Menzies' hold on his temper was weakening.
'Either the law is the law or it is not! If it is your intention to campaign for a change in that law, Healey, very good luck to you. The fact remains that Professor Trefusis has brought into disrepute the good name of this college.'
'You never liked him did you?' Adrian couldn't help saying. 'Well, here's your chance. He's down. Kick him good and hard.'
'Mr President,' said Menzies, 'I have proposed a motion to the Fellows. That Donald Trefusis be stripped of his Senior Tutorship and suspended from the college for a full year. I demand it to be put to the question.'
'Mr President,' said Adrian, 'surely Dr Menzies can't have forgotten that a motion cannot be voted on unless saving that it howmay shall as thus
'Er . . . quite right,' said the President. 'I think. Do we have a seconder?'
'I ask again. Do we have a seconder for Dr Menzies' proposal that Donald Trefusis be relieved of his college duties for the period of one year?'
Menzies' chalk-white cheeks were lit with the pin-prick of crimson which, for him, passed for a manly blush.
'Madness, absolute madness! The college will live to regret it.'
'Thank you, Dr Menzies,' said the President.
He turned to the film crew.
'That is the end of the meeting. I'll ask you to go now, as we have one or two private college matters to discuss which cannot possibly be of relevance to your film.'
The crew silently gathered their equipment. The director glared at Adrian as he left the room. The female assistant .with the clipboard winked.
'I'm in there,' Adrian thought to himself.
'Now then,' said the President, when the last of the crew had gone. Tm sorry to keep you all, but I received a letter from Professor Trefusis this morning and I think you had better hear it.'
He took a letter from his inside pocket.
''Henry,'' he read. ''By the time you read this I am very much afraid that my improvidence will already have been made known to you. I feel I must first offer the profoundest of apologies for the embarrassment I have caused to you and the college.
''I will not burden you with reasons, excuses, denials or explanations. I have no doubt in my mind however that it would be a sensible thing for me to ask you if I might take advantage of my right to a sabbatical year. I had intended to ask this of you in any case, as my book on the Great Fricative Shift impels me to visit Europe for research materials. May I therefore take this opportunity to beg your permission to leave Cambridge immediately until sentence, which I am assured will at worst take the form of nothing more inconvenient than a small fine and at best a reprimand from the bench, has been passed upon me?
' 'Perhaps you will be so kind as to let me know of your decision in this matter as soon as possible, Henry, for there are many arrangements to be made. Meanwhile, in all contrition I remain, Your good friend Donald.''
'Well,' said Menzies at last, 'how ironic. It seems that Professor Trefusis can be credited, in some regards at least, with more decency than the rest of the fellowship.'
'Up your crack, you fat runt,' said Corder.
'The game's over now, Alex,' said Adrian. 'The film crew has gone.'
'I know,' said Corder, stuffing his briefcase with detritus from the meeting. 'That was for real.'