purposes. He liked them. Taken together, they constituted a sort of surreal history of his life in Roumania. Here was Zizi Lambrino, King Carol’s paramour and the subject of great scandale before Lupescu snatched the king for her own. And here was Conradi, chief of the Gestapo in Roumania. Crippled below the waist, with the head of a Roman emperor and a huge chest, he lay in bed all day long and received a steady stream of informants.

The stack grew higher and higher. “What good this?” Girlfriend Three said, looking through the columns of newsprint glued to yellowing paper. He wasn’t entirely sure, but how else to remember Sofrescu and Manescu and Emil Gulian? For a moment, he had visions of taking it all-let the porters come and put the cabinets on the train. These offices were going to close, forever, these offices were going to be in the middle of a fiery war. But then, he thought better of that and took only the best, the strangest, stacking them carefully as a sullen Girlfriend Three sat in a swivel chair and shot paper clips out the window with a rubber band.

Marrano, after a difficult night at sea, was in Beirut.

In the bar of a small hotel near the harbor. A lizard slept on the wall, strips of flypaper hung from the ceiling, a French naval officer in the corner was drinking absinthe, and Professor Doktor Finkelheim, late of Vienna, sat across the table, a cup of tea cooling in front of him. Finkelheim, wearing a brown shirt and a green tie with a stain on it, looked like a hamster.

At the moment, a gloomy hamster. Sad to say, he told Marrano, his research materials had been abandoned in Vienna, he’d escaped with his life and little else. Yes, it was true that he’d been preeminent in his field, geology, and had specialized in riparian formations-that is, the structure of rivers-especially those that drained into the Danubian basin. The tributaries; the Drava, the Tisza, the Morava and the Mlava, and the mighty and magnificent Danube itself.

“But not the water,” he said. “Don’t ask me about the water. For that you would see my former colleague, Doktor Kubel, who remains in Vienna. If, on the other hand, you are interested in the banks of the rivers, then you’ve got the right fellow.”

What about, say, depth.

That would be Finkelheim. Seasonal flow, current, rock strata, all Finkelheim. Micro-organisms? Salinity? Fishes and eels? Kubel.

“Perfectly understood,” Marrano said. And he understood, as well, that research materials would be crucial to any study that the professor might agree to undertake. However, it just so happened that he was in possession of certain maps, good ones, that showed the rivers in detail. Would the professor, he wondered, be willing to review these maps, especially with regard to those characteristics that made navigation on the rivers possible?

Or, sometimes, impossible?

Oh yes.

Serebin played in the orchestra by going to Marseilles.

He stopped by the Gestapo office on the rue Montaigne to apply for the permit, was politely stalled, went again, then managed on the third try. They had finally, after some hesitation, accepted his Reason for Travel, as the form put it: an important emigre in distress-the name lifted from the files in the IRU office-a mission of mercy. He could have sought help from Helmut Bach, the Wehrmacht intellectual, but he sensed a turning point in his relations with Bach. The moment of truth- the time has come for you to do a little favor for us — was close at hand, and Serebin badly wanted to avoid the confrontation. In fact, they’d been uncomfortably polite to him at the rue Montaigne office. Fascism famously stomped around in jackboots, but it sometimes wore carpet slippers, padding about softly on the edges of one’s life, and in a way that was worse. And, he thought, they knew it.

So it went. It was the 10th of February by the time he got on the train. Crossed into the Unoccupied Zone below Lyons at midday, reached Marseilles at night, and kept his appointment with the emigre, a senior civil servant in the Czar’s last days. After ten years in France, his wife had abandoned him, taking the children with her, so he’d gambled all his money away, was thrown out of his apartment, and drank himself into the hospital. Otherwise, all went well.

