Hazare, Anna, 80, 200
health care, 76
hedge funds, 2, 51, 74, 120, 121, 128, 138, 266
Heritage Foundation, 190
Hernandez, Roberto, 196
Herzen, Alexander, xiv
Hewitt, Abram, 39
Hewlett, Bill, 56
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 187
Hindery, Leo, 270
Hirschorn, Michael, 165
Hoffman, Reid, 141, 181–85, 187
Holbrooke, Richard, 69
Holocaust, 152–53
Holzle, Urs, 171
Hong Kong, 35, 63
Hoogewerf, Rupert, 62, 205
Howie, Fraser, 207–8
Hsieh, Tony, 69, 173, 230, 231, 233–34
Huang Guangyu, 208
Hubbard, Glenn, 213
humanities, 267
Huntsman, Jon, 209, 243
Hurun Report, 204–5, 208
Hutchins, Glenn, 59
Iacocca, Lee, 262
IBM, 155, 180, 187
idea conferences, 67–70, 72
ideological vs. evidence-based worldviews, 93–94
Igan, Deniz, 222, 223
Immelt, Jeff, 63–64, 245
immigration, 61, 147
inclusive societies, 279–81, 283–85
of average family in U.S., 34
of bankers, 218–21, 259
capital gains, 17, 44, 78, 79
comparing across history, 194–95
in economic recovery of 2009–2010, xiii
happiness and, 31–32
national, 1 percent’s share of, 3, 14
of superstars vs. everyone else, 100–101
of top 0.01 percent, 44
India, xiii, 3, 10, 15–16, 19, 21–22, 28, 30, 32–33, 35, 62–63, 66, 80, 92, 146, 149, 155–59, 186, 188–89, 193–94, 197–203, 266, 267
billionaire-to-GDP ratio in, 189, 199
corruption in, 201–2
GDP in, 199
License Raj in, 198–99
rent-seeking in, 198–200, 228
Indian Institute of Technology, 188
industrial revolution, 8–16, 19–22, 29, 40–42, 50, 67, 146, 164, 178
Luddites and, 12–13, 96–97
mass production in, 99
superstars and, 95–99, 118
Infosys, 201
Ingersoll, Robert, 42
insider trading, 269
Institute of International Finance, 254
intellectuals, 89–94, 110–11
interior designers, 102
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 144, 188, 189, 217, 222, 252–53
Internet, 100, 108, 109, 126, 146, 165, 176, 182
iPhone, 28
iPod, 24–26
Ireland, 32
Israel, 3
Italy, 96
Japan, 35, 64
Jefferson, Thomas, 11–12, 42
Jennings, Stephen, 65–66, 159–62, 168–69, 173
Jensen, Michael, 133–34
JetBlue, 156
Jobs, Steve, 49, 55, 190, 246, 280
John, Elton, 109, 110
Johnson, Boris, 57, 69
Johnson, Pitch, 56, 178
Johnson, Simon, 189
Jones, Alfred Winslow, 120–22
JPMorgan, 253–55, 257–58, 260