, the muscle in that particular area reflexed wildly. This progressed into violent muscle spasms throughout the body, causing the victim to thrash and flail erratically, a strange moan escaping the restricted throat. It was an attempted scream but it came as a long, deep wail, the extreme pain hitting every fibre.

The man watched as a scientist may watch an important experiment. Debbie’s skin began to turn blue as the quantities of de-oxygenated blood increased in the tiny vessels. She was unable to control the movements of her ferociously flapping limbs, and then she began to choke. Her eyes were still wide open, the pupils dilated. She saw, and did not see, the benign face of the man above her; her eyes were focused but effectively blind. It took only minutes for her to die, minutes that were absolute hell, but sheer pleasure for her killer.

He rose as the life lurched violently from his victim, who suddenly became peaceful and still. “I hope my advice and cure helped,” he said looking into the open and lifeless eyes. “You will not be plagued by demons any more.” After studying the girl for several minutes, dark, secret thoughts filling his mind, he bent to the body and slid her panties back up the legs, manoeuvreing them perfectly into their original position.

He then rearranged her skirt into a modest position before removing a small object from his shirt pocket and carefully placing it beside her left thigh. He cast his eyes skyward and spoke silently and reverently: “Take this beautiful spirit into thy home.”

Being satisfied, he brushed the surrounding area with his feet to erase any footprints and walked away, his feet again using a sweeping action, as though flicking a football to a teammate.


As so often seems to be the case, a dog out on a walk with its master, discovered the body. The animal’s keen sense of smell picked up something unusual in the air, something interesting. Tail wagging furiously, Rex, as was the dog’s name, broke through a patch of gorse and trotted excitedly over to Debbie, sniffing all around her.

The owner, frustrated at Rex’s refusal to obey his command of “Come!” reluctantly followed the pet’s path, grumbling and cursing as he went. On arriving at the scene, he stared in numbed disbelief at the pitiful object

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