This he explained to Serebin at some length, in a room in a boardinghouse in the Arab quarter. He’d never really liked the wife, the children were almost grown and he still saw them, money was money it came and it went, and, as for the vodka, he’d learned his lesson. “From now on I will follow the French example,” he told Serebin, “and drink wine.” A question of geography, he believed. In Russia, the weather, the air, the water, the very nature of life, was elementally antidotal to vodka, but, if you changed countries, you had to change drinks. “As a journalist, Ilya Aleksandrovich, this might be useful to you.” Serebin tried to look intrigued, an interesting idea. In fact, the man was either completely unhinged or far too sane and, in the end, Serebin realized, it didn’t matter. He gave him money, a copy of The Harvest, and all the sympathy and encouragement he could bear, then went off to a small hotel in the back streets of the city’s Old Port.

The following morning, he was to see a Roumanian called Ferenczy, formerly a Danube river pilot. Polanyi had given him the details in the hotel room in Edirne. In the spring of 1939, when Hitler had taken the remainder of Czechoslovakia and war seemed inevitable, the French Service de Renseignements had tried to interrupt Germany’s oil supply by bribing the Danube river pilots to leave the country. Some had, some hadn’t, and the operation failed. Which left the French intelligence service with a number of Roumanian pilots scattered across Europe. In Ferenczy’s case, they’d tried to help, restarting his life in Marseilles, where he’d become a trader; first in opium, then in pearls. The man’s name, Polanyi said, indicated Hungarian descent. Which had likely, now and again, made life hard for him, so he was perhaps never all that loyal to the Roumanian state. “A man with allegiance only to himself,” Polanyi suggested. “If it was me, I’d start with that assumption, but, as usual, you’ll have to make your own way.”

Using the Marchais alias, Serebin telephoned the pilot. He was, he said, “a friend of your good friends in France.” Ferenczy, after some desultory sparring, accepted that explanation and agreed to see him in an hour.

Serebin was surprised to find himself invited to the man’s apartment-a cafe would have been the traditional place to meet a stranger-but, as soon as the door opened, he understood why. Ferenczy meant him to behold the trappings of success. And so he did, pausing at the threshold of a parlor that virtually groaned with trappings. New and expensive furniture, shimmering fabrics, a splendid radio, a Victrola and a long shelf of records, a marble nymph, her hand reaching languorously for a crystal lamp. Ferenczy, in red velvet smoking jacket and emerald green ascot, beamed as Serebin took it all in and offered him a very old cognac, which he declined.

“Yes,” he told Serebin, answering an unasked question, “fortune has smiled on me.”

“Clearly it has, even in the midst of war.”

“Business has never been better.”

“Still, the fall of France…”

“A catastrophe, but she will rise again, monsieur. She is indomitable.”

Serebin agreed.

“Always I admired this nation,” Ferenczy said. “Then, by a stroke of luck, I was given a second chance at life. So I have, in effect, married my mistress.”

“Well, your mistress needs your help.”

Ferenczy’s smile vanished, his expression now stern and patriotic.

“We are seeking information,” Serebin said. “Firsthand information, the kind of thing known only to somebody with practical experience. You spent much of your life on the Danube, you know its habits, its peculiarities. That’s what concerns us at the moment. Specifically, those stretches of the river where navigation is difficult, those areas where an accident, to a tug or a barge, would tend to disrupt the normal flow of commerce.”

“Commerce in petroleum.”

“Yes. As in ’39.” Serebin produced a pencil and a notepad.

“It’s a long river,” Ferenczy said, “much of it broad and flat. From Vienna down to Budapest, all the way past Belgrade, the major hazard is flooding, and that depends on the spring rains. So, for your purposes, what you want is the Kazan Gorge, where the river passes through the Carpathians. Using the common method of calculation, distance from the Roumanian delta on the Black Sea, that would be from kilometer 1060 down to 940. At that point, the river runs south, and forms the border between Yugoslavia and Roumania, and the section from Golubac, on the Yugoslavian side, down to Sip, turns into sixty-five miles of rapids, where the river sometimes narrows to a hundred and sixty yards. At the end of this stretch is the Djerdap, in Roumanian Portile de Fier, the Iron Gates. After that, the river widens, and runs on a flat plain to the sea, and there you can do very little.”

“And the depth?”

“God knows! In some places, fifteen hundred feet, in others, depending on the season, it can be as shallow as thirty feet, especially over what’s called the Stenka ridge, where narrow channels are marked by buoys. You’re

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