then he waited long enough to do it and he chose a singularly inappropriate time. Does Sir George Ralston know that you suspect Simon? He probably considers himself as the boy's stepfather. He'll want to take steps to see that the boy's interests are safeguarded if you're going on with that somewhat ridiculous idea.'
'I never said that we suspected him. And, in view of the boy's youth, I have agreed with Sir George that he shall be present when I speak to the boy. But Mr Lessing is seventeen. He's no longer a juvenile in law. I find these concerted measures to protect him interesting.'
'As long as you don't find them sinister. He was extremely shocked when I broke the news to him. His own parents are dead. He was devoted to Clarissa. It's natural that we should wish to minimize his pain. After all, you're hardly here in the capacity of child-care officers.'
Grogan had scarcely glanced at his witness during this exchange. The unlined notepad which he preferred to the normal police issue was on the desk blotter in front of him and he was sketching with his fountain pen. A careful oblong shape with two doors and two windows took shape under the huge speckled hand. Buckley saw that it was a representation of Clarissa Lisle's bedroom, something between a plan and a drawing… The proportions of the room were carefully to scale but small objects were being inserted, over-large and carefully detailed as a child might draw them; the jars of cosmetics, a box of cotton-wool balls, the tea-tray, the alarm clock. Suddenly and still without looking up, he asked:
'What made you go to her room, sir?'
'Just after Miss Gray went to call her? Merely a chivalrous impulse. I thought that, as her host, it would be seemly if I escorted her to her dressing-room. And there were things to be carried. Her make-up case for one. As we haven't much dressing-room accommodation and she was having to share with Miss Collingwood who plays Cariola, Miss Collingwood had undertaken to be dressed and out before the star wanted the room, but Miss Lisle wasn't going to risk anyone borrowing her greasepaint. So I went to carry the box and to escort the lady.'
'In the absence of her husband who would normally perform that service.'
'Sir George had just come in to change. We met at the top of the stairs as I've already explained.'
'You seem to have taken a lot of trouble for Miss Lisle.' He paused and added, 'One way or another.'
'Walking her two hundred yards from her room to the theatre hardly counts as trouble.'
'But putting on the play for her, restoring the theatre, entertaining her guests. It must have been an expensive business.'
'I'm not a poor man, happily. And I thought that you were here to investigate a murder not to inquire into my personal finances. The theatre, incidentally, was restored for my satisfaction not Miss Lisle's.'
'She wasn't hoping that you might partly finance her next professional appearance? What's the theatrical jargon, be her angel?'
'I'm afraid you've been gossiping to the wrong people. That particular angelic role has never attracted me. There are more amusing ways of losing money. But if you're trying tactfully to suggest that I may have owed Miss Lisle a favour, you're perfectly right. It was she who gave me the idea for Autopsy, my bestseller, in case you're one of the half-dozen who haven't heard of it.'
'She didn't write it for you, by any chance?'
'No, she didn't write it. Miss Lisle's talents were varied and egregious but they didn't extend to the written word. The book was fabricated rather than written, by an unholy triumvirate of my publisher, my agent and myself. It was then suitably packaged, promoted and marketed. No doubt there are sins to be laid to Clarissa's charge but Autopsy isn't one of them.'
Grogan let his pen drop from his hand. He leaned back in his chair and looked Gorringe full in the face. He said quietly:
'You knew Miss Lisle from childhood. For the last six months or so you've been intimately concerned with this play. She came here as your guest. She was killed under your roof. However she died, and we shan't know until after the post-mortem, the killer almost certainly used your marble to bash in her face. Are you sure that there is nothing you know, nothing you suspect, nothing she ever said to you that can throw any light on how she died?'
Put it any plainer, thought Buckley, and you'd have to be administering an official caution. He half expected Gorringe to reply that he would say nothing until he had seen his lawyer. But he spoke with the calm unconcern of a disinterested party who has been asked for his considered opinion and has no objection to giving it.
'My first thought – and it remains my theory – was that a trespasser had somehow gained access to the island knowing that my staff and I would be busy with preparations for the play and that the castle would be, as it were, undefended. He climbed up the fire escape, perhaps out of mischief or devilment and with no clear idea of what he meant to do. It could have been a young man.'
'The young usually hunt in gangs.'
'Several young men, then. Or a couple if you prefer it. One of them gets in with the general idea of a prowl round while the house is quiet That supposes a local boy, one who knew about the play. He creeps into Miss Lisle's room – she had forgotten to lock the communicating door or had thought the precaution unnecessary – and sees her apparently asleep on the bed. He is about to make his exit, with or without the jewel case, when she takes the pads off her eyes and sees him. In a panic he kills her, seizes the box and makes his escape the same way as he came in.'
Grogan said:
'Having thoughtfully provided himself in advance with the marble hand, which according to your evidence, must have been taken from the display case between midnight and six fifty-five this morning.'
'No, I don't think he came provided with anything except a general intention of mischief. My theory is that he found the weapon ready to hand – forgive the atrocious pun – on the bedside chest together, of course, with the quotation from the play.'
'And who are you suggesting put them there? The door to that room was locked, remember.’
'I don't think there's much mystery about that surely. Miss Lisle did.'
Grogan said:
'With the object of frightening herself into hysteria or merely providing any potential murderer who might drop in with a convenient weapon?'
'With the object of providing herself with an excuse if she failed in the play. As I'm afraid she almost certainly would. Or she may have had more devious reasons. Miss Lisle's complex personality was something of a mystery to me as it was, I suspect, to her husband.'
'And are you suggesting that this young, impulsive, unpremeditating killer then replaced the pads over his victim's eyes? That argues we have two complex personalities to elucidate.'
'He could have done. You're the expert on murder, not I. But I could think of a reason if pushed. Perhaps she seemed to be staring up at. him and his nerve broke. He had to cover those dead accusing eyes. The suggestion is a little over-imaginative perhaps, but not impossible. Murderers do behave oddly. Remember the Gutteridge case, Chief Inspector.'
Buckley's hand jerked on his shorthand pad. He thought: 'My God, is he doing it on purpose?' The small audacity must surely have been deliberate. But how could Gorringe have learned of the chief's habit of referring to old cases? He glanced up, not at Grogan, but at Gorringe and met only a look of bland innocence. And it was to him that Gorringe spoke:
'Long before your time, Sergeant. Gutteridge was the police constable shot by two car thieves in an Essex country lane in 1927. An ex-convict, Frederick Browne, and his accomplice William Kennedy were hanged for the crime. After killing him, one of them shot out both his eyes. It is thought that they were superstitious. They believed that the dead eyes of a murdered man, fixed on the killer's face, will bear his visage imprinted on the pupils. I doubt whether any murderer willingly looks into his victim's eyes. An interesting feature of an otherwise dull and sordid case.'
Grogan had finished his drawing. The plan of the room was complete. Now, while they watched him in silence, he drew on the great bed a small sprawled matchbox figure with wisps of hair over the pillow. Lastly and with care, he blocked in the face. Then he put his great hand over the drawing and ripped out the page, crumpling it in his fist. The gesture was unexpectedly violent, but his voice was quiet, almost gentle.
'Thank you, sir. You've been very helpful. And now, if you've nothing else to tell us, no doubt you'll be wanting to go back to your guests.'
When Ivo Whittingham came into the room, Buckley, embarrassed, looked quickly down and began flipping back the pages of his notebook, hoping that Whittingham hadn't caught his first look of horror and surprise. Only once before had he seen so gaunt a figure, and that was his Uncle Gerry in those last weeks before the cancer finally got him. He had felt as much affection for his uncle as he was capable of feeling and the protracted agony of his dying had left him with one resolution. If that was what the body could do to a man, then it owed something in return. From now on he would take his pleasures without guilt. He might have become a cheerful hedonist if ambition and the caution which went with it hadn't been stronger. But he hadn't forgotten either the bitterness or the pain. And Ivo Whittingham reminded him in another way. His uncle had looked at him with just such glittering eyes as if they burned with all that remained of life and intelligence. He glanced up as Whittingham seated himself stiffly, grasping the chair sides with his skeletal hands. But when he spoke his voice was surprisingly strong and relaxed.
'This is unpleasantly reminiscent of a summons to one's housemaster. Good seldom came of it.'
It was an irreverent beginning which Grogan was unlikely to encourage. He said curtly:
'In that case I suggest that we make it as brief as possible. I take it that you knew Miss Lisle well.'
'You may take it that I knew her intimately.' 'Are you telling me, sir, that she was your mistress?'
'That hardly seems the right word for so spasmodic a liaison. Mistress suggests a certain permanence, even a measure of respectability. One is reminded of dear Mrs Keppel and her King. It would be more accurate to say that we were lovers for a period of about six years as opportunity and her whim dictated.'
'And did her husband know?'
'Husbands. Our relationship outlasted more than one marital episode. But I imagine that you're interested only in George Ralston. I never told him. I don't know whether she did. And if you're wondering whether he took his revenge the idea is ludicrous. Why should he wait until a higher power, or fate or luck, whatever you choose to believe in, is about to rid him of me permanently? Ralston isn't a fool. And if you would like to ask whether I sent the lady on before me, the answer is no. Clarissa Lisle and I had exhausted each other's possibilities on this bank and shoal of time. But I could have killed her. I had the opportunity; I was alone in my room conveniently close all the afternoon. In case you haven't already inquired, it's on the same floor as Clarissa, a mere fifty feet away overlooking the eastern front of the castle. I had access to the means since I had been shown the marble limb. I suppose I could have found the strength. And I think she might have opened her door to me. But I didn't kill her and I don't know who did. You'll have to take my word for it. I can't prove a negative.' 'Tell me what she was like.'
It was the first time Grogan had asked that question. And yet, thought Buckley, it was at the heart of every murder investigation, and, if it were possible to find the answer, most other questions would become superfluous. Whittingham said:
'I was going to say that you've seen her face, but, of course, you haven't. A pity. One needed to know the physical Clarissa to get any clue to what else there might have been to know. She lived intensely in and through her body. The rest is a list of words. She was egocentric, insecure, clever but not intelligent, kind or cruel as the mood took her, restless, unhappy. But she had certain skills which a gentlemanly reticence inhibits me from discussing but which weren't unimportant. She probably gave more joy than she caused misery. Since that can't be said of many of us, it's unbecoming of me to criticize her. I remember that I once sent to her the words of Thomas Malory, Lancelot speaking to Guinevere: 'Lady, I take record of God, in thee I have had my earthly joy.' I don't take them back, whatever she may have done.'
'Whatever she may have done, sir?'
'A form of words merely, Chief Inspector.'
'So you mourn her?'
'No. But I shan't forget her.'
There was a pause. Then Grogan asked quietly:
'Why are you here, sir?'